Fix transport_maps function for non-existent domains
The postfix_transport_maps function had a bug causing
2012-04-15 17:40:22 CEST LOG: statement: SELECT transport FROM postfix_transport_map('logcheck', '');
2012-04-15 17:40:22 CEST ERROR: query returned no rows
when the domain was not in the database. This would make did be NULL and make
the query fail.
This patch moves the tid query until after a check for did. If the latter is
NULL, the function RETURNs (rather than fails).
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2011, Pascal Volk
# See COPYING for distribution information.
Virtual Mail Manager's Transport class to manage the transport for
domains and accounts.
from VirtualMailManager.pycompat import any
_ = lambda msg: msg
class Transport(object):
"""A wrapper class that provides access to the transport table"""
__slots__ = ('_tid', '_transport', '_dbh')
def __init__(self, dbh, tid=None, transport=None):
"""Creates a new Transport instance.
Either tid or transport must be specified. When both arguments
are given, tid will be used.
Keyword arguments:
dbh -- a pyPgSQL.PgSQL.connection
tid -- the id of a transport (int/long)
transport -- the value of the transport (str)
self._dbh = dbh
self._tid = 0
assert any((tid, transport))
if tid:
assert not isinstance(tid, bool) and isinstance(tid, (int, long))
assert isinstance(transport, basestring)
self._transport = transport
def tid(self):
"""The transport's unique ID."""
return self._tid
def transport(self):
"""The transport's value, ex: 'dovecot:'"""
return self._transport
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self._tid == other._tid
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self._tid != other._tid
return NotImplemented
def __str__(self):
return self._transport
def _load_by_id(self, tid):
"""load a transport by its id from the database"""
dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
dbc.execute('SELECT transport FROM transport WHERE tid = %s', (tid,))
result = dbc.fetchone()
if not result:
raise ValueError('Unknown transport id specified: %r' % tid)
self._transport = result[0]
self._tid = tid
def _load_by_name(self):
"""Load a transport by its transport name from the database."""
dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
dbc.execute('SELECT tid FROM transport WHERE transport = %s',
result = dbc.fetchone()
if result:
self._tid = result[0]
def _save(self):
"""Save the new transport in the database."""
dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
dbc.execute("SELECT nextval('transport_id')")
self._tid = dbc.fetchone()[0]
dbc.execute('INSERT INTO transport (tid, transport) VALUES (%s, %s)',
(self._tid, self._transport))
del _