changeset 37 89f952b0f366
parent 36 8a9ce20d2569
child 38 c44ea4526546
--- a/vmm.1	Mon May 26 22:18:19 2008 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-.\" $Id$
-.TH "VMM" "1" "27. May 2008" "Pascal Volk"
-vmm \- command line tool to manage email domains/accounts/aliases
-.B vmm
-\fIsubcommand\fP \fIobject\fP [ \fIargs\fP ]
-\fBvmm\fP (Virtual Mail Manager) is a command line tool for
-administrators/postmasters to manage domains, accounts and aliases. It's
-designed for Dovecot and Postfix with a PostgreSQL backend.
-Each subcommand has both a long and a short form. Both forms are case sensitive.
-\fBconfigure\fP (\fBcf\fP) [ \fIsection\fP ]
-Starts the interactive configuration for all configuration sections.
-If the optional argument \fIsection\fP is given, only the configuration options
-from the given section will be displayed and will be configurable. The following
-sections are available:
-.PD 0
-        Example:
-        \fBvmm configure services\fP
-        * Config section: services
-        Enter new value for pop3 [True]: 
-        Enter new value for smtp [True]: 
-        Enter new value for imap [True]: 
-        Enter new value for managesieve [True]: false
-\fBgetuser\fP (\fBgu\fP) \fIuserid\fP
-If only the userid is available, for example from process list, the subcommand
-\fBgetuser\fP will show the user's address.
-        Example:
-        \fBvmm getuser 70004\fP
-        Account information
-        -------------------
-                Gid............: 70000
-                Uid............: 70004
-                Address........: c.user@example.com
-\fBlistdomains\fP (\fBld\fP) [ \fIpattern\fP ]
-This subcommand lists all available domains. The output can be limited with an
-optional \fIpattern\fP.
-To perform a wild card search, the % character can be used at the start and/or
-the end of the \fIpattern\fP.
-        Example:
-        \fBvmm listdomains example%\fP
-        Matching domains
-        ----------------
-                example.com
-                example.net
-                example.org
-\fBhelp\fP (\fBh\fP)
-Prints all available commands to stderr. After this \fBvmm\fP exits.
-\fBversion\fP (\fBv\fP)
-Prints the version information from \fBvmm\fB.
-\fBdomainadd\fP (\fBda\fP) \fIdomain\fP [ \fItransport\fP ]
-Adds the new \fIdomain\fP into the database.
-If the optional argument \fItransport\fP is given, it will overwrite the
-default transport from \fBvmm.cfg\fP (misc/transport). The specified transport
-will be the default transport for all new accounts in this domain.
-        Examples:
-        \fBvmm domainadd support.example.com smtp:mx1.example.com
-        vmm domainadd sales.example.com\fP
-\fBdomaininfo\fP (\fBdi\fP) \fIdomain\fP [ \fIdetailed\fP ]
-This subcommand shows some information about the given domain.
-If the keyword '\fBdetailed\fP' is specified as optional argument, all
-available accounts and aliases will be listed.
-        Example:
-        \fBvmm domaininfo sales.example.com\fP
-        Domain information
-        ------------------
-                Domainname.....: sales.example.com
-                Domaindir......: /home/mail/5/70002
-                Gid............: 70002
-                Accounts.......: 0
-                Transport......: dovecot:
-                Aliases........: 0
-\fBdomaintransport\fP (\fBdt\fP) \fIdomain\fP \fItransport\fP [ \fIforce\fP ]
-A new transport for the indicated domain can be set with this subcommand.
-If the additional keyword '\fBforce\fP' is given all account specific transport
-settings will be overwritten.
-Otherwise this setting will affect only new created accounts.
-        Example:
-        \fBvmm domaintransport support.example.com dovecot:\fP
-\fBdomaindelete\fP (\fBdd\fP) \fIdomain\fP [ \fIdelalias\fP | \fIdeluser\fP |\
- \fIdelall\fP ]
-This subcommand deletes the specified \fIdomain\fP.
-If there are accounts and/or aliases assigned to the given domain, \fBvmm\fP
-will abort the requested operation and show a error message. If you know, what
-you are doing, you can specify one of the following keywords: '\fPdelalias\fP', '\fBdeluser\fP' or '\fBdelall\fP'.
-If you really always know what you are doing, edit your \fBvmm.cfg\fP and set
-the option \fIforcedel\fP, in section \fImisc\fP, to true.
-\fBuseradd\fP (\fBua\fP) \fIaddress\fP [ \fIpassword\fP ]
-Use this subcommand to create a new email account for the given \fIaddress\fP.
-If the \fIpassword\fP is not provided, \fBvmm\fP will prompt for it
-        Examples:
-        \fBvmm ua d.user@example.com 'A 5ecR3t P4s5\\/\\/0rd'\fP
-        \fBvmm ua e.user@example.com\fP
-        Enter new password:
-        Retype new password:
-\fBuserinfo\fP (\fBui\fP) \fIaddress\fP [ \fIdu\fP ]
-This subcommand displays some information about the account specified by
-If the optional argument \fIdu\fP is given, the disk usage of users maildir will
-be summarized and displayed too.
-\fBusername\fP (\fBun\fP) \fIaddress\fP \fI'Users Name'\fP
-The user's real name can be set/updated with this subcommand.
-        Example:
-        \fBvmm un d.user@example.com 'John Doe'\fP
-\fBuserpassword\fP (\fBup\fP) \fIaddress\fP [ \fIpassword\fP ]
-The \fIpassword\fP from an account can be updated with this subcommand.
-If the \fIpassword\fP is not provided, \fBvmm\fP will prompt for it
-        Example:
-        \fBvmm up d.user@example.com 'A |\\/|0r3 5ecur3 P4s5\\/\\/0rd?'\fP
-\fBusertransport\fP (\fBut\fP) \fIaddress\fP \fItransport\fP
-A different transport for an account can be specified with this subcommand.
-        Example:
-        \fBvmm ut d.user@example.com smtp:pc105.it.example.com\fP
-\fBuserdisable\fP (\fBu0\fP) \fIaddress\fP [ \fIsmtp\fP | \fIpop3\fP |\
- \fIimap\fP | \fImanagesieve\fP | \fIall\fP ]
-If a user shouldn't have access to one or all services you can restrict the 
-access with this subcommand.
-If neither a service nor the keyword '\fIall\fP' is given all services ('smtp', 'pop3', 'imap', and 'managesieve') will be disabled for the account with the specified
-\fIaddress\fP. Otherwise only the specified service will be restricted.
-        Examples:
-        \fBvmm u0 b.user@example.com imap\fP
-        \fBvmm userdisable c.user@example.com\fP
-\fBuserenable\fP (\fBu1\fP) \fIaddress\fP [ \fIsmtp\fP | \fIpop3\fP |\
- \fIimap\fP | \fImanagesieve\fP | \fIall\fP ]
-To allow access to one or all restricted services use this subcommand.
-If neither a service nor the keyword '\fIall\fP' is given all services ('smtp', 'pop3', 'imap', and 'managesieve') will be enabled for the account with the specified
-\fIaddress\fP. Otherwise only the specified service will be enabled.
-\fBuserdelete\fP (\fBud\fP) \fIaddress\fP
-Use this subcommand to delete the account with the given \fIaddress\fP.
-\fBaliasadd\fP (\fBaa\fP) \fIalias\fP \fItarget\fP
-This subcommand is used to create a new alias.
-        Examples:
-        \fBvmm aliasadd john.doe@example.com d.user@example.com\fP
-        \fBvmm aa support@example.com d.user@example.com\fP
-        \fBvmm aa support@example.com e.user@example.com\fP
-\fBaliasinfo\fP (\fBai\fP) \fIalias\fP
-Information about an alias can be displayed with this subcommand.
-        Example:
-        \fBvmm aliasinfo support@example.com\fP
-        Alias information
-        -----------------
-                Mail for support@example.com goes to:
-                     -> d.user@example.com
-                     -> e.user@example.com
-\fBaliasdelete\fP (\fBad\fP) \fIalias\fP [ \fItarget\fP ]
-Use this subcommand to delete the \fIalias\fP.
-If the optional destination address \fItarget\fP is given, only this
-destination will be removed from the \fIalias\fP.
-        Example:
-        \fBvmm ad support@example.com d.user@example.com\fP
-vmm.cfg(5), configuration file for vmm
-\fBvmm\fP and its man pages were written by Pascal Volk
-<\fIp.volk@veb-it.de\fP> and are licensed under the terms of the BSD License.