author martin f. krafft <>
Fri, 13 Apr 2012 23:24:12 +0200
changeset 527 e09139525580
parent 425 8394e222aba3
child 568 14abdd04ddf5
permissions -rw-r--r--
Modify userinfo output to indicate when domain defaults are displayed When Account instances reference NULL tid/qid/ssid, the data must come from the associated domain, and this should be indicated. For transport and services, this is easy to do as the string passed in the info dict can simply be modified. For quotalimit, however, another method must be used due to the CLI-side formatting. All approaches use a common formatter outsourced to the file.

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011, Pascal Volk
# See COPYING for distribution information.

    Virtual Mail Manager's Alias class to manage e-mail aliases.

from VirtualMailManager.domain import get_gid
from VirtualMailManager.emailaddress import \
     EmailAddress, DestinationEmailAddress as DestAddr
from VirtualMailManager.errors import AliasError as AErr
from VirtualMailManager.ext.postconf import Postconf
from VirtualMailManager.pycompat import all
from VirtualMailManager.constants import \

_ = lambda msg: msg
cfg_dget = lambda option: None

class Alias(object):
    """Class to manage e-mail aliases."""
    __slots__ = ('_addr', '_dests', '_gid', '_dbh')

    def __init__(self, dbh, address):
        assert isinstance(address, EmailAddress)
        self._addr = address
        self._dbh = dbh
        self._gid = get_gid(self._dbh, self._addr.domainname)
        if not self._gid:
            raise AErr(_(u"The domain '%s' does not exist.") %
                       self._addr.domainname, NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)
        self._dests = []


    def _load_dests(self):
        """Loads all known destination addresses into the _dests list."""
        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
        dbc.execute('SELECT destination FROM alias WHERE gid = %s AND '
                    'address = %s', (self._gid, self._addr.localpart))
        dests = dbc.fetchall()
        if dbc.rowcount > 0:
            self._dests.extend(DestAddr(dest[0], self._dbh) for dest in dests)

    def _check_expansion(self, count_new):
        """Checks the current expansion limit of the alias."""
        postconf = Postconf(cfg_dget('bin.postconf'))
        limit = long('virtual_alias_expansion_limit'))
        dcount = len(self._dests)
        failed = False
        if dcount == limit or dcount + count_new > limit:
            failed = True
            errmsg = _(
u"""Cannot add %(count_new)i new destination(s) to alias '%(address)s'.
Currently this alias expands into %(count)i/%(limit)i recipients.
%(count_new)i additional destination(s) will render this alias unusable.
Hint: Increase Postfix' virtual_alias_expansion_limit""")
        elif dcount > limit:
            failed = True
            errmsg = _(
u"""Cannot add %(count_new)i new destination(s) to alias '%(address)s'.
This alias already exceeds its expansion limit (%(count)i/%(limit)i).
So its unusable, all messages addressed to this alias will be bounced.
Hint: Delete some destination addresses.""")
        if failed:
            raise AErr(errmsg % {'address': self._addr, 'count': dcount,
                                 'limit': limit, 'count_new': count_new},

    def _delete(self, destination=None):
        """Deletes a destination from the alias, if ``destination`` is
        not ``None``.  If ``destination`` is None, the alias with all
        its destination addresses will be deleted.

        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
        if not destination:
            dbc.execute('DELETE FROM alias WHERE gid = %s AND address = %s',
                        (self._gid, self._addr.localpart))
            dbc.execute('DELETE FROM alias WHERE gid = %s AND address = %s '
                        'AND destination = %s',
                        (self._gid, self._addr.localpart, str(destination)))
        if dbc.rowcount > 0:

    def __len__(self):
        """Returns the number of destinations of the alias."""
        return len(self._dests)

    def address(self):
        """The Alias' EmailAddress instance."""
        return self._addr

    def add_destinations(self, destinations, warnings=None):
        """Adds the `EmailAddress`es from *destinations* list to the
        destinations of the alias.

        Destinations, that are already assigned to the alias, will be
        removed from *destinations*.  When done, this method will return
        a set with all destinations, that were saved in the database.
        destinations = set(destinations)
        assert destinations and \
                all(isinstance(dest, EmailAddress) for dest in destinations)
        if not warnings is None:
            assert isinstance(warnings, list)
        if self._addr in destinations:
            if not warnings is None:
        duplicates = destinations.intersection(set(self._dests))
        if duplicates:
            if not warnings is None:
        if not destinations:
            return destinations
        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
        dbc.executemany("INSERT INTO alias (gid, address, destination) "
                        "VALUES (%d, '%s', %%s)" % (self._gid,
                        ((str(destination),) for destination in destinations))
        return destinations

    def del_destination(self, destination):
        """Deletes the specified ``destination`` address from the alias."""
        assert isinstance(destination, EmailAddress)
        if not self._dests:
            raise AErr(_(u"The alias '%s' does not exist.") % self._addr,
        if not destination in self._dests:
            raise AErr(_(u"The address '%(addr)s' is not a destination of "
                         u"the alias '%(alias)s'.") % {'addr': destination,
                       'alias': self._addr}, NO_SUCH_ALIAS)

    def get_destinations(self):
        """Returns an iterator for all destinations of the alias."""
        if not self._dests:
            raise AErr(_(u"The alias '%s' does not exist.") % self._addr,
        return iter(self._dests)

    def delete(self):
        """Deletes the alias with all its destinations."""
        if not self._dests:
            raise AErr(_(u"The alias '%s' does not exist.") % self._addr,
        del self._dests[:]

del _, cfg_dget