Fix transport_maps function for non-existent domains
The postfix_transport_maps function had a bug causing
2012-04-15 17:40:22 CEST LOG: statement: SELECT transport FROM postfix_transport_map('logcheck', '');
2012-04-15 17:40:22 CEST ERROR: query returned no rows
when the domain was not in the database. This would make did be NULL and make
the query fail.
This patch moves the tid query until after a check for did. If the latter is
NULL, the function RETURNs (rather than fails).
v0.5.2 2009-09-09 Pascal Volk <>
* Now vmm supports Dovecot v1.2.x.
* vmm.cfg: renamed services.managesieve to services.sieve, added
* New translations: Dutch and French.
+ Improved error handling for the domaininfo, aliasdomaininfo, userinfo,
aliasinfo and relocatedinfo subcommands.
+ Sorted alias listing in userinfo output.
+ Reduction of useless database lookups/updates.
+ Partly improved database lookups.
- Fixed a libpq.OperationalError in Account.delete().
- Eliminated hopefully finally all (potential) UnicodeDecodeErrors.
v0.5.1 2009-08-12 Pascal Volk <>
+ Added support for a variable "vmm.cfg" location in
/root, /usr/local/etc or /etc (see vmm.cfg(5))
- fixed a few UnicodeDecodeErrors
- fixed a quoting mistake in vmm.cfg
v0.5 2008-11-26 Pascal Volk <>
+ gettext i18n support (German translation)
+ support for alias domains (add/info/switch/delete).
+ support for relocated users (add/info/delete).
+ base layout of the users Maildir is now configurable. Also a according
"subscriptions" file will be created.
+ subcommand »listdomains«: lists all configured domains or domains that
matches the specified search pattern.
+ subcommand »userinfo« can additional display assigned alias addresses.
+ subcommand »aliasadd« checks Postfix's "virtual_alias_recursion_limit"
before adding an additional destination address.
+ optional SQL functions (see create_optional_types_and_functions.pgsql)
- »useradd«/»userpassword«: fixed behavior of interactive password
- fixed some encoding problems (UnicodeEncodeErrors).
- fixed bug in generation of DIGEST-MD5 hashes.