author Pascal Volk <>
Fri, 26 Feb 2010 02:35:25 +0000
changeset 216 0c8c053b451c
parent 215 33f727efa7c4
child 220 8b8d632f0ef3
permissions -rw-r--r--
Moved VirtualMailManager/Exceptions to VirtualMailManager/errors. Renamed VMM*Exception classes to *Error. No longer add the attribute 'message' to VMMError if it doesn't exist, like in Python 2.4. It has been deprecated as of Python 2.6. Also removed the methods code() and msg(), the values are now accessible via the attributes 'code' and 'msg'.

:mod:`VirtualMailManager.Relocated` --- Handling of relocated users

.. module:: VirtualMailManager.Relocated
  :synopsis: Handling of relocated users

.. moduleauthor:: Pascal Volk <>

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

This module provides the :class:`Relocated` class. The data are read
from/stored in the ``relocated`` table. An optional lookup table, used
by Postfix for the "``user has moved to new_location``" reject/bounce message.

.. class:: Relocated(dbh, address)

  Creates a new *Relocated* instance. If the relocated user with the given
  *address* is already stored in the database use :meth:`get_info` to get the
  destination address of the relocated user. To set or update the destination
  of the relocated user use :meth:`set_destination`. Use :meth:`delete` in
  order to delete the relocated user from the database.
  :param dbh: a database connection
  :type dbh: :class:`PgSQL.Connection`
  :param address: the e-mail address of the relocated user.
  :type address: :class:`VirtualMailManager.EmailAddress.EmailAddress`

  .. method:: delete()
    :rtype: :obj:`None`
    :raise VirtualMailManager.errors.RelocatedError: if the relocated user
      doesn't exist.

    Deletes the relocated user from the database.

  .. method:: get_info()

    :rtype: :class:`VirtualMailManager.EmailAddress.EmailAddress`
    :raise VirtualMailManager.errors.RelocatedError: if the relocated user
      doesn't exist.

    Returns the destination e-mail address of the relocated user.

  .. method:: set_destination(destination)

    :param destination: the new address where the relocated user has moved to
    :type destination: :class:`VirtualMailManager.EmailAddress.EmailAddress`
    :rtype: :obj:`None`
    :raise VirtualMailManager.errors.RelocatedError: if the *destination*
      address is already saved or is the same as the relocated user's address.

    Sets or updates the *destination* address of the relocated user.