changeset 571 a4aead244f75
parent 568 14abdd04ddf5
child 633 8ea32fbfc9df
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/VirtualMailManager/	Thu Jun 28 19:26:50 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012, Pascal Volk
+# See COPYING for distribution information.
+    VirtualMailManager.password
+    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+    VirtualMailManager's password module to generate password hashes from
+    passwords or random passwords. This module provides following
+    functions:
+        hashed_password = pwhash(password[, scheme][, user])
+        random_password = randompw()
+        scheme, encoding = verify_scheme(scheme)
+        schemes, encodings = list_schemes()
+from crypt import crypt
+from random import SystemRandom
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+    import hashlib
+except ImportError:
+    from VirtualMailManager.pycompat import hashlib
+from VirtualMailManager import ENCODING
+from VirtualMailManager.emailaddress import EmailAddress
+from VirtualMailManager.common import get_unicode, version_str
+from VirtualMailManager.constants import VMM_ERROR
+from VirtualMailManager.errors import VMMError
+COMPAT = hasattr(hashlib, 'compat')
+SALTCHARS = './0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
+PASSWDCHARS = '._-+#*23456789abcdefghikmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ'
+DEFAULT_B64 = (None, 'B64', 'BASE64')
+DEFAULT_HEX = (None, 'HEX')
+CRYPT_ID_BLF = '2a'
+CRYPT_ID_SHA256 = 5
+CRYPT_ID_SHA512 = 6
+CRYPT_SHA2_ROUNDS_MAX = 999999999
+_ = lambda msg: msg
+cfg_dget = lambda option: None
+_sys_rand = SystemRandom()
+_choice = _sys_rand.choice
+_get_salt = lambda s_len: ''.join(_choice(SALTCHARS) for x in xrange(s_len))
+def _dovecotpw(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Communicates with dovecotpw (Dovecot 2.0: `doveadm pw`) and returns
+    the hashed password: {scheme[.encoding]}hash
+    """
+    if encoding:
+        scheme = '.'.join((scheme, encoding))
+    cmd_args = [cfg_dget('bin.dovecotpw'), '-s', scheme, '-p',
+                get_unicode(password)]
+    if cfg_dget('misc.dovecot_version') >= 0x20000a01:
+        cmd_args.insert(1, 'pw')
+    process = Popen(cmd_args, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
+    stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
+    if process.returncode:
+        raise VMMError(stderr.strip(), VMM_ERROR)
+    hashed = stdout.strip()
+    if not hashed.startswith('{%s}' % scheme):
+        raise VMMError('Unexpected result from %s: %s' %
+                       (cfg_dget('bin.dovecotpw'), hashed), VMM_ERROR)
+    return hashed
+def _md4_new():
+    """Returns an new MD4-hash object if supported by the hashlib or
+    provided by PyCrypto - other `None`.
+    """
+    try:
+        return'md4')
+    except ValueError, err:
+        if str(err) == 'unsupported hash type':
+            if not COMPAT:
+                try:
+                    from Crypto.Hash import MD4
+                    return
+                except ImportError:
+                    return None
+        else:
+            raise
+def _sha256_new(data=''):
+    """Returns a new sha256 object from the hashlib.
+    Returns `None` if the PyCrypto in pycompat.hashlib is too old."""
+    if not COMPAT:
+        return hashlib.sha256(data)
+    try:
+        return'sha256', data)
+    except ValueError, err:
+        if str(err) == 'unsupported hash type':
+            return None
+        else:
+            raise
+def _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding):
+    """Formats the arguments to a string: {scheme[.encoding]}digest."""
+    if not encoding:
+        return '{%s}%s' % (scheme, digest)
+    return '{%s.%s}%s' % (scheme, encoding, digest)
+def _clear_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates a (encoded) CLEARTEXT/PLAIN 'hash'."""
+    if encoding:
+        if encoding == 'HEX':
+            password = password.encode('hex')
+        else:
+            password = password.encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
+        return _format_digest(password, scheme, encoding)
+    return get_unicode('{%s}%s' % (scheme, password))
+def _get_crypt_blowfish_salt():
+    """Generates a salt for Blowfish crypt."""
+    rounds = cfg_dget('misc.crypt_blowfish_rounds')
+    if rounds < CRYPT_BLF_ROUNDS_MIN:
+        rounds = CRYPT_BLF_ROUNDS_MIN
+    elif rounds > CRYPT_BLF_ROUNDS_MAX:
+        rounds = CRYPT_BLF_ROUNDS_MAX
+    return '$%s$%02d$%s' % (CRYPT_ID_BLF, rounds,
+                            _get_salt(CRYPT_BLF_SALT_LEN))
+def _get_crypt_sha2_salt(crypt_id):
+    """Generates a salt for crypt using the SHA-256 or SHA-512 encryption
+    method.
+    *crypt_id* must be either `5` (SHA-256) or `6` (SHA-512).
+    """
+    assert crypt_id in (CRYPT_ID_SHA256, CRYPT_ID_SHA512), 'invalid crypt ' \
+           'id: %r' % crypt_id
+    if crypt_id is CRYPT_ID_SHA512:
+        rounds = cfg_dget('misc.crypt_sha512_rounds')
+    else:
+        rounds = cfg_dget('misc.crypt_sha256_rounds')
+    if rounds < CRYPT_SHA2_ROUNDS_MIN:
+        rounds = CRYPT_SHA2_ROUNDS_MIN
+    elif rounds > CRYPT_SHA2_ROUNDS_MAX:
+        rounds = CRYPT_SHA2_ROUNDS_MAX
+    if rounds == CRYPT_SHA2_ROUNDS_DEFAULT:
+        return '$%d$%s' % (crypt_id, _get_salt(CRYPT_SHA2_SALT_LEN))
+    return '$%d$rounds=%d$%s' % (crypt_id, rounds,
+                                 _get_salt(CRYPT_SHA2_SALT_LEN))
+def _crypt_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates (encoded) CRYPT/MD5/{BLF,MD5,SHA{256,512}}-CRYPT hashes."""
+    if scheme == 'CRYPT':
+        salt = _get_salt(CRYPT_SALT_LEN)
+    elif scheme == 'BLF-CRYPT':
+        salt = _get_crypt_blowfish_salt()
+    elif scheme in ('MD5-CRYPT', 'MD5'):
+        salt = '$%d$%s' % (CRYPT_ID_MD5, _get_salt(CRYPT_MD5_SALT_LEN))
+    elif scheme == 'SHA256-CRYPT':
+        salt = _get_crypt_sha2_salt(CRYPT_ID_SHA256)
+    else:
+        salt = _get_crypt_sha2_salt(CRYPT_ID_SHA512)
+    encrypted = crypt(password, salt)
+    if encoding:
+        if encoding == 'HEX':
+            encrypted = encrypted.encode('hex')
+        else:
+            encrypted = encrypted.encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
+    if scheme in ('BLF-CRYPT', 'SHA256-CRYPT', 'SHA512-CRYPT') and \
+       cfg_dget('misc.dovecot_version') < 0x20000b06:
+        scheme = 'CRYPT'
+    return _format_digest(encrypted, scheme, encoding)
+def _md4_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates encoded PLAIN-MD4 hashes."""
+    md4 = _md4_new()
+    if md4:
+        md4.update(password)
+        if encoding in DEFAULT_HEX:
+            digest = md4.hexdigest()
+        else:
+            digest = md4.digest().encode('base64').rstrip()
+        return _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding)
+    return _dovecotpw(password, scheme, encoding)
+def _md5_hash(password, scheme, encoding, user=None):
+    """Generates DIGEST-MD5 aka PLAIN-MD5 and LDAP-MD5 hashes."""
+    md5 = hashlib.md5()
+    if scheme == 'DIGEST-MD5':
+        #  Prior to Dovecot v1.1.12/v1.2.beta2 there was a problem with a
+        #  empty auth_realms setting in dovecot.conf and user@domain.tld
+        #  usernames. So we have to generate different hashes for different
+        #  versions. See also:
+        #
+        #
+        if cfg_dget('misc.dovecot_version') >= 0x1010cf00:
+            md5.update('%s:%s:' % (user.localpart, user.domainname))
+        else:
+            md5.update('%s::' % user)
+    md5.update(password)
+    if (scheme in ('PLAIN-MD5', 'DIGEST-MD5') and encoding in DEFAULT_HEX) or \
+       (scheme == 'LDAP-MD5' and encoding == 'HEX'):
+        digest = md5.hexdigest()
+    else:
+        digest = md5.digest().encode('base64').rstrip()
+    return _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding)
+def _ntlm_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates NTLM hashes."""
+    md4 = _md4_new()
+    if md4:
+        password = ''.join('%s\x00' % c for c in password)
+        md4.update(password)
+        if encoding in DEFAULT_HEX:
+            digest = md4.hexdigest()
+        else:
+            digest = md4.digest().encode('base64').rstrip()
+        return _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding)
+    return _dovecotpw(password, scheme, encoding)
+def _sha1_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates SHA1 aka SHA hashes."""
+    sha1 = hashlib.sha1(password)
+    if encoding in DEFAULT_B64:
+        digest = sha1.digest().encode('base64').rstrip()
+    else:
+        digest = sha1.hexdigest()
+    return _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding)
+def _sha256_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates SHA256 hashes."""
+    sha256 = _sha256_new(password)
+    if sha256:
+        if encoding in DEFAULT_B64:
+            digest = sha256.digest().encode('base64').rstrip()
+        else:
+            digest = sha256.hexdigest()
+        return _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding)
+    return _dovecotpw(password, scheme, encoding)
+def _sha512_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates SHA512 hashes."""
+    if not COMPAT:
+        sha512 = hashlib.sha512(password)
+        if encoding in DEFAULT_B64:
+            digest = sha512.digest().encode('base64').replace('\n', '')
+        else:
+            digest = sha512.hexdigest()
+        return _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding)
+    return _dovecotpw(password, scheme, encoding)
+def _smd5_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates SMD5 (salted PLAIN-MD5) hashes."""
+    md5 = hashlib.md5(password)
+    salt = _get_salt(SALTED_ALGO_SALT_LEN)
+    md5.update(salt)
+    if encoding in DEFAULT_B64:
+        digest = (md5.digest() + salt).encode('base64').rstrip()
+    else:
+        digest = md5.hexdigest() + salt.encode('hex')
+    return _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding)
+def _ssha1_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates SSHA (salted SHA/SHA1) hashes."""
+    sha1 = hashlib.sha1(password)
+    salt = _get_salt(SALTED_ALGO_SALT_LEN)
+    sha1.update(salt)
+    if encoding in DEFAULT_B64:
+        digest = (sha1.digest() + salt).encode('base64').rstrip()
+    else:
+        digest = sha1.hexdigest() + salt.encode('hex')
+    return _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding)
+def _ssha256_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates SSHA256 (salted SHA256) hashes."""
+    sha256 = _sha256_new(password)
+    if sha256:
+        salt = _get_salt(SALTED_ALGO_SALT_LEN)
+        sha256.update(salt)
+        if encoding in DEFAULT_B64:
+            digest = (sha256.digest() + salt).encode('base64').rstrip()
+        else:
+            digest = sha256.hexdigest() + salt.encode('hex')
+        return _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding)
+    return _dovecotpw(password, scheme, encoding)
+def _ssha512_hash(password, scheme, encoding):
+    """Generates SSHA512 (salted SHA512) hashes."""
+    if not COMPAT:
+        salt = _get_salt(SALTED_ALGO_SALT_LEN)
+        sha512 = hashlib.sha512(password + salt)
+        if encoding in DEFAULT_B64:
+            digest = (sha512.digest() + salt).encode('base64').replace('\n',
+                                                                       '')
+        else:
+            digest = sha512.hexdigest() + salt.encode('hex')
+        return _format_digest(digest, scheme, encoding)
+    return _dovecotpw(password, scheme, encoding)
+_scheme_info = {
+    'CLEARTEXT': (_clear_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'CRAM-MD5': (_dovecotpw, 0x10000f00),
+    'CRYPT': (_crypt_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'DIGEST-MD5': (_md5_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'HMAC-MD5': (_dovecotpw, 0x10000f00),
+    'LANMAN': (_dovecotpw, 0x10000f00),
+    'LDAP-MD5': (_md5_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'MD5': (_crypt_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'MD5-CRYPT': (_crypt_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'NTLM': (_ntlm_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'OTP': (_dovecotpw, 0x10100a01),
+    'PLAIN': (_clear_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'PLAIN-MD4': (_md4_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'PLAIN-MD5': (_md5_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'RPA': (_dovecotpw, 0x10000f00),
+    'SHA': (_sha1_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'SHA1': (_sha1_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'SHA256': (_sha256_hash, 0x10100a01),
+    'SHA512': (_sha512_hash, 0x20000b03),
+    'SKEY': (_dovecotpw, 0x10100a01),
+    'SMD5': (_smd5_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'SSHA': (_ssha1_hash, 0x10000f00),
+    'SSHA256': (_ssha256_hash, 0x10200a04),
+    'SSHA512': (_ssha512_hash, 0x20000b03),
+def list_schemes():
+    """Returns the tuple (schemes, encodings).
+    `schemes` is an iterator for all supported password schemes (depends on
+    the used Dovecot version and features of the libc).
+    `encodings` is a tuple with all usable encoding suffixes. The tuple may
+    be empty.
+    """
+    dcv = cfg_dget('misc.dovecot_version')
+    schemes = (k for (k, v) in _scheme_info.iteritems() if v[1] <= dcv)
+    if dcv >= 0x10100a01:
+        encodings = ('.B64', '.BASE64', '.HEX')
+    else:
+        encodings = ()
+    return schemes, encodings
+def verify_scheme(scheme):
+    """Checks if the password scheme *scheme* is known and supported by the
+    configured `misc.dovecot_version`.
+    The *scheme* maybe a password scheme's name (e.g.: 'PLAIN') or a scheme
+    name with a encoding suffix (e.g. 'PLAIN.BASE64').  If the scheme is
+    known and supported by the used Dovecot version,
+    a tuple ``(scheme, encoding)`` will be returned.
+    The `encoding` in the tuple may be `None`.
+    Raises a `VMMError` if the password scheme:
+      * is unknown
+      * depends on a newer Dovecot version
+      * has a unknown encoding suffix
+    """
+    assert isinstance(scheme, basestring), 'Not a str/unicode: %r' % scheme
+    scheme_encoding = scheme.upper().split('.')
+    scheme = scheme_encoding[0]
+    if scheme not in _scheme_info:
+        raise VMMError(_(u"Unsupported password scheme: '%s'") % scheme,
+                       VMM_ERROR)
+    if cfg_dget('misc.dovecot_version') < _scheme_info[scheme][1]:
+        raise VMMError(_(u"The password scheme '%(scheme)s' requires Dovecot "
+                         u">= v%(version)s.") % {'scheme': scheme,
+                       'version': version_str(_scheme_info[scheme][1])},
+                       VMM_ERROR)
+    if len(scheme_encoding) > 1:
+        if cfg_dget('misc.dovecot_version') < 0x10100a01:
+            raise VMMError(_(u'Encoding suffixes for password schemes require '
+                             u'Dovecot >= v1.1.alpha1.'), VMM_ERROR)
+        if scheme_encoding[1] not in ('B64', 'BASE64', 'HEX'):
+            raise VMMError(_(u"Unsupported password encoding: '%s'") %
+                           scheme_encoding[1], VMM_ERROR)
+        encoding = scheme_encoding[1]
+    else:
+        encoding = None
+    return scheme, encoding
+def pwhash(password, scheme=None, user=None):
+    """Generates a password hash from the plain text *password* string.
+    If no *scheme* is given the password scheme from the configuration will
+    be used for the hash generation.  When 'DIGEST-MD5' is used as scheme,
+    also an EmailAddress instance must be given as *user* argument.
+    """
+    if not isinstance(password, basestring):
+        raise TypeError('Password is not a string: %r' % password)
+    if isinstance(password, unicode):
+        password = password.encode(ENCODING)
+    password = password.strip()
+    if not password:
+        raise ValueError("Could not accept empty password.")
+    if scheme is None:
+        scheme = cfg_dget('misc.password_scheme')
+    scheme, encoding = verify_scheme(scheme)
+    if scheme == 'DIGEST-MD5':
+        assert isinstance(user, EmailAddress)
+        return _md5_hash(password, scheme, encoding, user)
+    return _scheme_info[scheme][0](password, scheme, encoding)
+def randompw():
+    """Generates a plain text random password.
+    The length of the password can be configured in the ``vmm.cfg``
+    (account.password_length).
+    """
+    pw_len = cfg_dget('account.password_length')
+    if pw_len < 8:
+        pw_len = 8
+    return ''.join(_sys_rand.sample(PASSWDCHARS, pw_len))
+def _test_crypt_algorithms():
+    """Check for Blowfish/SHA-256/SHA-512 support in crypt.crypt()."""
+    _blowfish = '$2a$04$0123456789abcdefABCDE.N.drYX5yIAL1LkTaaZotW3yI0hQhZru'
+    _sha256 = '$5$rounds=1000$0123456789abcdef$K/DksR0DT01hGc8g/kt9McEgrbFMKi\
+    _sha512 = '$6$rounds=1000$0123456789abcdef$ZIAd5WqfyLkpvsVCVUU1GrvqaZTqvh\
+    if crypt('08/15!test~4711', '$2a$04$0123456789abcdefABCDEF$') == _blowfish:
+        _scheme_info['BLF-CRYPT'] = (_crypt_hash, 0x10000f00)
+    if crypt('08/15!test~4711', '$5$rounds=1000$0123456789abcdef$') == _sha256:
+        _scheme_info['SHA256-CRYPT'] = (_crypt_hash, 0x10000f00)
+    if crypt('08/15!test~4711', '$6$rounds=1000$0123456789abcdef$') == _sha512:
+        _scheme_info['SHA512-CRYPT'] = (_crypt_hash, 0x10000f00)
+del _, cfg_dget, _test_crypt_algorithms