If an alias has multiple destinations, multiple records exist, due to
the nature of the database. address_list would then return the same
alias multiple times, which does not add any information, eats screen
space and is potentially confusing.
Therefore, we SELECT DISTINCTly from the alias table.
Signed-off-by: martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
VirtualMailManager/common.py | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Installing vmm
After you've prepared everything, it's time to install vmm.
Change into the :file:`vmm-0.6.0` directory an execute the
:file:`install.sh` script.
You can adjust the installation prefix by modifying line 8 of the script.
.. code-block:: console
root@host:~# cd /path/to/vmm-0.6.0
root@host:/path/to/vmm-0.6.0# ./install.sh
Don't forget to edit /usr/local/etc/vmm.cfg - or run: vmm cf
and /etc/postfix/pgsql-*.cf files.
pgsql-\*.cf files
After executing the install script you have to edit all :file:`pgsql-{*}.cf`
files in `postconf -h config_directory`. For details see `pgsql_table(5)`_.
The used parameter values are:
========= =============
parameter value
========= =============
dbname mailsys
hosts localhost
password some_password
user postfix
========= =============
So it's easy to use just the :command:`sed` command, in order to edit all
files at once. For example:
.. code-block:: console
root@host:~# sed -i "s|\bpostfix\b|_postfix|g" `postconf -h config_directory`/pgsql-*.cf
root@host:~# sed -i "s|some_password|3Q>MO…|g" `postconf -h config_directory`/pgsql-*.cf
If your `sed` doesn't like the `-i` option (is unable to edit files in place),
you can do it with :command:`perl`:
.. code-block:: console
# perl -pi -e "s|\bpostfix\b|_postfix|g" `postconf -h config_directory`/pgsql-*.cf
.. note:: Don't forget to start or restart Dovecot and Postfix.
vmm configure
Finally you have to edit your :file:`vmm.cfg`. You can edit the configuration
file in your favorite editor or execute :command:`vmm configure`.
vmm's configuration parameters are described in :manpage:`vmm.cfg(5)`.
The initial :doc:`../vmm.cfg` is also well documented.
Ready, set, go!
For a list of available subcommands execute :command:`vmm help`.
For details about the subcommands see :manpage:`vmm(1)`.
.. include:: ../ext_references.rst