VMM/Alias.py: Replaced some %r with '%s'.
VMM/AliasDomain.py: save(), switch(), delete(): Update AliasDomain._gid after
database change. Added dbc.close() to AliasDomain.delete().
create_tables{,-dovecot-1.2.x}.pgsql: Fixed a typo.
+ − If you still have installed vmm 0.3 .x you have to proceed this step first :
+ −
+ − * upgrade your vmm installation to version 0.4 - r41
+ −
+ −
+ − If you have installed vmm 0.4 / 0.4 - r41 you have to proceed this steps :
+ −
+ − * stop Postfix and Dovecot
+ − * backup / dump your database.
+ − * backup / dump your database !
+ −
+ − * start psql and connect to the appropriate database
+ − ( ex. psql mailsys mailsys vmm - W - h localhost )
+ − * update the database : \i update_tables_0.4.x -0.5 .pgsql
+ − * GRANT SELECT ON postfix_alias TO postfix ;
+ − ^^^^^^^^ <- your Postfix db user
+ −
+ −
+ − Dovecot v1.2.x
+ − -> Are you already using Dovecot v1.2.x ?
+ − * update the database for Dovecot v1.2.x :
+ − \i update_tables_0.5.x_for_dovecot -1.2 .x.pgsql
+ − * GRANT SELECT ON dovecot_password TO dovecot ;
+ − ^^^^^^^^ <- your Dovecot db user
+ −
+ − * When you are using the SQL function »dovecotpassword () « in your
+ − dovecot - sql.conf , update it also :
+ − \i update_types_and_functions_0.5.x_for_dovecot -1.2 .x.pgsql
+ −
+ − * You have also to adjust the permissions of the set - uid deliver copy :
+ − on BSD :
+ − chgrp nobody / usr / local / lib / dovecot / deliver
+ − on Linux :
+ − chgrp nogroup / usr / local / lib / dovecot / deliver
+ − chmod u + s , o - rwx / usr / local / lib / dovecot / deliver
+ −
+ − * Check the master.cf from Postfix.
+ − In prior setups the service dovecot was configured slightly different.
+ − If you have set the command attribute 'user' to 'nobody:mail' , so
+ − either remove the group mail or replace it with the group nobody
+ − or nogroup.
+ −
+ − e.g. : flags = DRhu user = nobody argv =/ usr / local / lib / dovecot / deliver …
+ −
+ − * execute upgrade.sh
+ −
+ − * start Dovecot and Postfix
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − If you have installed vmm 0.5 .x :
+ −
+ − * execute upgrade.sh
+ −
+ − -> Are you already using Dovecot v1.2.x ?
+ − See a few lines above.
+ −
+ −
+ − else
+ − * read INSTALL