VMM/Config: reworked configuration handling.
Implemented LazyConfig(RawConfigParser) and LazyConfigOption(object)
Rewrote Config class:
* use default values and added some validation stuff
* removed attributes: __VMMsections and __changes
* replaced methods __chkSections() and __chkOptions() with __chkCfg
VMM/VMM: Adjusted to reworked Config class.
* removed attribute __cfgSections
* removed methods: cfgGetBoolean(), cfgGetInt(), cfgGetString()
* added methods: cfgDget(), cfgPget(), cfgSet()
VMM/__init__: added function get_unicode()
vmm: Adjusted to replaced methods in VMM/VMM.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Pascal Volk
# See COPYING for distribution information.
AUTHOR = 'Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net>'
RELDATE = '2009-09-09'
VERSION = '0.5.2'
__author__ = AUTHOR
__date__ = RELDATE
__version__ = VERSION
__all__ = ['__author__', '__date__', '__version__']