author Pascal Volk <>
Sat, 02 Jan 2010 15:45:12 +0000
changeset 162 0ac9ef587769
parent 155 eb866ebb9f2e
child 185 6e1ef32fbd82
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updated copyright notices to include the year 2010. Also corrected the name of the copyright holder and updated the e-mail address.

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Pascal Volk
# See COPYING for distribution information.

"""Virtual Mail Manager's AliasDomain class to manage alias domains."""

from __main__ import ERR
from Exceptions import VMMAliasDomainException as VADE
import VirtualMailManager as VMM

class AliasDomain(object):
    """Class to manage e-mail alias domains."""
    __slots__ = ('__gid', '__name', '_domain', '_dbh')
    def __init__(self, dbh, domainname, targetDomain=None):
        self._dbh = dbh
        self.__name = VMM.VirtualMailManager.chkDomainname(domainname)
        self.__gid = 0
        self._domain = targetDomain

    def _exists(self):
        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
        dbc.execute('SELECT gid, is_primary FROM domain_name WHERE domainname\
 = %s', self.__name)
        alias = dbc.fetchone()
        if alias is not None:
            self.__gid, primary = alias
            if primary:
                raise VADE(_(u"The domain “%s” is a primary domain.") %
                        self.__name, ERR.ALIASDOMAIN_ISDOMAIN)

    def save(self):
        if self.__gid > 0:
            raise VADE(_(u'The alias domain “%s” already exists.') %self.__name,
        if self._domain is None:
            raise VADE(_(u'No destination domain specified for alias domain.'),
        if self._domain._id < 1:
            raise VADE (_(u"The target domain “%s” doesn't exist.") %
                    self._domain._name, ERR.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)
        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
        dbc.execute('INSERT INTO domain_name (domainname, gid, is_primary)\
 VALUES (%s, %s, FALSE)', self.__name, self._domain._id)

    def info(self):
        if self.__gid > 0:
            dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
            dbc.execute('SELECT domainname FROM domain_name WHERE gid = %s\
 AND is_primary', self.__gid)
            domain = dbc.fetchone()
            if domain is not None:
                return {'alias': self.__name, 'domain': domain[0]}
            else:# an almost unlikely case, isn't it?
                raise VADE(
                    _(u'There is no primary domain for the alias domain “%s”.')\
                            % self.__name, ERR.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)
            raise VADE(_(u"The alias domain “%s” doesn't exist.") %
                    self.__name, ERR.NO_SUCH_ALIASDOMAIN)

    def switch(self):
        if self._domain is None:
            raise VADE(_(u'No destination domain specified for alias domain.'),
        if self._domain._id < 1:
            raise VADE (_(u"The target domain “%s” doesn't exist.") %
                    self._domain._name, ERR.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)
        if self.__gid < 1:
            raise VADE(_(u"The alias domain “%s” doesn't exist.") %
                    self.__name, ERR.NO_SUCH_ALIASDOMAIN)
        if self.__gid == self._domain._id:
            raise VADE(_(u"The alias domain “%(alias)s” is already assigned to\
 the domain “%(domain)s”.") %
                    {'alias': self.__name, 'domain': self._domain._name},
        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
        dbc.execute('UPDATE domain_name SET gid = %s WHERE gid = %s\
 AND domainname = %s AND NOT is_primary',
                self._domain._id, self.__gid, self.__name)

    def delete(self):
        if self.__gid > 0:
            dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
            dbc.execute('DELETE FROM domain_name WHERE domainname = %s \
 AND NOT is_primary', self.__name)
            if dbc.rowcount > 0:
            raise VADE(
                  _(u"The alias domain “%s” doesn't exist.") % self.__name,