changeset 167 bb58aedefa3a
parent 162 0ac9ef587769
child 168 fd496561acc6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/update_config.py	Wed Jan 13 00:55:50 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010, Pascal Volk
+# See COPYING for distribution information.
+import os
+from time import time
+from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
+from shutil import copy2
+from VirtualMailManager.constants.VERSION import VERSION
+def get_config_file():
+    f = None
+    for d in ('/root', '/usr/local/etc', '/etc'):
+        tmp = os.path.join(d, 'vmm.cfg')
+        if os.path.isfile(tmp):
+            f = tmp
+            break
+    if f:
+        return f
+    else:
+        os.sys.stderr.write('error: vmm.cfg not found\n')
+        raise SystemExit(2)
+def update(cp):
+    if VERSION == '0.5.2':
+        upd_052(cp)
+    elif VERSION == '0.6.0':
+        os.sys.stdout.write('info: nothing to do for version %s\n' % VERSION)
+        return
+    else:
+        os.sys.stderr.write(
+            'error: the version %s is not supported by this script\n' % VERSION)
+        raise SystemExit(3)
+def get_cfg_parser(cf):
+    fh = file(cf, 'r')
+    cp = ConfigParser()
+    cp.readfp(fh)
+    fh.close()
+    return cp
+def update_cfg_file(cp, cf):
+    copy2(cf, cf+'.bak.'+str(time()))
+    fh = file(cf, 'w')
+    cp.write(fh)
+    fh.close()
+def add_sections(cp, sections):
+    for section in sections:
+        if not cp.has_section(section):
+            cp.add_section(section)
+def move_option(cp, src, dst):
+    ds, do = dst.split('.')
+    if not cp.has_option(ds, do):
+        ss, so = src.split('.')
+        cp.set(ds, do, cp.get(ss, so))
+        cp.remove_option(ss, so)
+        sect_opt.append((dst, 'R'))
+def add_option(cp, dst, val):
+    ds, do = dst.split('.')
+    if not cp.has_option(ds, do):
+        cp.set(ds, do, val)
+        sect_opt.append((dst, 'N'))
+def get_option(cp, src):
+    ss, so = src.split('.')
+    return cp.get(ss, so)
+def upd_052(cp):
+    add_sections(cp, ('domain', 'account'))
+    if cp.has_section('domdir'):
+        for src, dst in (('domdir.mode',   'domain.directory_mode'),
+                         ('domdir.delete', 'domain.delete_directory'),
+                         ('domdir.base',   'misc.base_dir')):
+            move_option(cp, src, dst)
+        cp.remove_section('domdir')
+    if cp.has_section('services'):
+        for service in cp.options('services'):
+            move_option(cp, 'services.%s'%service, 'account.%s'%service)
+        cp.remove_section('services')
+    for src, dst in (('maildir.mode',      'account.directory_mode'),
+                     ('maildir.diskusage', 'account.disk_usage'),
+                     ('maildir.delete',    'account.delete_directory'),
+                     ('misc.forcedel',     'domain.force_del'),
+                     ('misc.passwdscheme', 'misc.password_scheme'),
+                     ('misc.dovecotvers',  'misc.dovecot_vers')):
+        move_option(cp, src, dst)
+    for dst, val in (('account.random_password', 'false'),
+                     ('account.password_len',    '8'),
+                     ('domain.auto_postmaster',  'true')):
+        add_option(cp, dst, val)
+# def main():
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    sect_opt = []
+    cf = get_config_file()
+    cp = get_cfg_parser(cf)
+    update(cp)
+    if len(sect_opt):
+        update_cfg_file(cp, cf)
+        sect_opt.sort()
+        print 'Please have a look at your configuration: %s' %cf
+        print 'This are your Renamed/New settings:'
+        for s_o, st in sect_opt:
+            print '%s   %s = %s' % (st, s_o, get_option(cp, s_o))
+        print