changeset 549 44a808af6cf4
parent 547 5020c56f9388
child 550 867d950ce7b7
--- a/pgsql/create_tables-dovecot-1.2.x.pgsql	Sun Apr 15 15:30:16 2012 +0000
+++ b/pgsql/create_tables-dovecot-1.2.x.pgsql	Sun Apr 15 17:36:26 2012 +0200
@@ -631,12 +631,11 @@
         record recipient_destination;
         catchall_cursor refcursor;
         recipient varchar(320) := localpart || '@' || the_domain;
-        idestination varchar(320) :=
-            _interpolate_destination(destination, localpart, the_domain);
         did bigint := (SELECT gid FROM domain_name WHERE domainname=the_domain);
         FOR record IN
-            SELECT recipient, idestination
+            SELECT recipient,
+                _interpolate_destination(destination, localpart, the_domain)
               FROM alias
              WHERE gid = did
                AND address = localpart
@@ -654,7 +653,8 @@
             -- or relocated entry and return the identity mapping if that is
             -- the case
             OPEN catchall_cursor FOR
-                SELECT recipient, idestination
+                SELECT recipient,
+                    _interpolate_destination(destination, localpart, the_domain)
                   FROM catchall
                  WHERE gid = did;
             FETCH NEXT FROM catchall_cursor INTO recordc;