author Pascal Volk <>
Fri, 26 Feb 2010 02:35:25 +0000
changeset 216 0c8c053b451c
parent 163 1981f285f0c0
child 261 1c2241dde942
permissions -rw-r--r--
Moved VirtualMailManager/Exceptions to VirtualMailManager/errors. Renamed VMM*Exception classes to *Error. No longer add the attribute 'message' to VMMError if it doesn't exist, like in Python 2.4. It has been deprecated as of Python 2.6. Also removed the methods code() and msg(), the values are now accessible via the attributes 'code' and 'msg'.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2007 - 2010, Pascal Volk
# See COPYING for distribution information.

import os
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.dist import DistributionMetadata

VERSION = '0.5.2'

descr = 'Tool to manage mail domains/accounts/aliases for Dovecot and Postfix'
long_description = """
vmm, a virtual mail manager, is a command line tool for
administrators/postmasters to manage (alias-)domains, accounts,
aliases and relocated users.
It is designed for Dovecot and Postfix with a PostgreSQL backend.
packages = ['VirtualMailManager', 'VirtualMailManager.ext',
classifiers = ['Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable',
               'Environment :: Console',
               'Intended Audience :: System Administrators',
               'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
               'Natural Language :: Dutch',
               'Natural Language :: English',
               'Natural Language :: French',
               'Natural Language :: German',
               'Operating System :: POSIX',
               'Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD',
               'Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux',
               'Operating System :: POSIX :: Other',
               'Programming Language :: Python',
               'Topic :: Communications :: Email',
               'Topic :: System :: Systems Administration',
               'Topic :: Utilities']

# sucessfuly tested on:
platforms = ['freebsd7', 'linux2', 'openbsd4']

# remove existing MANIFEST
if os.path.exists('MANIFEST'):

setup_args = {'name': 'VirtualMailManager',
              'version': VERSION,
              'description': descr,
              'long_description': long_description,
              'packages': packages,
              'author': 'Pascal Volk',
              'author_email': '',
              'license': 'BSD License',
              'url': '',
              'platforms': platforms,
              'classifiers': classifiers}

if 'requires' in DistributionMetadata._METHOD_BASENAMES:
    setup_args['requires'] = ['pyPgSQL']
