author martin f. krafft <>
Tue, 10 Apr 2012 22:56:30 +0200
changeset 514 d863a44a6353
parent 366 d6573da35b5f
child 568 14abdd04ddf5
permissions -rw-r--r--
Make PL/pgSQL function feed back identity for mailboxes/relocated when there are catchall destinations. Without catchall aliases, if no virtual_alias matches, the query can just return NULL and Postfix will later check mailboxes/relocated for the address to rewrite. However, since virtual aliases are handled long before mailboxes/relocated, a catchall alias would also catch mail to mailboxes and relocated addresses, which we do not want. The way to tell postfix to keep delivering is for the virtual alias map to return the search key itself (identity function). This patch changes the postfix_virtual_alias_maps Pl/pgSQL function to do exactly that, but only if there are catchall destinations defined for the domain in question — otherwise it returns NULL when no match is found.

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2010 - 2011, Pascal Volk
# See COPYING for distribution information.

    Adds some interactive stuff to the Config class.

from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from shutil import copy2

from VirtualMailManager import ENCODING
from VirtualMailManager.config import Config, ConfigValueError, LazyConfig
from VirtualMailManager.errors import ConfigError, VMMError
from VirtualMailManager.cli import w_err, w_std
from VirtualMailManager.constants import CONF_ERROR, VMM_TOO_MANY_FAILURES

_ = lambda msg: msg

class CliConfig(Config):
    """Adds the interactive ``configure`` method to the `Config` class
    and overwrites `LazyConfig.set(), in order to update a single option
    in the configuration file with a single command line command.

    def configure(self, sections):
        """Interactive method for configuring all options of the given
        iterable ``sections`` object."""
        input_fmt = _(u'Enter new value for option %(option)s '
                      u'[%(current_value)s]: ')
        failures = 0

        w_std(_(u'Using configuration file: %s\n') % self._cfg_filename)
        for section in sections:
            w_std(_(u"* Configuration section: '%s'") % section)
            for opt, val in self.items(section):
                failures = 0
                while True:
                    newval = raw_input(input_fmt.encode(ENCODING, 'replace') %
                                       {'option': opt, 'current_value': val})
                    if newval and newval != val:
                            LazyConfig.set(self, '%s.%s' % (section, opt),
                        except (ValueError, ConfigValueError, VMMError), err:
                            w_err(0, _(u'Warning: %s') % err)
                            failures += 1
                            if failures > 2:
                                raise ConfigError(_(u'Too many failures - try '
                                                    u'again later.'),
        if self._modified:

    def set(self, option, value):
        """Set the value of an option.

        If the new `value` has been set, the configuration file will be
        immediately updated.

        Throws a ``ConfigError`` if `value` couldn't be converted to
        ``LazyConfigOption.cls`` or ``LazyConfigOption.validate`` fails."""
        section, option_ = self._get_section_option(option)
            val = self._cfg[section][option_].cls(value)
            if self._cfg[section][option_].validate:
                val = self._cfg[section][option_].validate(val)
        except (ValueError, ConfigValueError), err:
            raise ConfigError(str(err), CONF_ERROR)
        # Do not write default values also skip identical values
        if not self._cfg[section][option_].default is None:
            old_val = self.dget(option)
            old_val = self.pget(option)
        if val == old_val:
        if not RawConfigParser.has_section(self, section):
        RawConfigParser.set(self, section, option_, val)

    def _save_changes(self):
        """Writes changes to the configuration file."""
        copy2(self._cfg_filename, self._cfg_filename + '.bak')
        self._cfg_file = open(self._cfg_filename, 'w')

del _