--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/man/man1/vmm.1.rst Sat Jan 30 05:15:21 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+ vmm
+command line tool to manage email domains/accounts/aliases
+:Author: Pascal Volk <neverseen@users.sourceforge.net>
+:Date: 2010-01-30
+:Version: vmm-0.6.0
+:Manual group: vmm Manual
+:Manual section: 1
+.. contents::
+ :backlinks: top
+ :class: htmlout
+**vmm** *subcommand* *object* [ *arguments* ]
+**vmm** (a virtual mail manager) is a command line tool for
+administrators/postmasters to manage (alias) domains, accounts and alias
+addresses. It's designed for Dovecot and Postfix with a PostgreSQL backend.
+Each subcommand has both a long and a short form. The short form is shown
+enclosed in parentheses. Both forms are case sensitive.
+.. _configure:
+``configure (cf) [ section ]``
+ Starts the interactive configuration for all configuration sections.
+ In this process the currently set value of each option will be shown in
+ square brackets. If no value is configured, the default value of each
+ option will be displayed in square brackets. Pres the enter key, to accept
+ the displayed value.
+ If the optional argument *section* is given, only the configuration
+ options from the given section will be displayed and will be
+ configurable. The following sections are available:
+ | - **account**
+ | - **bin**
+ | - **database**
+ | - **domain**
+ | - **maildir**
+ | - **misc**
+ Example::
+ vmm configure domain
+ Using configuration file: /usr/local/etc/vmm.cfg
+ * Configuration section: “domain”
+ Enter new value for option directory_mode [504]:
+ Enter new value for option delete_directory [True]: no
+ Enter new value for option auto_postmaster [True]:
+ Enter new value for option force_deletion [True]: off
+.. _getuser:
+``getuser (gu) userid``
+ If only the *userid* is available, for example from process list, the
+ subcommand **getuser** will show the user's address.
+ Example::
+ vmm getuser 70004
+ Account information
+ -------------------
+ UID............: 70004
+ GID............: 70000
+ Address........: c.user@example.com
+.. _listdomains:
+``listdomains (ld) [ pattern ]``
+ This subcommand lists all available domains. All domain names will be
+ prefixed either with '[+]', if the domain is a primary domain, or with
+ '[-]', if it is an alias domain name. The output can be limited with an
+ optional *pattern*.
+ To perform a wild card search, the **%** character can be used at the
+ start and/or the end of the *pattern*.
+ Example::
+ vmm listdomains %example%
+ Matching domains
+ ----------------
+ [+] example.com
+ [-] e.g.example.com
+ [-] example.name
+ [+] example.net
+ [+] example.org
+.. _help:
+``help (h)``
+ Prints all available subcommands to stdout. After this **vmm** exits.
+.. _version:
+``version (v)``
+ Prints the version information from **vmm**.
+.. _domainadd:
+``domainadd (da) domain [ transport ]``
+ Adds the new *domain* into the database and creates the domain directory.
+ If the optional argument *transport* is given, it will overwrite the
+ default transport (|misc.transport|_) from |vmm.cfg(5)|_. The specified
+ *transport* will be the default transport for all new accounts in this
+ domain.
+ Examples::
+ vmm domainadd support.example.com smtp:mx1.example.com
+ vmm domainadd sales.example.com
+.. _domaininfo:
+``domaininfo (di) domain [ details ]``
+ This subcommand shows some information about the given *domain*.
+ For a more detailed information about the *domain* the optional argument
+ *details* can be specified. A possible *details* value may be one of the
+ following five keywords:
+ ``accounts``
+ to list all existing accounts
+ ``aliasdomains``
+ to list all assigned alias domains
+ ``aliases``
+ to list all available aliases addresses
+ ``relocated``
+ to list all relocated users
+ ``full``
+ to list all information mentioned above
+ Example::
+ vmm domaininfo sales.example.com
+ Domain information
+ ------------------
+ Domainname.....: sales.example.com
+ GID............: 70002
+ Transport......: dovecot:
+ Domaindir......: /home/mail/5/70002
+ Aliasdomains...: 0
+ Accounts.......: 0
+ Aliases........: 0
+ Relocated......: 0
+.. _domaintransport:
+``domaintransport (dt) domain transport [ force ]``
+ A new *transport* for the indicated *domain* can be set with this
+ subcommand.
+ If the additional keyword **force** is given all account specific
+ transport settings will be overwritten. Otherwise this setting will affect
+ only new created accounts.
+ Example::
+ vmm domaintransport support.example.com dovecot:
+.. _domaindelete:
+``domaindelete (dd) domain [ delalias | deluser | delall ]``
+ This subcommand deletes the specified *domain*.
+ If there are accounts and/or aliases assigned to the given domain, **vmm**
+ will abort the requested operation and show an error message. If you know,
+ what you are doing, you can specify one of the following keywords:
+ **delalias**, **deluser** or **delall**.
+ If you really always know what you are doing, edit your *vmm.cfg* and set
+ the option |domain.force_deletion|_ to true.
+.. _aliasdomainadd:
+``aliasdomainadd (ada) aliasdomain targetdomain``
+ This subcommand adds the new *aliasdomain* to the *targetdomain* that
+ should be aliased.
+ Example::
+ vmm aliasdomainadd example.name example.com
+.. _aliasdomaininfo:
+``aliasdomaininfo (adi) aliasdomain``
+ This subcommand shows to which domain the *aliasdomain* is assigned to.
+ Example::
+ vmm aliasdomaininfo example.name
+ Alias domain information
+ ------------------------
+ The alias domain example.name belongs to:
+ * example.com
+.. _aliasdomainswitch:
+``aliasdomainswitch (ads) aliasdomain targetdomain``
+ If the target of the existing *aliasdomain* should be switched to another
+ *targetdomain* use this subcommand.
+ Example::
+ vmm aliasdomainswitch example.name example.org
+.. _aliasdomaindelete:
+``aliasdomaindelete (add) aliasdomain``
+ Use this subcommand if the alias domain *aliasdomain* should be removed.
+ Example::
+ vmm aliasdomaindelete e.g.example.com
+.. _useradd:
+``useradd (ua) address [ password ]``
+ Use this subcommand to create a new email account for the given *address*.
+ If the *password* is not provided, **vmm** will prompt for it
+ interactively.
+ Examples::
+ vmm ua d.user@example.com 'A 5ecR3t P4s5\\/\\/0rd'
+ vmm ua e.user@example.com
+ Enter new password:
+ Retype new password:
+.. _userinfo:
+``userinfo (ui) address [ details ]``
+ This subcommand displays some information about the account specified by
+ *address*.
+ If the optional argument *details* is given some more information will be
+ displayed. Possible values for *details* are:
+ ``aliases``
+ to list all alias addresses with the destination *address*
+ ``du``
+ to display the disk usage of a user's Maildir. In order to summarize the
+ disk usage each time the this subcommand is executed automatically, set
+ |account.disk_usage|_ in the *vmm.cfg* to true.
+ ``full``
+ to list all information mentioned above
+.. _username:
+``username (un) address "User's Name"``
+ The user's real name can be set/updated with this subcommand.
+ Example::
+ vmm un d.user@example.com 'John Doe'
+.. _userpassword:
+``userpassword (up) address [ password ]``
+ The *password* from an account can be updated with this subcommand.
+ If the *password* is not provided, **vmm** will prompt for it
+ interactively.
+ Example::
+ vmm up d.user@example.com 'A |\\/|0r3 5ecur3 P4s5\\/\\/0rd?'
+.. _usertransport:
+``usertransport (ut) address transport``
+ A different *transport* for an account can be specified with this
+ subcommand.
+ Example::
+ vmm ut d.user@example.com smtp:pc105.it.example.com
+.. _userdisable:
+``userdisable (u0) address [ service ]``
+ If a user shouldn't have access to one or all services you can restrict
+ the access with this subcommand.
+ If neither a *service* nor the keyword **all** is given all services
+ (**smtp**, **pop3**, **imap**, and **sieve**) will be disabled for the
+ account with the specified *address*. Otherwise only the specified
+ *service* will be restricted.
+ Examples::
+ vmm u0 b.user@example.com imap
+ vmm userdisable c.user@example.com
+.. _userenable:
+``userenable (u1) address [ service ]``
+ To allow access to one or all restricted services use this subcommand.
+ If neither a *service* nor the keyword **all** is given all services
+ (**smtp**, **pop3**, **imap**, and **sieve**) will be enabled for the
+ account with the specified *address*. Otherwise only the specified
+ *service* will be enabled.
+.. _userdelete:
+``userdelete (ud) address [ delalias ]``
+ Use this subcommand to delete the account with the given *address*.
+ If there are one or more aliases with an identical destination *address*,
+ **vmm** will abort the requested operation and show an error message. To
+ prevent this, specify the optional keyword **delalias**.
+.. _aliasadd:
+``aliasadd (aa) alias target``
+ This subcommand is used to create a new alias.
+ Examples::
+ vmm aliasadd john.doe@example.com d.user@example.com
+ vmm aa support@example.com d.user@example.com
+ vmm aa support@example.com e.user@example.com
+.. _aliasinfo:
+``aliasinfo (ai) alias``
+ Information about an alias can be displayed with this subcommand.
+ Example::
+ vmm aliasinfo support@example.com
+ Alias information
+ -----------------
+ Mail for support@example.com will be redirected to:
+ * d.user@example.com
+ * e.user@example.com
+.. _aliasdelete:
+``aliasdelete (ad) alias [ target ]``
+ Use this subcommand to delete the *alias*.
+ If the optional destination address *target* is given, only this
+ destination will be removed from the *alias*.
+ Example::
+ vmm ad support@example.com d.user@example.com
+.. _relocatedadd:
+``relocatedadd (ra) old_address new_address``
+ A new relocated user can be created with this subcommand.
+ *old_address* is the users ex-email address, for example
+ b.user@example.com, and *new_address* points to the new email address
+ where the user can be reached.
+ Example::
+ vmm relocatedadd b.user@example.com b-user@company.tld
+.. _relocatedinfo:
+``relocatedinfo (ri) old_address``
+ This subcommand shows the new address of the relocated user with the
+ *old_address*.
+ Example::
+ vmm relocatedinfo b.user@example.com
+ Relocated information
+ ---------------------
+ User “b.user@example.com” has moved to “b-user@company.tld”
+.. _relocateddelete:
+``relocateddelete (rd) old_address``
+ Use this subcommand in order to delete the relocated user with the
+ *old_address*.
+ Example::
+ vmm relocateddelete b.user@example.com
+ | will be used when found.
+ | will be used when the above file doesn't exist.
+ | will be used when none of the both above mentioned files exists.
+vmm and its manual pages were written by Pascal Volk and are licensed under
+the terms of the BSD License.
+.. include:: ../substitute_links.rst
+.. include:: ../substitute_links_1.rst