Ran 2to3 from Python 3.2.3.
PostgreSQL configuration
Adjust pg_hba.conf
The connection to a PostgreSQL server can be established either through a
local Unix-domain socket or a TCP/IP socket. The :file:`pg_hba.conf` file
defines which users/groups are allowed to connect from which clients and
how they have to authenticate.
The :file:`pg_hba.conf` file is mostly stored in the database cluster's data
directory. The data directory is often :file:`/usr/local/pgsql/data` or
:file:`/var/lib/pgsql/data.` On Debian GNU/Linux systems the
:file:`pg_hba.conf` is located in :file:`/etc/postgresql/{VERSION}/{CLUSTER}`
(for example: :file:`/etc/postgresql/9.1/main`).
Some information about the :file:`pg_hba.conf` is available in the PostgreSQL
Wiki/`Client Authentication`_, even more detailed in the pg_hba.conf_
For TCP/IP connections
Add a line like the following to your :file:`pg_hba.conf` if you want to
connect via a TCP/IP connection to the PostgreSQL server.
Make sure to adjust the CIDR address if PostgreSQL is running on a
different system:
.. code-block:: text
:emphasize-lines: 2
# IPv4 local connections:
host mailsys +mailsys md5
For Unix-domain socket connections
If you want to use PostgreSQL's local Unix domain socket for database
connections add a line like the second one to your :file:`pg_hba.conf`:
.. code-block:: text
:emphasize-lines: 2
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local mailsys +mailsys md5
local all all ident sameuser
.. note:: `ident sameuser` will not work, because `dovecot-auth` will be
executed by the unprivileged user `doveauth`
(see :ref:`System Preparation <doveauth>`), not by the `dovecot` user.
Create database users and the database
You should create some database users for vmm, Dovecot and Postfix as well
as their group.
Each of them will get different privileges granted.
Finally create a new database.
Create a database superuser, which will be able to create users and databases,
if necessary. If you have sudo privileges run:
.. code-block:: console
user@host:~$ sudo su - postgres
[sudo] password for user:
postgres@host:~$ createuser -s -d -r -E -e -P $USERNAME
If you are root, omit the :command:`sudo` command. Just execute
:command:`su - postgres` and create the database superuser.
Start :command:`psql` as superuser and connect to the database `template1`:
.. code-block:: console
user@host:~$ psql template1
Then create users, their group and the empty database:
.. code-block:: postgresql-console
template1=# CREATE ROLE dovecot LOGIN ENCRYPTED password 'DB PASSWORD for Dovecot';
template1=# CREATE ROLE postfix LOGIN ENCRYPTED password 'DB PASSWORD for Postfix';
template1=# CREATE ROLE mailsys WITH USER postfix, dovecot, vmm;
template1=# \q
Import tables and functions
Now start :command:`psql` and connect as your `vmm` user to the database
.. code-block:: console
user@host:~$ psql mailsys vmm -W -h localhost
In PostgreSQL's terminal-based front-end import the database layout/tables
and functions into your database.
Dovecot v1.2.x/v2.0.x/v2.1.x
.. code-block:: postgresql-console
mailsys=> \i /path/to/vmm-0.6.1/pgsql/create_tables-dovecot-1.2.x.pgsql
mailsys=> \q
Dovecot v1.0.x/v1.1.x
.. code-block:: postgresql-console
mailsys=> \i /path/to/vmm-0.6.1/pgsql/create_tables.pgsql
mailsys=> \q
Set database permissions
.. include:: ../pgsql_set_permissionspermissions.rst
.. include:: ../ext_references.rst