2010-01-22 branch merge v0.6.x
Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net> [Fri, 22 Jan 2010 04:31:38 +0000] rev 173
branch merge
2010-01-22 VMM/Config: Fixed error handling of missing sections in vmm.cfg.
Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net> [Fri, 22 Jan 2010 04:22:59 +0000] rev 172
VMM/Config: Fixed error handling of missing sections in vmm.cfg.
2010-01-22 VMM/Config: Fixed error handling of missing sections in vmm.cfg. v0.6.x
Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net> [Fri, 22 Jan 2010 04:00:48 +0000] rev 171
VMM/Config: Fixed error handling of missing sections in vmm.cfg.
2010-01-18 man: reworded some parts. v0.6.x
Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net> [Mon, 18 Jan 2010 18:34:48 +0000] rev 170
man: reworded some parts.
2010-01-18 man: updated man/{de/,}man5/vmm.cfg.5, using reStructuredText now v0.6.x
Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net> [Mon, 18 Jan 2010 03:23:50 +0000] rev 169
man: updated man/{de/,}man5/vmm.cfg.5, using reStructuredText now
2010-01-14 vmm.cfg: a few re-renamed configuration options. v0.6.x
Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net> [Thu, 14 Jan 2010 06:18:34 +0000] rev 168
vmm.cfg: a few re-renamed configuration options. old new -------------------------------------------------- account.password_len -> account.password_length domain.force_del -> domain.force_deletion misc.base_dir -> misc.base_directory misc.dovecot_vers -> misc.dovecot_version
2010-01-13 update_config.py: adjusted functions stuff to renamed settings. v0.6.x
Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net> [Wed, 13 Jan 2010 00:55:50 +0000] rev 167
update_config.py: adjusted functions stuff to renamed settings. Finally renamed update_config_0.4.x-0.5.py to update_config.py - no more version information in the filename. *.sh: removed .svn directory exclusion from find command.
2010-01-13 vmm.cfg: dealt with the most overdue section/option renaming. v0.6.x
Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net> [Wed, 13 Jan 2010 00:08:44 +0000] rev 166
vmm.cfg: dealt with the most overdue section/option renaming. Added new options. Details: old new ------------------------------------------------------------ domdir.mode -> domain.directory_mode domdir.delete -> domain.delete_directory domdir.base -> misc.base_dir domdir -> _section domdir deleted_ maildir.mode -> account.directory_mode maildir.diskusage -> account.disk_usage maildir.delete -> account.delete_directory misc.forcedel -> domain.force_del misc.passwdscheme -> misc.password_scheme misc.dovecotvers -> misc.dovecot_vers services.smtp -> account.smtp services.pop3 -> account.pop3 services.imap -> account.imap services.sieve -> account.sieve services -> _section services deleted_ _NEW_.random_password -> account.random_password _NEW_.password_len -> account.password_len _NEW_.auto_postmaster -> domain.auto_postmaster
2010-01-04 INSTALL: Adapted pgsql configuration steps to that in the wiki. v0.6.x
Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net> [Mon, 04 Jan 2010 22:35:07 +0000] rev 165
INSTALL: Adapted pgsql configuration steps to that in the wiki. (Closes: #2922030)
2010-01-02 *.sh: Added --force option to python setup.py install call. v0.6.x
Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net> [Sat, 02 Jan 2010 19:56:58 +0000] rev 164
*.sh: Added --force option to python setup.py install call. upgrade.sh: Removed old cleanup code.
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