author Pascal Volk <>
Sat, 23 Aug 2008 22:25:21 +0000
changeset 61 d85482575349
parent 0 bb0aa2102206
child 105 0332b85f55e1
permissions -rw-r--r--
* 'VirtualMailManager/' - Fixed AttributeError in class VMMException on older Python installations. (VMMException instance has no attribute 'message') * 'vmm' - let show_version() print more details

# The hosts that Postfix will try to connect to
hosts = host1.some.domain host2.some.domain

# The user name and password to log into the pgsql server.
user = postfix
password = some_password

# The database name on the servers.
dbname = mailsys

# Postfix 2.2 and later The SQL query template. See pgsql_table(5).
query = SELECT gid FROM postfix_gid WHERE domainname='%d'