author Pascal Volk <>
Fri, 26 Feb 2010 02:35:25 +0000
changeset 216 0c8c053b451c
parent 215 33f727efa7c4
permissions -rw-r--r--
Moved VirtualMailManager/Exceptions to VirtualMailManager/errors. Renamed VMM*Exception classes to *Error. No longer add the attribute 'message' to VMMError if it doesn't exist, like in Python 2.4. It has been deprecated as of Python 2.6. Also removed the methods code() and msg(), the values are now accessible via the attributes 'code' and 'msg'.

:mod:`VirtualMailManager` ---  Initialization code and some functions

.. module:: VirtualMailManager
  :synopsis: Initialization code and some functions

.. moduleauthor:: Pascal Volk <>

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

When the VirtualMailManager module, or one of its sub modules, is imported,
the following actions will be performed:

  - :func:`locale.setlocale` (with :const:`locale.LC_ALL`) is called, to set
  - :func:`gettext.install` is called, to have 18N support.

Constants and data

.. data:: ENCODING

  The systems current character encoding, e.g. ``'UTF-8'`` or
  ``'ANSI_X3.4-1968'`` (aka ASCII).


.. function:: ace2idna(domainname)

  Converts the idn domain name *domainname* into punycode.

  :param domainname: the domain-ace representation (``xn--…``)
  :type domainname: str
  :rtype: unicode

.. function:: check_domainname(domainname)

  Returns the validated domain name *domainname*.

  It also converts the name of the domain from IDN to ASCII, if necessary.

  :param domainname: the name of the domain
  :type domainname: :obj:`basestring`
  :rtype: str
  :raise VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError: if the domain name is
    too long or doesn't look like a valid domain name (label.label.label).

.. function:: check_localpart(localpart)

  Returns the validated local-part *localpart* of an e-mail address.

  :param localpart: The local-part of an e-mail address.
  :type localpart: str
  :rtype: str
  :raise VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError: if the local-part is too
    long or contains invalid characters.

.. function:: exec_ok(binary)

  Checks if the *binary* exists and if it is executable.

  :param binary: path to the binary
  :type binary: str
  :rtype: str
  :raise VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError: if *binary* isn't a file
    or is not executable.

.. function:: expand_path(path)

  Expands paths, starting with ``.`` or ``~``, to an absolute path.

  :param path: Path to a file or directory
  :type path: str
  :rtype: str

.. function:: get_unicode(string)

  Converts `string` to `unicode`, if necessary.

  :param string: The string taht should be converted
  :type string: str
  :rtype: unicode

.. function:: idn2ascii(domainname)

  Converts the idn domain name *domainname* into punycode.

  :param domainname: the unicode representation of the domain name
  :type domainname: unicode
  :rtype: str

.. function:: is_dir(path)

  Checks if *path* is a directory.

  :param path: Path to a directory
  :type path: str
  :rtype: str
  :raise VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError: if *path* is not a directory.


  >>> from VirtualMailManager import *
  >>> ace2idna('xn--pypal-4ve.tld')
  >>> idn2ascii(u'ö')
  >>> check_domainname(u'pаypal.tld')
  >>> check_localpart('john.doe')
  >>> exec_ok('usr/bin/vim')
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    File "./VirtualMailManager/", line 93, in exec_ok
  VirtualMailManager.errors.VMMError: 'usr/bin/vim' is not a file
  >>> exec_ok('/usr/bin/vim')
  >>> expand_path('.')
  >>> get_unicode('hello world')
  u'hello world'
  >>> is_dir('~/hg')