{man1,doc/web}: Added description of userpassword's --hash option.
:mod:`VirtualMailManager.constants.ERROR` --- Error codes=========================================================..module:: VirtualMailManager.constants.ERROR:synopsis: VirtualMailManager's error codes..moduleauthor:: Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net>..toctree:::maxdepth: 2Error codes, used by all :mod:`VirtualMailManager.errors`...data:: ACCOUNT_AND_ALIAS_PRESENT Can't delete the Domain - there are accounts and aliases assigned..data:: ACCOUNT_EXISTS The Account exists already..data:: ACCOUNT_PRESENT Can't delete the Domain - there are accounts..data:: ALIASDOMAIN_EXISTS Can't save/switch the destination of the AliasDomain - old and new destination are the same...data:: ALIASDOMAIN_ISDOMAIN Can't create AliasDomain - there is already a Domain with the given name ..todo:: Move the related check to the Handler class..data:: ALIASDOMAIN_NO_DOMDEST Can't save/switch the destination of an AliasDomain if the destination was omitted ..data:: ALIAS_ADDR_DEST_IDENTICAL The alias address and its destination are the same obsolete?..data:: ALIAS_EXCEEDS_EXPANSION_LIMIT The Alias has reached or exceeds its expansion limit..data:: ALIAS_EXISTS Alias with the given destination exists already obsolete?..data:: ALIAS_MISSING_DEST obsolete?..data:: ALIAS_PRESENT Can't delete Domain or Account - there are aliases assigned..data:: CONF_ERROR Syntax error in the configuration file or missing settings w/o a default value..data:: CONF_NOFILE The configuration file couldn't be found..data:: CONF_NOPERM The user's permissions are insufficient..data:: CONF_WRONGPERM Configuration file has the wrong access mode..data:: DATABASE_ERROR A database error occurred..data:: DOMAINDIR_GROUP_MISMATCH Domain directory is owned by the wrong group..data:: DOMAIN_ALIAS_EXISTS Can't create Domain - there is already an AliasDomain with the same name ..todo:: Move the related check to the Handler class..data:: DOMAIN_EXISTS The Domain is already available in the database..data:: DOMAIN_INVALID The domain name is invalid..data:: DOMAIN_NO_NAME Missing the domain name..data:: DOMAIN_TOO_LONG The length of domain is > 255..data:: FOUND_DOTS_IN_PATH Can't delete directory with ``.`` or ``..`` in path ..todo:: check if we can solve this issue with expand_path()..data:: INVALID_ADDRESS The specified value doesn't look like a e-mail address..data:: INVALID_AGUMENT The given argument is invalid..data:: INVALID_OPTION The given option is invalid..data:: INVALID_SECTION The section is not a known configuration section..data:: LOCALPART_INVALID The local-part of an e-mail address was omitted or is invalid..data:: LOCALPART_TOO_LONG The local-part (w/o a extension) is too long (> 64)..data:: MAILDIR_PERM_MISMATCH The Maildir is owned by the wrong user/group..data:: MAILLOCATION_INIT Can't create a new MailLocation instance obsolete?..data:: NOT_EXECUTABLE The binary is not executable..data:: NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT No Account with the given e-mail address..data:: NO_SUCH_ALIAS No Alias with the given e-mail address..data:: NO_SUCH_ALIASDOMAIN The given domain is not an AliasDomain..data:: NO_SUCH_BINARY Can't find the file at the specified location..data:: NO_SUCH_DIRECTORY There is no directory with the given path..data:: NO_SUCH_DOMAIN No Domain with the given name..data:: NO_SUCH_RELOCATED There is no Relocated user with the given e-mail address..data:: RELOCATED_ADDR_DEST_IDENTICAL The e-mail address of the Relocated user an its destination are the same..data:: RELOCATED_EXISTS Can't create Account or Alias, there is already a Relocated user with the given e-mail address..data:: RELOCATED_MISSING_DEST obsolete?..data:: TRANSPORT_INIT Can't initialize a new Transport instance obsolete?..data:: UNKNOWN_MAILLOCATION_ID There is no MailLocation entry with the given ID obsolete?..data:: UNKNOWN_SERVICE The specified service is unknown..data:: UNKNOWN_TRANSPORT_ID There is no Transport entry with the given ID..data:: UNKNOWN_MAILLOCATION_NAME The given mail_location directory couldn't be accepted..data:: VMM_ERROR Internal error..data:: VMM_TOO_MANY_FAILURES Too many errors in interactive mode