VMM/Exceptions: use the inherited CTor in all VMM*Exception classes.
configuration file for vmm
:Author: Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net>
:Date: 2010-02-01
:Version: vmm-0.6.0
:Manual group: vmm Manual
:Manual section: 5
.. contents::
:backlinks: top
:class: htmlout
|vmm(1)|_ reads its configuration data from *vmm.cfg*.
The configuration file is split into multiple sections. A section starts with
the section name, enclosed in square brackets '**[**' and '**]**', followed
by '*option* = *value*' pairs.
Whitespace around the '=' and at the end of a value is ignored.
Empty lines and lines starting with '#' or ';' will be ignored.
Each value uses one of the following data types:
* *Boolean* to indicate if something is enabled/activated (true) or
disabled/deactivated (false).
| Accepted values for *true* are: **1**, **yes**, **true** and **on**.
| Accepted values for *false* are: **0**, **no**, **false** and **off**.
* *Int* an integer number, written without a fractional or decimal component.
| For example **1**, **50** or **321** are integers.
* *String* a sequence of characters and numbers.
| For example '**word**', '**hello world**' or '**/usr/bin/strings**'
Most options have a default value, shown in parentheses after the option's
name. In order to use a option's default setting, comment out the line,
either with a **#** or **;** or simply remove the setting from *vmm.cfg*.
A minimal *vmm.cfg* would be::
user = me
pass = xxxxxxxx
By default |vmm(1)|_ looks for *vmm.cfg* in the following directories in the
order listed:
| */root*
| */usr/local/etc*
| */etc*
The first configuration file found will be used.
This section describes all sections and their options of the *vmm.cfg*.
The options in the section **account** are used to specify user account
related settings.
.. _account.delete_directory:
``delete_directory (default: false)`` : *Boolean*
Determines the behavior of |vmm(1)|_ when an account is deleted
(|userdelete|_). If this option is set to *true* the user's home directory
will be deleted recursively.
.. _account.directory_mode:
``directory_mode (default: 448)`` : *Int*
Access mode for a user's home directory and all directories inside. The
value has to be specified in decimal (base 10) notation.
| For example: 'drwx------' -> octal 0700 -> decimal 448
.. _account.disk_usage:
``disk_usage (default: false)`` : *Boolean*
Determines whether the disk usage of a user's Maildir always should be
summarized, using **du**\(1), and displayed with account information.
This could be slow on large Maildirs. When you have enabled quotas,
**vmm**'s |userinfo|_ subcomammand will also display the current quota
usage of the account. You may also use |userinfo|_'s optional argument
**du** or **full**, in order to display the current disk usage of an
account's Maildir.
.. _account.imap:
``imap (default: true)`` : *Boolean*
Determines whether a newly created user can log in via IMAP.
.. _account.password_length:
``password_length (default: 8)`` : *Int*
Determines how many characters and/or numbers should be used for randomly
generated passwords. Any value less than 8 will be increased to 8.
.. _account.pop3:
``pop3 (default: true)`` : *Boolean*
Determines whether a newly created user can log in via POP3.
.. _account.random_password:
``random_password (default: false)`` : *Boolean*
Determines whether **vmm** should generate a random password when no
password was given for the |useradd|_ subcommand. If this option is set to
*false* **vmm** will prompt you to enter a password for the new account.
You can specify the password length of generated passwords with the
|account.password_length|_ option.
.. _account.sieve:
``sieve (default: true)`` : *Boolean*
Determines whether a newly created user can log in via ManageSieve.
.. _account.smtp:
``smtp (default: true)`` : *Boolean*
Determines whether a newly created user can log in via SMTP (SMTP AUTH).
delete_directory = false
directory_mode = 448
disk_usage = false
random_password = true
password_length = 10
smtp = true
pop3 = true
imap = true
sieve = true
The **bin** section is used to specify some paths to some binaries required
by |vmm(1)|_.
.. _bin.dovecotpw:
``dovecotpw (default: /usr/sbin/dovecotpw)`` : *String*
The absolute path to the dovecotpw binary. This binary is used to
generate a password hash, if |misc.password_scheme|_ is set to one of
'SMD5', 'SSHA', 'CRAM-MD5', 'HMAC-MD5', 'LANMAN', 'NTLM' or 'RPA'.
.. _bin.du:
``du (default: /usr/bin/du)`` : *String*
The absolute path to **du**\(1). This binary is used to summarize the disk
usage of a user's Maildir.
.. _bin.postconf:
``postconf (default: /usr/sbin/postconf)`` : *String*
The absolute path to Postfix' |postconf(1)|_. This binary is required when
|vmm(1)|_ has to check for some Postfix settings, e.g.
dovecotpw = /usr/sbin/dovecotpw
du = /usr/bin/du
postconf = /usr/sbin/postconf
The **database** section is used to specify some options required to
connect to the database.
.. _database.host:
``host (default: localhost)`` : *String*
Hostname or IP address of the database server.
.. _database.name:
``name (default: mailsys)`` : *String*
Name of the database.
.. _database.pass:
``pass (default: None)`` : *String*
Database password.
.. _database.user:
``user (default: None)`` : *String*
Name of the database user.
host = localhost
user = vmm
pass = PY_SRJ}L/0p-oOk
name = mailsys
The **domain** section specifies some domain related settings.
.. _domain.auto_postmaster:
``auto_postmaster (default: true)`` : *Boolean*
Determines if |vmm(1)|_ should create also a postmaster account when a new
domain is created (|domainadd|_).
.. _domain.delete_directory:
``delete_directory (default: false)`` : *Boolean*
Specifies whether the domain directory and all user directories inside
should be deleted when a domain is deleted (|domaindelete|_).
.. _domain.directory_mode:
``directory_mode (default: 504)`` : *Int*
Access mode for the domain directory in decimal (base 10) notation.
| For example: 'drwxrwx---' -> octal 0770 -> decimal 504
.. _domain.force_deletion:
``force_deletion (default: false)`` : *Boolean*
Force deletion of accounts and aliases when a domain is deleted
auto_postmaster = true
delete_directory = false
directory_mode = 504
force_deletion = false
The **maildir** section is used to specify some default options for new
created Maildirs and folders inside.
.. _maildir.folders:
``folders (default: Drafts:Sent:Templates:Trash)`` : *String*
A colon separated list of folder names, that should be created. If no
folders should be created inside the Maildir, set the value of this option
to a single colon ('**:**').
If you want to create folders containing one or more subfolders, separate
them with a single dot ('**.**').
.. _maildir.name:
``name (default: Maildir)`` : *String*
Default name of the Maildir folder in users home directories.
folders = Drafts:Sent:Templates:Trash:Lists.Dovecot:Lists.Postfix
name = Maildir
.. _imap_uft7:
.. note:: If you want to use internationalized mailbox names in the
**folders** setting, you have to specify them in a modified version of the
UTF-7 encoding (see :RFC:`3501`, section 5.1.3).
Dovecot provides a useful utility for mUTF-7 <-> UTF-8 conversion:
**imap-utf7**, it's available since Dovecot version 1.2.0.
imap-utf7 example::
user@host:~$ /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap-utf7 -r Wysłane
user@host:~$ /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap-utf7 "&AVo-mietnik"
The **misc** section is used to define miscellaneous settings.
.. _misc.base_directory:
``base_directory (default: /srv/mail)`` : *String*
All domain directories will be created inside this directory.
.. _misc.password_scheme:
``password_scheme (default: CRAM-MD5)`` : *String*
Password scheme to use (see also: **dovecotpw -l**).
.. _misc.gid_mail:
``gid_mail (default: 8)`` : *Int*
Numeric group ID of group mail (`mail_privileged_group` from
.. _misc.transport:
``transport (default: dovecot:)`` : *String*
Default transport for domains and accounts. For details see
.. _misc.dovecot_version:
``dovecot_version (default: 12)`` : *Int*
The concatenated major and minor version number of the currently used
Dovecot version. (see: **dovecot --version**).
When, for example, the command **dovecot --version** prints *1.1.18*, set
the value of this option to **11**.
base_directory = /srv/mail
password_scheme = PLAIN
gid_mail = 8
transport = dovecot:
dovecot_version = 11
| will be used when found.
| will be used when the above file doesn't exist.
| will be used when none of the both above mentioned files exists.
vmm and its manual pages were written by Pascal Volk and are licensed under
the terms of the BSD License.
.. include:: ../substitute_links.rst
.. include:: ../substitute_links_5.rst