changeset 76 14c0a092d7d2
parent 70 a3663ad491bf
child 78 8f1e501b1bb1
--- a/VirtualMailManager/	Sat Sep 06 03:07:28 2008 +0000
+++ b/VirtualMailManager/	Mon Sep 08 05:30:17 2008 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
 # Copyright 2007-2008 VEB IT
 # See COPYING for distribution information.
@@ -23,13 +22,15 @@
 from pyPgSQL import PgSQL # python-pgsql -
-from Exceptions import *
 import constants.ERROR as ERR
-from Config import Config as Cfg
 from Account import Account
 from Alias import Alias
+from AliasDomain import AliasDomain
+from Config import Config as Cfg
 from Domain import Domain
-from AliasDomain import AliasDomain
+from EmailAddress import EmailAddress
+from Exceptions import *
+from Relocated import Relocated
 SALTCHARS = './0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
 RE_ASCII_CHARS = """^[\x20-\x7E]*$"""
@@ -114,29 +115,6 @@
         except PgSQL.libpq.DatabaseError, e:
             raise VMMException(str(e), ERR.DATABASE_ERROR)
-    def chkLocalpart(localpart):
-        """Validates the local part of an e-mail address.
-        Keyword arguments:
-        localpart -- the e-mail address that should be validated (str)
-        """
-        if len(localpart) < 1:
-            raise VMMException(_(u'No localpart specified.'),
-                ERR.LOCALPART_INVALID)
-        if len(localpart) > 64:
-            raise VMMException(_(u'The local part »%s« is too long') %
-                localpart, ERR.LOCALPART_TOO_LONG)
-        ic = re.compile(RE_LOCALPART).findall(localpart)
-        if len(ic):
-            ichrs = ''
-            for c in set(ic):
-                ichrs += u"»%s« " % c
-            raise VMMException(_(u"The local part »%(lpart)s« contains invalid\
- characters: %(ichrs)s") % {'lpart': localpart, 'ichrs': ichrs},
-                ERR.LOCALPART_INVALID)
-        return localpart
-    chkLocalpart = staticmethod(chkLocalpart)
     def idn2ascii(domainname):
         """Converts an idn domainname in punycode.
@@ -179,52 +157,70 @@
         if not re.match(RE_DOMAIN, domainname):
-            raise VMMException(_(u'The domain name is invalid.'),
-                ERR.DOMAIN_INVALID)
+            raise VMMException(_(u'The domain name »%s« is invalid.') %\
+                    domainname, ERR.DOMAIN_INVALID)
         return domainname
     chkDomainname = staticmethod(chkDomainname)
-    def chkEmailAddress(address):
-        try:
-            localpart, domain = address.split('@')
-        except ValueError:
-            raise VMMException(_(u"Missing '@' sign in e-mail address »%s«.") %
-                address, ERR.INVALID_ADDRESS)
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise VMMException(_(u"»%s« looks not like an e-mail address.") %
-                address, ERR.INVALID_ADDRESS)
-        if len(domain) > 0:
-            domain = VirtualMailManager.chkDomainname(domain)
+    def _exists(dbh, query):
+        dbc = dbh.cursor()
+        dbc.execute(query)
+        gid = dbc.fetchone()
+        dbc.close()
+        if gid is None:
+            return False
-            raise VMMException(_(u"Missing domain name after »%s@«.") %
-                    localpart, ERR.DOMAIN_NO_NAME)
-        localpart = VirtualMailManager.chkLocalpart(localpart)
-        return '%s@%s' % (localpart, domain)
-    chkEmailAddress = staticmethod(chkEmailAddress)
+            return True
+    _exists = staticmethod(_exists)
+    def accountExists(dbh, address):
+        sql = "SELECT gid FROM users WHERE gid = (SELECT gid FROM domain_name\
+ WHERE domainname = '%(_domainname)s') AND local_part = '%(_localpart)s'" %\
+            address.__dict__
+        return VirtualMailManager._exists(dbh, sql)
+    accountExists = staticmethod(accountExists)
+    def aliasExists(dbh, address):
+        sql = "SELECT DISTINCT gid FROM alias WHERE gid = (SELECT gid FROM\
+ domain_name WHERE domainname = '%(_domainname)s') AND address =\
+ '%(_localpart)s'" % address.__dict__
+        return VirtualMailManager._exists(dbh, sql)
+    aliasExists = staticmethod(aliasExists)
+    def relocatedExists(dbh, address):
+        sql = "SELECT gid FROM relocated WHERE gid = (SELECT gid FROM\
+ domain_name WHERE domainname = '%(_domainname)s') AND address =\
+ '%(_localpart)s'" % address.__dict__
+        return VirtualMailManager._exists(dbh, sql)
+    relocatedExists = staticmethod(relocatedExists)
     def __getAccount(self, address, password=None):
+        address = EmailAddress(address)
         if not password is None:
             password = self.__pwhash(password)
         return Account(self.__dbh, address, password)
     def _readpass(self):
-        clear0 = ''
-        clear1 = '1'
-        while clear0 != clear1:
-            while len(clear0) < 1:
-                clear0 = getpass(prompt=_('Enter new password: '))
-                if len(clear0) < 1:
-                    sys.stderr.write('%s\n'
-                            % _('Sorry, empty passwords are not permitted'))
+        mismatched = True
+        while mismatched:
+            clear0 = getpass(prompt=_('Enter new password: '))
             clear1 = getpass(prompt=_('Retype new password: '))
             if clear0 != clear1:
-                clear0 = ''
                 sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % _('Sorry, passwords do not match'))
+                continue
+            if len(clear0) < 1 or len(clear1) < 1:
+                sys.stderr.write('%s\n'
+                        % _('Sorry, empty passwords are not permitted'))
+                continue
+            mismatched = False
         return clear0
     def __getAlias(self, address, destination=None):
+        address = EmailAddress(address)
+        if destination is not None:
+            destination = EmailAddress(destination)
         return Alias(self.__dbh, address, destination)
     def __getDomain(self, domainname, transport=None):