Modify userinfo output to indicate when domain defaults are displayed
When Account instances reference NULL tid/qid/ssid, the data must come from
the associated domain, and this should be indicated. For transport and
services, this is easy to do as the string passed in the info dict can simply
be modified. For quotalimit, however, another method must be used due to the
CLI-side formatting.
All approaches use a common formatter outsourced to the file.
# coding: utf-8
# Copyright (c) 2011, Pascal Volk
# See COPYING for distribution information.
Virtual Mail Manager's ServiceSet class for simplified database access
to the service_set table.
SERVICES = ('smtp', 'pop3', 'imap', 'sieve')
cfg_dget = lambda option: None
class ServiceSet(object):
"""A wrapper class that provides access to the service_set table.
Each ServiceSet object provides following - read only - attributes:
`ssid` : long
The id of the service set
`smtp` : bool
Boolean flag for service smtp
`pop3` : bool
Boolean flag for service pop3
`imap` : bool
Boolean flag for service imap
`sieve` : bool
Boolean flag for service sieve
`services` : dict
The four services above with boolean values
__slots__ = ('_ssid', '_services', '_sieve_col', '_dbh')
_kwargs = (('ssid',) + SERVICES)
def __init__(self, dbh, **kwargs):
"""Creates a new ServiceSet instance.
Either the 'ssid' keyword argument or one or more of the service
arguments ('smtp', 'pop3', 'imap', 'sieve') must be provided.
`dbh` : pyPgSQL.PgSQL.Connection or psycopg2.extensions.connection
A database connection for the database access.
Keyword arguments:
`ssid` : int
The id of the service set (>0)
`smtp` : bool
Boolean flag for service smtp - default `True`
`pop3` : bool
Boolean flag for service pop3 - default `True`
`imap` : bool
Boolean flag for service imap - default `True`
`sieve` : bool
Boolean flag for service sieve - default `True`
self._dbh = dbh
self._ssid = 0
self._services = dict.fromkeys(SERVICES, True)
if cfg_dget('misc.dovecot_version') < 0x10200b02:
self._sieve_col = 'managesieve'
self._sieve_col = 'sieve'
for key in kwargs.iterkeys():
if key not in self.__class__._kwargs:
raise ValueError('unrecognized keyword: %r' % key)
if key == 'ssid':
assert not isinstance(kwargs[key], bool) and \
isinstance(kwargs[key], (int, long)) and kwargs[key] > 0
assert isinstance(kwargs[key], bool)
if not kwargs[key]:
self._services[key] = kwargs[key]
if not self._ssid:
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self._ssid == other._ssid
return NotImplemented
def __ne__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self._ssid != other._ssid
return NotImplemented
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name not in self.__class__._kwargs:
raise AttributeError('%r object has no attribute %r' % (
self.__class__.__name__, name))
if name == 'ssid':
return self._ssid
return self._services[name]
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%s, %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._dbh,
', '.join('%s=%r' % s for s in self._services.iteritems()))
def _load_by_services(self):
"""Try to load the service_set by it's service combination."""
sql = ('SELECT ssid FROM service_set WHERE %s' %
' AND '.join('%s = %s' %
(k, str(v).upper()) for k, v in self._services.iteritems()))
if self._sieve_col == 'managesieve':
sql.replace('sieve', self._sieve_col)
dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
result = dbc.fetchone()
if result:
self._ssid = result[0]
def _load_by_ssid(self, ssid):
"""Try to load the service_set by it's primary key."""
dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
dbc.execute('SELECT ssid, smtp, pop3, imap, %s' % (self._sieve_col,) +
' FROM service_set WHERE ssid = %s', (ssid,))
result = dbc.fetchone()
if not result:
raise ValueError('Unknown service_set id specified: %r' % ssid)
self._ssid = result[0]
#self._services.update(zip(SERVICES, result[1:]))
for key, value in zip(SERVICES, result[1:]): # pyPgSQL compatible
if value:
self._services[key] = True
self._services[key] = False
def _save(self):
"""Store a new service_set in the database."""
sql = ('INSERT INTO service_set (ssid, smtp, pop3, imap, %s) ' %
(self._sieve_col,) +
'VALUES (%(ssid)s, %(smtp)s, %(pop3)s, %(imap)s, %(sieve)s)')
if self._sieve_col == 'managesieve':
sql.replace('sieve', self._sieve_col)
values = {'ssid': self._ssid}
dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
dbc.execute(sql, values)
def _set_ssid(self):
"""Set the unique ID for the new service_set."""
assert self._ssid == 0
dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
dbc.execute("SELECT nextval('service_set_id')")
self._ssid = dbc.fetchone()[0]
def services(self):
"""A dictionary: Keys: `smtp`, `pop3`, `imap` and `sieve` with
boolean values."""
return self._services.copy()
del cfg_dget