man/{,de/}man5/vmm.cfg.5.rst: Updated descriptions of dovecotpw
and password_scheme settings.
========= vmm.cfg=========--------------------------configuration file for vmm--------------------------:Author: Pascal Volk <>:Date: |today|:Version: vmm-0.6.0:Manual group: vmm Manual:Manual section: 5..contents:::backlinks: top:class: htmloutSYNOPSIS========vmm.cfgDESCRIPTION===========|vmm(1)|_ reads its configuration data from *vmm.cfg*.The configuration file is split into multiple sections. A section starts withthe section name, enclosed in square brackets '**[**' and '**]**', followedby '*option* = *value*' pairs.Whitespace around the '=' and at the end of a value is ignored.Empty lines and lines starting with '#' or ';' will be ignored.Each value uses one of the following data types:**Boolean* to indicate if something is enabled/activated (true) or disabled/deactivated (false).| Accepted values for *true* are: **1**, **yes**, **true** and **on**.| Accepted values for *false* are: **0**, **no**, **false** and **off**.**Int* an integer number, written without a fractional or decimal component.| For example **1**, **50** or **321** are integers.**String* a sequence of characters and numbers.| For example '**word**', '**hello world**' or '**/usr/bin/strings**'Most options have a default value, shown in parentheses after the option'sname. In order to use a option's default setting, comment out the line,either with a **#** or **;** or simply remove the setting from *vmm.cfg*.A minimal *vmm.cfg* would be:: [database] user = me pass = xxxxxxxxSEARCH ORDER-------------By default |vmm(1)|_ looks for *vmm.cfg* in the following directories in theorder listed:|*/root*|*/usr/local/etc*|*/etc*The first configuration file found will be used.SECTIONS========This section describes all sections and their options of the *vmm.cfg*.ACCOUNT-------The options in the section **account** are used to specify user accountrelated settings..._account.delete_directory:``delete_directory (default: false)`` : *Boolean* Determines the behavior of |vmm(1)|_ when an account is deleted (|userdelete|_). If this option is set to *true* the user's home directory will be deleted recursively..._account.directory_mode:``directory_mode (default: 448)`` : *Int* Access mode for a user's home directory and all directories inside. The value has to be specified in decimal (base 10) notation.| For example: 'drwx------' -> octal 0700 -> decimal 448.._account.disk_usage:``disk_usage (default: false)`` : *Boolean* Determines whether the disk usage of a user's Maildir always should be summarized, using **du**\(1), and displayed with account information. This could be slow on large Maildirs. When you have enabled quotas,**vmm**'s |userinfo|_ subcomammand will also display the current quota usage of the account. You may also use |userinfo|_'s optional argument**du** or **full**, in order to display the current disk usage of an account's Maildir..._account.imap:``imap (default: true)`` : *Boolean* Determines whether a newly created user can log in via IMAP..._account.password_length:``password_length (default: 8)`` : *Int* Determines how many characters and/or numbers should be used for randomly generated passwords. Any value less than 8 will be increased to 8..._account.pop3:``pop3 (default: true)`` : *Boolean* Determines whether a newly created user can log in via POP3..._account.random_password:``random_password (default: false)`` : *Boolean* Determines whether **vmm** should generate a random password when no password was given for the |useradd|_ subcommand. If this option is set to*false***vmm** will prompt you to enter a password for the new account. You can specify the password length of generated passwords with the |account.password_length|_ option..._account.sieve:``sieve (default: true)`` : *Boolean* Determines whether a newly created user can log in via ManageSieve..._account.smtp:``smtp (default: true)`` : *Boolean* Determines whether a newly created user can log in via SMTP (SMTP AUTH).Example:: [account] delete_directory = false directory_mode = 448 disk_usage = false random_password = true password_length = 10 smtp = true pop3 = true imap = true sieve = trueBIN---The **bin** section is used to specify some paths to some binaries requiredby |vmm(1)|_..._bin.dovecotpw:``dovecotpw (default: /usr/sbin/dovecotpw)`` : *String* The absolute path to the dovecotpw binary. Use the absolute path to the doveadm binary, if you are using Dovecot v2.0. This binary is used to generate a password hash, if |misc.password_scheme|_ is set to one of 'CRAM-MD5', 'HMAC-MD5', 'LANMAN', 'OTP', 'RPA' or 'SKEY'. This binary will be also required if your Python installation doesn't support the:* md4 hash algorithm (hashlib + OpenSSL or PyCrypto) used for the password schemes: 'PLAIN-MD4' and 'NTLM'* sha256 hash algorithm (hashlib or PyCrypto >= 2.1.0alpha1) used for the password schemes: 'SHA256' and 'SSHA256'* sha512 hash algorithm (hashlib) used for the password schemes 'SHA512' and 'SSHA512'.._bin.du:``du (default: /usr/bin/du)`` : *String* The absolute path to **du**\(1). This binary is used to summarize the disk usage of a user's Maildir..._bin.postconf:``postconf (default: /usr/sbin/postconf)`` : *String* The absolute path to Postfix' |postconf(1)|_. This binary is required when |vmm(1)|_ has to check for some Postfix settings, e.g. |virtual_alias_expansion_limit|_.Example:: [bin] dovecotpw = /usr/sbin/dovecotpw du = /usr/bin/du postconf = /usr/sbin/postconfDATABASE--------The **database** section is used to specify some options required toconnect to the``host (default: localhost)`` : *String* Hostname or IP address of the database``name (default: mailsys)`` : *String* Name of the database..._database.pass:``pass (default: None)`` : *String* Database password..._database.user:``user (default: None)`` : *String* Name of the database user.Example:: [database] host = localhost user = vmm pass = PY_SRJ}L/0p-oOk name = mailsysDOMAIN------The **domain** section specifies some domain related settings..._domain.auto_postmaster:``auto_postmaster (default: true)`` : *Boolean* Determines if |vmm(1)|_ should create also a postmaster account when a new domain is created (|domainadd|_)..._domain.delete_directory:``delete_directory (default: false)`` : *Boolean* Specifies whether the domain directory and all user directories inside should be deleted when a domain is deleted (|domaindelete|_)..._domain.directory_mode:``directory_mode (default: 504)`` : *Int* Access mode for the domain directory in decimal (base 10) notation.| For example: 'drwxrwx---' -> octal 0770 -> decimal 504.._domain.force_deletion:``force_deletion (default: false)`` : *Boolean* Force deletion of accounts and aliases when a domain is deleted (|domaindelete|_).Example:: [domain] auto_postmaster = true delete_directory = false directory_mode = 504 force_deletion = falseMAILBOX-------The **mailbox** section is used to specify some options for new createdmailboxes in the users home directories. The INBOX will be created always..._mailbox.folders:``folders (default: Drafts:Sent:Templates:Trash)`` : *String* A colon separated list of mailboxes that should be created. (Works currently only if the |mailbox.format|_ is either **maildir** or **mbox**. For other formats use Dovecot's autocreate plugin <>.) If no additionally mailboxes should be created, set the value of this option to a single colon ('**:**'). If you want to create folders containing one or more subfolders, separate them with a single dot ('**.**')..._mailbox.format:``format (default: maildir)`` : *String* The mailbox format to be used for a user's mailbox. Depending on the used Dovecot version there are up to four supported formats:``maildir`` since Dovecot v1.0.0``mbox`` since Dovecot v1.0.0``dbox`` since Dovecot v1.0.0``mdbox`` comes with Dovecot v2.0.0Example:: [mailbox] folders = Drafts:Sent:Templates:Trash:Lists.Dovecot:Lists.Postfix format = maildir.._imap_uft7:..note:: If you want to use internationalized mailbox names in the**folders** setting, you have to specify them in a modified version of the UTF-7 encoding (see :RFC:`3501`, section 5.1.3). Dovecot provides a useful utility for mUTF-7 <-> UTF-8 conversion:**imap-utf7**, it's available since Dovecot version 1.2.0...imap-utf7 example:: user@host:~$ /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap-utf7 -r Wysłane Wys&AUI-ane user@host:~$ /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap-utf7 "&AVo-mietnik" ŚmietnikMISC----The **misc** section is used to define miscellaneous settings..._misc.base_directory:``base_directory (default: /srv/mail)`` : *String* All domain directories will be created inside this directory..._misc.password_scheme:``password_scheme (default: CRAM-MD5)`` : *String* Password scheme to use. To get a list of all available password schemes execute the command **dovecotpw -l** (Dovecot v1.x) or **doveadm pw -l** (Dovecot v2.0)..._misc.gid_mail:``gid_mail (default: 8)`` : *Int* Numeric group ID of group mail (`mail_privileged_group` from*dovecot.conf*).._misc.transport:``transport (default: dovecot:)`` : *String* Default transport for domains and accounts. For details see |transport(5)|_..._misc.dovecot_version:``dovecot_version (default: 1.2.11)`` : *String* The version number of the currently used Dovecot version. (see: **dovecot --version**). When, for example, the command **dovecot --version** prints*2.0.beta4 (8818db00d347)*, set the value of this option to **2.0.beta4**.Example:: [misc] base_directory = /srv/mail password_scheme = PLAIN gid_mail = 8 transport = dovecot: dovecot_version = 2.0.beta4FILES=====*/root/vmm.cfg* | will be used when found.*/usr/local/etc/vmm.cfg* | will be used when the above file doesn't exist.*/etc/vmm.cfg* | will be used when none of the both above mentioned files exists.SEE ALSO========|vmm(1)|_COPYING=======vmm and its manual pages were written by Pascal Volk and are licensed underthe terms of the BSD License...include:: ../substitute_links.rst..include:: ../substitute_links_5.rst