author martin f. krafft <>
Tue, 10 Apr 2012 22:56:30 +0200
changeset 514 d863a44a6353
parent 414 ae1a8428298c
child 527 e09139525580
permissions -rw-r--r--
Make PL/pgSQL function feed back identity for mailboxes/relocated when there are catchall destinations. Without catchall aliases, if no virtual_alias matches, the query can just return NULL and Postfix will later check mailboxes/relocated for the address to rewrite. However, since virtual aliases are handled long before mailboxes/relocated, a catchall alias would also catch mail to mailboxes and relocated addresses, which we do not want. The way to tell postfix to keep delivering is for the virtual alias map to return the search key itself (identity function). This patch changes the postfix_virtual_alias_maps Pl/pgSQL function to do exactly that, but only if there are catchall destinations defined for the domain in question — otherwise it returns NULL when no match is found.

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011, Pascal Volk
# See COPYING for distribution information.

    Some common functions

import locale
import os
import re
import stat

from VirtualMailManager import ENCODING
from VirtualMailManager.constants import NOT_EXECUTABLE, NO_SUCH_BINARY
from VirtualMailManager.errors import VMMError

VERSION_RE = re.compile(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(?:(\d+)|(alpha|beta|rc)(\d+))$')

_version_level = dict(alpha=0xA, beta=0xB, rc=0xC)
_version_cache = {}
_ = lambda msg: msg

def expand_path(path):
    """Expands paths, starting with ``.`` or ``~``, to an absolute path."""
    if path.startswith('.'):
        return os.path.abspath(path)
    if path.startswith('~'):
        return os.path.expanduser(path)
    return path

def get_unicode(string):
    """Converts `string` to `unicode`, if necessary."""
    if isinstance(string, unicode):
        return string
    return unicode(string, ENCODING, 'replace')

def lisdir(path):
    """Checks if `path` is a directory.  Doesn't follow symbolic links.
    Returns bool.
        lstat = os.lstat(path)
    except OSError:
        return False
    return stat.S_ISDIR(lstat.st_mode)

def exec_ok(binary):
    """Checks if the `binary` exists and if it is executable.

    Throws a `VMMError` if the `binary` isn't a file or is not
    binary = expand_path(binary)
    if not os.path.isfile(binary):
        raise VMMError(_(u"No such file: '%s'") % get_unicode(binary),
    if not os.access(binary, os.X_OK):
        raise VMMError(_(u"File is not executable: '%s'") %
                       get_unicode(binary), NOT_EXECUTABLE)
    return binary

def human_size(size):
    """Converts the `size` in bytes in human readable format."""
    if not isinstance(size, (long, int)):
            size = long(size)
        except ValueError:
            raise TypeError("'size' must be a positive long or int.")
    if size < 0:
        raise ValueError("'size' must be a positive long or int.")
    if size < 1024:
        return str(size)
    prefix_multiply = ((_(u'TiB'), 1 << 40), (_(u'GiB'), 1 << 30),
                       (_(u'MiB'), 1 << 20), (_(u'KiB'), 1 << 10))
    for prefix, multiply in prefix_multiply:
        if size >= multiply:
            # TP: e.g.: '%(size)s %(prefix)s' -> '118.30 MiB'
            return _(u'%(size)s %(prefix)s') % {
                    'size': locale.format('%.2f', float(size) / multiply,
                    'prefix': prefix}

def size_in_bytes(size):
    """Converts the string `size` to a long (size in bytes).

    The string `size` can be suffixed with *b* (bytes), *k* (kilobytes),
    *M* (megabytes) or *G* (gigabytes).
    if not isinstance(size, basestring) or not size:
        raise TypeError('size must be a non empty string.')
    if size[-1].upper() in ('B', 'K', 'M', 'G'):
            num = int(size[:-1])
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Not a valid integer value: %r' % size[:-1])
        unit = size[-1].upper()
        if unit == 'B':
            return num
        elif unit == 'K':
            return num << 10L
        elif unit == 'M':
            return num << 20L
            return num << 30L
            num = int(size)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('Not a valid size value: %r' % size)
        return num

def version_hex(version_string):
    """Converts a Dovecot version, e.g.: '1.2.3' or '2.0.beta4', to an int.
    Raises a `ValueError` if the *version_string* has the wrong™ format.

    version_hex('1.2.3') -> 270548736
    hex(version_hex('1.2.3')) -> '0x10203f00'
    global _version_cache
    if version_string in _version_cache:
        return _version_cache[version_string]
    version = 0
    version_mo = VERSION_RE.match(version_string)
    if not version_mo:
        raise ValueError('Invalid version string: %r' % version_string)
    major, minor, patch, level, serial = version_mo.groups()
    major = int(major)
    minor = int(minor)
    if patch:
        patch = int(patch)
    if serial:
        serial = int(serial)

    if major > 0xFF or minor > 0xFF or \
      patch and patch > 0xFF or serial and serial > 0xFF:
        raise ValueError('Invalid version string: %r' % version_string)

    version += major << 28
    version += minor << 20
    if patch:
        version += patch << 12
    version += _version_level.get(level, 0xF) << 8
    if serial:
        version += serial

    _version_cache[version_string] = version
    return version

def version_str(version):
    """Converts a Dovecot version previously converted with version_hex back to
    a string.
    Raises a `TypeError` if *version* is not an int/long.
    Raises a `ValueError` if *version* is an incorrect int version.
    global _version_cache
    if version in _version_cache:
        return _version_cache[version]
    if not isinstance(version, (int, long)):
        raise TypeError('Argument is not a int/long: %r', version)
    major = (version >> 28) & 0xFF
    minor = (version >> 20) & 0xFF
    patch = (version >> 12) & 0xFF
    level = (version >> 8) & 0x0F
    serial = version & 0xFF

    levels = dict(zip(_version_level.values(), _version_level.keys()))
    if level == 0xF and not serial:
        version_string = '%u.%u.%u' % (major, minor, patch)
    elif level in levels and not patch:
        version_string = '%u.%u.%s%u' % (major, minor, levels[level], serial)
        raise ValueError('Invalid version: %r' % hex(version))

    _version_cache[version] = version_string
    return version_string

del _