changeset 571 a4aead244f75
parent 465 c0e1fb1b0145
parent 570 28230a8230bf
child 572 3238c58d01ae
--- a/VirtualMailManager/	Mon Nov 07 03:22:15 2011 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Pascal Volk
-# See COPYING for distribution information.
-"""Virtual Mail Manager's Domain class to manage e-mail domains."""
-from random import choice
-from __main__ import ERR
-from Exceptions import VMMDomainException as VMMDE
-import VirtualMailManager as VMM
-from Transport import Transport
-MAILDIR_CHARS = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
-class Domain(object):
-    """Class to manage e-mail domains."""
-    __slots__ = ('_basedir','_domaindir','_id','_name','_transport','_dbh')
-    def __init__(self, dbh, domainname, basedir=None, transport=None):
-        """Creates a new Domain instance.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        dbh -- a pyPgSQL.PgSQL.connection
-        domainname -- name of the domain (str)
-        transport -- default vmm.cfg/misc/transport  (str)
-        """
-        self._dbh = dbh
-        self._name = VMM.VirtualMailManager.chkDomainname(domainname)
-        self._basedir = basedir
-        if transport is not None:
-            self._transport = Transport(self._dbh, transport=transport)
-        else:
-            self._transport = transport
-        self._id = 0
-        self._domaindir = None
-        if not self._exists() and self._isAlias():
-            raise VMMDE(_(u"The domain “%s” is an alias domain.") %self._name,
-                    ERR.DOMAIN_ALIAS_EXISTS)
-    def _exists(self):
-        """Checks if the domain already exists.
-        If the domain exists _id will be set and returns True, otherwise False
-        will be returned.
-        """
-        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-        dbc.execute("SELECT gid, tid, domaindir FROM domain_data WHERE gid =\
- (SELECT gid FROM domain_name WHERE domainname = %s AND is_primary)",
-                self._name)
-        result = dbc.fetchone()
-        dbc.close()
-        if result is not None:
-            self._id, self._domaindir = result[0], result[2]
-            self._transport = Transport(self._dbh, tid=result[1])
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def _isAlias(self):
-        """Checks if self._name is known for an alias domain."""
-        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-        dbc.execute('SELECT is_primary FROM domain_name WHERE domainname = %s',
-                self._name)
-        result = dbc.fetchone()
-        dbc.close()
-        if result is not None and not result[0]:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def _setID(self):
-        """Sets the ID of the domain."""
-        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-        dbc.execute("SELECT nextval('domain_gid')")
-        self._id = dbc.fetchone()[0]
-        dbc.close()
-    def _prepare(self):
-        self._setID()
-        self._domaindir = "%s/%s/%i" % (self._basedir, choice(MAILDIR_CHARS),
-                self._id)
-    def _has(self, what):
-        """Checks if aliases or accounts are assigned to the domain.
-        If there are assigned accounts or aliases True will be returned,
-        otherwise False will be returned.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        what -- 'alias' or 'users' (strings)
-        """
-        if what not in ['alias', 'users']:
-            return False
-        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-        if what == 'users':
-            dbc.execute("SELECT count(gid) FROM users WHERE gid=%s", self._id)
-        else:
-            dbc.execute("SELECT count(gid) FROM alias WHERE gid=%s", self._id)
-        count = dbc.fetchone()
-        dbc.close()
-        if count[0] > 0:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def _chkDelete(self, delUser, delAlias):
-        """Checks dependencies for deletion.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        delUser -- ignore available accounts (bool)
-        delAlias -- ignore available aliases (bool)
-        """
-        if not delUser:
-            hasUser = self._has('users')
-        else:
-            hasUser = False
-        if not delAlias:
-            hasAlias = self._has('alias')
-        else:
-            hasAlias = False
-        if hasUser and hasAlias:
-            raise VMMDE(_(u'There are accounts and aliases.'),
-        elif hasUser:
-            raise VMMDE(_(u'There are accounts.'),
-                ERR.ACCOUNT_PRESENT)
-        elif hasAlias:
-            raise VMMDE(_(u'There are aliases.'),
-                ERR.ALIAS_PRESENT)
-    def save(self):
-        """Stores the new domain in the database."""
-        if self._id < 1:
-            self._prepare()
-            dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-            dbc.execute("INSERT INTO domain_data (gid, tid, domaindir)\
- VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", self._id, self._transport.getID(), self._domaindir)
-            dbc.execute("INSERT INTO domain_name (domainname, gid, is_primary)\
- VALUES (%s, %s, %s)", self._name, self._id, True)
-            self._dbh.commit()
-            dbc.close()
-        else:
-            raise VMMDE(_(u'The domain “%s” already exists.') % self._name,
-                ERR.DOMAIN_EXISTS)
-    def delete(self, delUser=False, delAlias=False):
-        """Deletes the domain.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        delUser -- force deletion of available accounts (bool)
-        delAlias -- force deletion of available aliases (bool)
-        """
-        if self._id > 0:
-            self._chkDelete(delUser, delAlias)
-            dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-            for t in ('alias','users','relocated','domain_name','domain_data'):
-                dbc.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE gid = %d" % (t, self._id))
-            self._dbh.commit()
-            dbc.close()
-        else:
-            raise VMMDE(_(u"The domain “%s” doesn't exist.") % self._name,
-                ERR.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)
-    def updateTransport(self, transport, force=False):
-        """Sets a new transport for the domain.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        transport -- the new transport (str)
-        force -- True/False force new transport for all accounts (bool)
-        """
-        if self._id > 0:
-            if transport == self._transport.getTransport():
-                return
-            trsp = Transport(self._dbh, transport=transport)
-            dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-            dbc.execute("UPDATE domain_data SET tid = %s WHERE gid = %s",
-                    trsp.getID(), self._id)
-            if dbc.rowcount > 0:
-                self._dbh.commit()
-            if force:
-                dbc.execute("UPDATE users SET tid = %s WHERE gid = %s",
-                        trsp.getID(), self._id)
-                if dbc.rowcount > 0:
-                    self._dbh.commit()
-            dbc.close()
-        else:
-            raise VMMDE(_(u"The domain “%s” doesn't exist.") % self._name,
-                ERR.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)
-    def getID(self):
-        """Returns the ID of the domain."""
-        return self._id
-    def getDir(self):
-        """Returns the directory of the domain."""
-        return self._domaindir
-    def getTransport(self):
-        """Returns domain's transport."""
-        return self._transport.getTransport()
-    def getTransportID(self):
-        """Returns the ID from the domain's transport."""
-        return self._transport.getID()
-    def getInfo(self):
-        """Returns a dictionary with information about the domain."""
-        sql = """\
-SELECT gid, domainname, transport, domaindir, aliasdomains, accounts,
-       aliases, relocated
-  FROM vmm_domain_info
- WHERE gid = %i""" % self._id
-        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-        dbc.execute(sql)
-        info = dbc.fetchone()
-        dbc.close()
-        if info is None:
-            raise VMMDE(_(u"The domain “%s” doesn't exist.") % self._name,
-                    ERR.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)
-        else:
-            keys = ['gid', 'domainname', 'transport', 'domaindir',
-                    'aliasdomains', 'accounts', 'aliases', 'relocated']
-            return dict(zip(keys, info))
-    def getAccounts(self):
-        """Returns a list with all accounts from the domain."""
-        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-        dbc.execute("SELECT local_part from users where gid = %s ORDER BY\
- local_part", self._id)
-        users = dbc.fetchall()
-        dbc.close()
-        accounts = []
-        if len(users) > 0:
-            addr = u'@'.join
-            _dom = self._name
-            accounts = [addr((account[0], _dom)) for account in users]
-        return accounts
-    def getAliases(self):
-        """Returns a list with all aliases from the domain."""
-        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-        dbc.execute("SELECT DISTINCT address FROM alias WHERE gid = %s\
- ORDER BY address",  self._id)
-        addresses = dbc.fetchall()
-        dbc.close()
-        aliases = []
-        if len(addresses) > 0:
-            addr = u'@'.join
-            _dom = self._name
-            aliases = [addr((alias[0], _dom)) for alias in addresses]
-        return aliases
-    def getRelocated(self):
-        """Returns a list with all addresses from relocated users."""
-        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-        dbc.execute("SELECT address FROM relocated WHERE gid = %s\
- ORDER BY address", self._id)
-        addresses = dbc.fetchall()
-        dbc.close()
-        relocated = []
-        if len(addresses) > 0:
-            addr = u'@'.join
-            _dom = self._name
-            relocated = [addr((address[0], _dom)) for address in addresses]
-        return relocated
-    def getAliaseNames(self):
-        """Returns a list with all alias names from the domain."""
-        dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
-        dbc.execute("SELECT domainname FROM domain_name WHERE gid = %s\
- AND NOT is_primary ORDER BY domainname", self._id)
-        anames = dbc.fetchall()
-        dbc.close()
-        aliasdomains = []
-        if len(anames) > 0:
-            aliasdomains = [aname[0] for aname in anames]
-        return aliasdomains
-def search(dbh, pattern=None, like=False):
-    if pattern is not None and like is False:
-        pattern = VMM.VirtualMailManager.chkDomainname(pattern)
-    sql = 'SELECT gid, domainname, is_primary FROM domain_name'
-    if pattern is None:
-        pass
-    elif like:
-        sql += " WHERE domainname LIKE '%s'" % pattern
-    else:
-        sql += " WHERE domainname = '%s'" % pattern
-    sql += ' ORDER BY is_primary DESC, domainname'
-    dbc = dbh.cursor()
-    dbc.execute(sql)
-    result = dbc.fetchall()
-    dbc.close()
-    gids = [domain[0] for domain in result if domain[2]]
-    domains = {}
-    for gid, domain, is_primary in result:
-        if is_primary:
-            if not gid in domains:
-                domains[gid] = [domain]
-            else:
-                domains[gid].insert(0, domain)
-        else:
-            if gid in gids:
-                if gid in domains:
-                    domains[gid].append(domain)
-                else:
-                    domains[gid] = [domain]
-            else:
-                gids.append(gid)
-                domains[gid] = [None, domain]
-    return gids, domains