author Pascal Volk <>
Mon, 27 Jan 2014 21:27:21 +0000
changeset 702 01db2457bbed
parent 579 be0906181a10
permissions -rw-r--r--
VMM/handler: Improved domaininfo subcommand. Check all labels for ASCII-compatible encoding, not only the first one. If something is in ACE format, convert it to IDNA.

Upgrading to vmm 0.5.x
This page is valid only for vmm-0.4/vmm-0.4-r41 and vmm-0.5/vmm-0.5.1.
If you are using vmm-0.3.x please upgrade first to
`vmm-0.4-r41 <>`_.

Upgrading from vmm-0.4.x
Database backup
It is always wise to back up your database from time to time.
Particularly with regard to an impending structure modification.

Example: Backing up the `mailsys` database with pg_dump_.

.. code-block:: console

 root@host:~# pg_dump -h localhost -U vmm -W mailsys > mailsys-0.4.sql

Stopping Postfix and Dovecot
Before updating the database you have to stop Postfix and Dovecot.

.. code-block:: console

 root@host:~# /etc/init.d/postfix stop
 Stopping Postfix Mail Transport Agent: postfix.
 root@host:~# /etc/init.d/dovecot stop
 Stopping IMAP/POP3 mail server: dovecot.

Database update
Connect as your `vmm` database user to your database.

.. code-block:: console

 root@host:~# psql mailsys vmm -W -h localhost

In the PostgreSQL interactive terminal you have to run the following
commands to perform the update.

.. code-block:: postgresql-console

 mailsys=> \i /path/to/vmm-0.5.2/update_tables_0.4.x-0.5.pgsql
 mailsys=> GRANT SELECT ON postfix_alias TO postfix;
mailsys=> \q

 .. _database-update-for-dovecot-v1-2-x:

Database update for Dovecot v1.2.x
When you are already using Dovecot v1.2.x, you have to perform one or two
**additional** database updates.

.. code-block:: postgresql-console

 mailsys=> \i /path/to/vmm-0.5.2/update_tables_0.5.x_for_dovecot-1.2.x.pgsql
 mailsys=> GRANT SELECT ON dovecot_password TO dovecot;
mailsys=> -- If you are using the function dovecotpassword() in the
mailsys=> -- password_query setting of your dovecot-sql.conf up date it also:
mailsys=> \i /path/to/vmm-0.5.2/update_types_and_funct ions_0.5.x_for_dovecot-1.2.x.pgsql
mailsys=> \q

  .. _adjusting-permissions-of-the-setuid-root-deliver-copy:

Adjusting permissions of the setuid root deliver copy
Starting with Dovecot version 1.2.0 the LDA ``deliver`` will no longer
work, if the binary has the setuid-root bit set **and** it's executable
for everyone.
Independent of the directory permissions, where the ``deliver`` binary
is located.
For this reason you have to adjust the permission of the ``deliver`` binary.

.. code-block:: console

 root@host:~# chown root:`id -g nobody` /usr/local/lib/dovecot/deliver
 root@host:~# chmod u+s,o-rwx /usr/local/lib/dovecot/deliver

.. _check-update-postfix-master-cf:

Check/update Postfix'
In prior setups the service *dovecot* was configured slightly different.
If you have set the command attribute user to ``nobody:mail``, either
remove the group *mail* or replace it with the group *nobody* or *nogroup*.
The second line of the service *dovecot* entry should look similar to this::

 flags=DORhu user=nobody argv=/usr/local/lib/dovecot/deliver …

Start Dovecot and Postfix again
After a successfully update start Dovecot and Postfix again.

.. code-block:: console

 root@host:~# /etc/init.d/dovecot start
 Starting IMAP/POP3 mail server: dovecot.
 root@host:~# /etc/init.d/postfix start
 Starting Postfix Mail Transport Agent: postfix.

Upgrade vmm
Finally execute the ```` script to install the new code and
update your ``/usr/local/etc/vmm.cfg``.

.. code-block:: console

 root@host:~# cd /path/to/vmm-0.5.2
 root@host:/path/to/vmm-0.5.2# ./

 Please have a look at your /usr/local/etc/vmm.cfg
 and verify the value from option 'postconf' in section 'bin'.


Upgrading from vmm-0.5.x
Upgrade vmm
When you have already installed vmm-0.5 or vmm-0.5.1 only a single step is
necessary to update your vmm installation.
cd in the source directory and execute the ```` script.
That's it.

.. code-block:: console

 root@host:~# cd /path/to/vmm-0.5.2
 root@host:/path/to/vmm-0.5.2# ./

When you are already using Dovecot ≧ v1.2.0, you should also respect
following points:


.. include:: ../ext_references.rst