author Pascal Volk <>
Fri, 26 Feb 2010 02:35:25 +0000
changeset 216 0c8c053b451c
parent 212 doc/source/vmm_exceptions.rst@77ac6f572855
permissions -rw-r--r--
Moved VirtualMailManager/Exceptions to VirtualMailManager/errors. Renamed VMM*Exception classes to *Error. No longer add the attribute 'message' to VMMError if it doesn't exist, like in Python 2.4. It has been deprecated as of Python 2.6. Also removed the methods code() and msg(), the values are now accessible via the attributes 'code' and 'msg'.

:mod:`VirtualMailManager.errors` --- Exception classes

.. module:: VirtualMailManager.errors
  :synopsis: Exception classes

.. moduleauthor:: Pascal Volk <>

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

Exceptions, used by VirtualMailManager's classes.


.. exception:: VMMError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`exceptions.Exception`

  :param msg: the error message
  :type msg: :obj:`basestring`
  :param code: the error code (one of :mod:`VirtualMailManager.constants.ERROR`)
  :type code: :obj:`int`

  Base class for all other Exceptions in the VirtualMailManager package.

  The *msg* and *code* are accessible via the both attributes:

  .. attribute:: msg

    The error message of the exception.

  .. attribute:: code

    The numerical error code of the exception.

.. exception:: ConfigError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for configuration (:mod:`VirtualMailManager.Config`)

.. exception:: PermissionError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for file permission exceptions.

.. exception:: NotRootError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for non-root exceptions.

.. exception:: DomainError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for Domain (:mod:`VirtualMailManager.Domain`) exceptions.

.. exception:: AliasDomainError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for AliasDomain (:mod:`VirtualMailManager.AliasDomain`)

.. exception:: AccountError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for Account (:mod:`VirtualMailManager.Account`) exceptions.

.. exception:: AliasError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for Alias (:mod:`VirtualMailManager.Alias`) exceptions.

.. exception:: EmailAddressError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for EmailAddress (:mod:`VirtualMailManager.EmailAddress`)

.. exception:: MailLocationError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for MailLocation (:mod:`VirtualMailManager.MailLocation`)

.. exception:: RelocatedError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for Relocated (:mod:`VirtualMailManager.Relocated`)

.. exception:: TransportError(msg, code)

  Bases: :exc:`VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError`

  Exception class for Transport (:mod:`VirtualMailManager.Transport`)