=================Managing accounts=================useradd-------..program:: vmm useraddSyntax: | **vmm useradd***address* [**-n***note*] [**-p***password*]|**vmm ua***address* [**-n***note*] [**-p***password*]..option:: -n note the note that should be set..option:: -p password the new user's passwordUse this subcommand to create a new e-mail account for the given *address*.If the password is not provided, :command:`vmm` will prompt for itinteractively.When no *password* is provided and *account.random_password* is set to**true**, :command:`vmm` will generate a random password and print it tostdout after the account has been created.Example:..code-block::consoleroot@host:~# vmmuad.user@example.com-p"A 5ecR3t P4s5\/\/0rd"root@host:~# vmmuseradde.user@example.comEnter new password:Retype new password:userdelete----------Syntax: | **vmm userdelete***address* [**‒‒force**]|**vmm ud***address* [**‒‒force**]Use this subcommand to delete the account with the given *address*.If there are one or more aliases with an identical destination address,:command:`vmm` will abort the requested operation and show an error message.To prevent this, give the optional argument **‒‒force**.userinfo--------Syntax: | **vmm userinfo***address* [**-d***details*]|**vmm ui***address* [**-d***details*]This subcommand displays some information about the account specified by*address*.If the optional argument *details* is given some more information will bedisplayed.Possible values for *details* are:======= ==============================================================value description======= ==============================================================aliases to list all alias addresses with the destination *address*du to display the disk usage of the user's mail directory. In order to summarize the disk usage each time this subcommand is executed automatically, set *account.disk_usage* in your:file:`vmm.cfg` to **true**.full to list all information mentioned above======= ==============================================================Example:..code-block::consoleroot@host:~# vmmuid.user@example.comAccount information------------------- Address..........: d.user@example.com Name.............: None UID..............: 79881 GID..............: 70704 Home.............: /srv/mail/2/70704/79881 Mail_Location....: mdbox:~/mdbox Quota Storage....: [ 0.00%] 0/500.00 MiB [domain default] Quota Messages...: [ 0.00%] 0/10,000 [domain default] Transport........: lmtp:unix:private/dovecot-lmtp [domain default] SMTP.............: disabled [domain default] POP3.............: disabled [domain default] IMAP.............: enabled [domain default] SIEVE............: enabled [domain default]username--------..program:: vmm usernameSyntax: | **vmm username***address***-d** | **-n***name*|**vmm un***address***-d** | **-n***name*..option:: -d delete the user's name..option:: -n name a user's real nameThe user's real *name* can be set/updated with this subcommand.In order to delete the value stored for the account, pass the :option:`-d`option.Example:..code-block::consoleroot@host:~# vmmund.user@example.com-n"John Doe"usernote--------..program:: vmm usernoteSyntax: | **vmm usernote***address***-d** | **-n***note*|**vmm uo***address***-d** | **-n***note*..option:: -d delete the user's note..option:: -n note the note that should be setWith this subcommand, it is possible to attach a note to the specifiedaccount.In order to delete an existing note, pass the :option:`-d` option.Example:..code-block::consoleroot@host:~# vmmuod.user@example.com-n'Only needed until end of May 2013'..versionadded:: 0.6.0userpassword------------Syntax: | **vmm userpassword***address* [**-p***password*]|**vmm up***address* [**-p***password*]The password of an account can be updated with this subcommand.If no *password* was provided, :command:`vmm` will prompt for it interactively.Example:..code-block::consoleroot@host:~# vmmupd.user@example.com-p"A |\/|0r3 5ecur3 P4s5\/\/0rd?"userquota---------Syntax: | **vmm userquota***address storage* [**-m***messages*]|**vmm uq***address storage* [**-m***messages*]This subcommand is used to set a new quota limit for the given account.When the argument *messages* was omitted the default number of messages**0** (zero) will be applied.Instead of a *storage* limit pass the keyword **domain** to remove theaccount-specific override, causing the domain's value to be in effect.Example:..code-block::consoleroot@host:~# userquotad.user@example.com750m..versionadded:: 0.6.0userservices------------Syntax: | **vmm userservices***address* [**-s***service ...*]|**vmm us***address* [**-s***service ...*]To grant a user access to the specified services, use this command.All omitted services will be deactivated/unusable for the user with thegiven *address*.Instead of any *service* pass the keyword **domain** to remove theaccount-specific override, causing the domain's value to be in effect.Example:..code-block::consoleroot@host:~# userservicesd.user@example.com-ssmtpimap.._usertransport:usertransport-------------Syntax: | **vmm usertransport***address transport*|**vmm ut***address transport*A different *transport* for an account can be specified with this subcommand.Instead of *transport* pass **domain** to remove the account-specificoverride, causing the domain's value to be in effect.Example:..code-block:: console root@host:~# ut c.user@example.com smtp:[pc105.it.example.com]