changeset 320 011066435e6f
parent 319 f4956b4ceba1
child 325 06c0457036a0
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/VirtualMailManager/	Wed Jul 28 02:08:03 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Pascal Volk
+# See COPYING for distribution information.
+   VirtualMailManager.handler
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+   A wrapper class. It wraps round all other classes and does some
+   dependencies checks.
+   Additionally it communicates with the PostgreSQL database, creates
+   or deletes directories of domains or users.
+import os
+import re
+from shutil import rmtree
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+from pyPgSQL import PgSQL  # python-pgsql -
+from VirtualMailManager.account import Account
+from VirtualMailManager.alias import Alias
+from VirtualMailManager.aliasdomain import AliasDomain
+from VirtualMailManager.common import exec_ok
+from VirtualMailManager.config import Config as Cfg
+from VirtualMailManager.constants import \
+from VirtualMailManager.domain import Domain, get_gid
+from VirtualMailManager.emailaddress import EmailAddress
+from VirtualMailManager.errors import \
+     DomainError, NotRootError, PermissionError, VMMError
+from VirtualMailManager.mailbox import new as new_mailbox
+from VirtualMailManager.pycompat import any
+from VirtualMailManager.relocated import Relocated
+from VirtualMailManager.transport import Transport
+_ = lambda msg: msg
+CFG_FILE = 'vmm.cfg'
+CFG_PATH = '/root:/usr/local/etc:/etc'
+RE_DOMAIN_SEARCH = """^[a-z0-9-\.]+$"""
+    TYPE_ACCOUNT: (_(u'an account'), ACCOUNT_EXISTS),
+    TYPE_ALIAS: (_(u'an alias'), ALIAS_EXISTS),
+    TYPE_RELOCATED: (_(u'a relocated user'), RELOCATED_EXISTS),
+class Handler(object):
+    """Wrapper class to simplify the access on all the stuff from
+    VirtualMailManager"""
+    __slots__ = ('_cfg', '_cfg_fname', '_dbh', '_warnings')
+    def __init__(self, skip_some_checks=False):
+        """Creates a new Handler instance.
+        ``skip_some_checks`` : bool
+            When a derived class knows how to handle all checks this
+            argument may be ``True``. By default it is ``False`` and
+            all checks will be performed.
+        Throws a NotRootError if your uid is greater 0.
+        """
+        self._cfg_fname = ''
+        self._warnings = []
+        self._cfg = None
+        self._dbh = None
+        if os.geteuid():
+            raise NotRootError(_(u"You are not root.\n\tGood bye!\n"),
+                               CONF_NOPERM)
+        if self._check_cfg_file():
+            self._cfg = Cfg(self._cfg_fname)
+            self._cfg.load()
+        if not skip_some_checks:
+            self._cfg.check()
+            self._chkenv()
+    def _find_cfg_file(self):
+        """Search the CFG_FILE in CFG_PATH.
+        Raise a VMMError when no vmm.cfg could be found.
+        """
+        for path in CFG_PATH.split(':'):
+            tmp = os.path.join(path, CFG_FILE)
+            if os.path.isfile(tmp):
+                self._cfg_fname = tmp
+                break
+        if not self._cfg_fname:
+            raise VMMError(_(u"Could not find '%(cfg_file)s' in: "
+                             u"'%(cfg_path)s'") % {'cfg_file': CFG_FILE,
+                           'cfg_path': CFG_PATH}, CONF_NOFILE)
+    def _check_cfg_file(self):
+        """Checks the configuration file, returns bool"""
+        self._find_cfg_file()
+        fstat = os.stat(self._cfg_fname)
+        fmode = int(oct(fstat.st_mode & 0777))
+        if fmode % 100 and fstat.st_uid != fstat.st_gid or \
+           fmode % 10 and fstat.st_uid == fstat.st_gid:
+            raise PermissionError(_(u"wrong permissions for '%(file)s': "
+                                    u"%(perms)s\n`chmod 0600 %(file)s` would "
+                                    u"be great.") % {'file': self._cfg_fname,
+                                  'perms': fmode}, CONF_WRONGPERM)
+        else:
+            return True
+    def _chkenv(self):
+        """Make sure our base_directory is a directory and that all
+        required executables exists and are executable.
+        If not, a VMMError will be raised"""
+        basedir = self._cfg.dget('misc.base_directory')
+        if not os.path.exists(basedir):
+            old_umask = os.umask(0006)
+            os.makedirs(basedir, 0771)
+            os.chown(basedir, 0, 0)
+            os.umask(old_umask)
+        elif not os.path.isdir(basedir):
+            raise VMMError(_(u"'%(path)s' is not a directory.\n(%(cfg_file)s: "
+                             u"section 'misc', option 'base_directory')") %
+                           {'path': basedir, 'cfg_file': self._cfg_fname},
+                           NO_SUCH_DIRECTORY)
+        for opt, val in self._cfg.items('bin'):
+            try:
+                exec_ok(val)
+            except VMMError, err:
+                if err.code is NO_SUCH_BINARY:
+                    raise VMMError(_(u"'%(binary)s' doesn't exist.\n"
+                                     u"(%(cfg_file)s: section 'bin', option "
+                                     u"'%(option)s')") % {'binary': val,
+                                   'cfg_file': self._cfg_fname, 'option': opt},
+                                   err.code)
+                elif err.code is NOT_EXECUTABLE:
+                    raise VMMError(_(u"'%(binary)s' is not executable.\n"
+                                     u"(%(cfg_file)s: section 'bin', option "
+                                     u"'%(option)s')") % {'binary': val,
+                                   'cfg_file': self._cfg_fname, 'option': opt},
+                                   err.code)
+                else:
+                    raise
+    def _db_connect(self):
+        """Creates a pyPgSQL.PgSQL.connection instance."""
+        if self._dbh is None or (isinstance(self._dbh, PgSQL.Connection) and
+                                  not self._dbh._isOpen):
+            try:
+                self._dbh = PgSQL.connect(
+                        database=self._cfg.dget(''),
+                        user=self._cfg.pget('database.user'),
+                        host=self._cfg.dget(''),
+                        password=self._cfg.pget('database.pass'),
+                        client_encoding='utf8', unicode_results=True)
+                dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
+                dbc.execute("SET NAMES 'UTF8'")
+                dbc.close()
+            except PgSQL.libpq.DatabaseError, err:
+                raise VMMError(str(err), DATABASE_ERROR)
+    def _chk_other_address_types(self, address, exclude):
+        """Checks if the EmailAddress *address* is known as `TYPE_ACCOUNT`,
+        `TYPE_ALIAS` or `TYPE_RELOCATED`, but not as the `TYPE_*` specified
+        by *exclude*.  If the *address* is known as one of the `TYPE_*`s
+        the according `TYPE_*` constant will be returned.  Otherwise 0 will
+        be returned."""
+        assert exclude in (TYPE_ACCOUNT, TYPE_ALIAS, TYPE_RELOCATED) and \
+                isinstance(address, EmailAddress)
+        if exclude is not TYPE_ACCOUNT:
+            account = Account(self._dbh, address)
+            if account:
+                return TYPE_ACCOUNT
+        if exclude is not TYPE_ALIAS:
+            alias = Alias(self._dbh, address)
+            if alias:
+                return TYPE_ALIAS
+        if exclude is not TYPE_RELOCATED:
+            relocated = Relocated(self._dbh, address)
+            if relocated:
+                return TYPE_RELOCATED
+        return 0
+    def _is_other_address(self, address, exclude):
+        """Checks if *address* is known for an Account (TYPE_ACCOUNT),
+        Alias (TYPE_ALIAS) or Relocated (TYPE_RELOCATED), except for
+        *exclude*.  Returns `False` if the address is not known for other
+        types.
+        Raises a `VMMError` if the address is known.
+        """
+        other = self._chk_other_address_types(address, exclude)
+        if not other:
+            return False
+        msg = _(u"There is already %(a_type)s with the address '%(address)s'.")
+        raise VMMError(msg % {'a_type': OTHER_TYPES[other][0],
+                              'address': address}, OTHER_TYPES[other][1])
+    def _get_account(self, address):
+        """Return an Account instances for the given address (str)."""
+        address = EmailAddress(address)
+        self._db_connect()
+        return Account(self._dbh, address)
+    def _get_alias(self, address):
+        """Return an Alias instances for the given address (str)."""
+        address = EmailAddress(address)
+        self._db_connect()
+        return Alias(self._dbh, address)
+    def _get_relocated(self, address):
+        """Return a Relocated instances for the given address (str)."""
+        address = EmailAddress(address)
+        self._db_connect()
+        return Relocated(self._dbh, address)
+    def _get_domain(self, domainname):
+        """Return a Domain instances for the given domain name (str)."""
+        self._db_connect()
+        return Domain(self._dbh, domainname)
+    def _get_disk_usage(self, directory):
+        """Estimate file space usage for the given directory.
+        Keyword arguments:
+        directory -- the directory to summarize recursively disk usage for
+        """
+        if self._isdir(directory):
+            return Popen([self._cfg.dget('bin.du'), "-hs", directory],
+                stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0].split('\t')[0]
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def _isdir(self, directory):
+        """Check if `directory` is a directory. Returns bool.
+        When `directory` isn't a directory, a warning will be appended to
+        _warnings."""
+        isdir = os.path.isdir(directory)
+        if not isdir:
+            self._warnings.append(_('No such directory: %s') % directory)
+        return isdir
+    def _make_domain_dir(self, domain):
+        """Create a directory for the `domain` and its accounts."""
+        cwd = os.getcwd()
+        hashdir, domdir =[-2:]
+        os.chdir(self._cfg.dget('misc.base_directory'))
+        if not os.path.isdir(hashdir):
+            os.mkdir(hashdir, 0711)
+            os.chown(hashdir, 0, 0)
+        os.mkdir(os.path.join(hashdir, domdir),
+                 self._cfg.dget('domain.directory_mode'))
+        os.chown(, 0, domain.gid)
+        os.chdir(cwd)
+    def _make_home(self, account):
+        """Create a home directory for the new Account *account*."""
+        os.umask(0007)
+        os.chdir(account.domain_directory)
+        os.mkdir('%s' % account.uid, self._cfg.dget('account.directory_mode'))
+        os.chown('%s' % account.uid, account.uid, account.gid)
+    def _delete_home(self, domdir, uid, gid):
+        """Delete a user's home directory."""
+        if uid > 0 and gid > 0:
+            userdir = '%s' % uid
+            if userdir.count('..') or domdir.count('..'):
+                raise VMMError(_(u'Found ".." in home directory path.'),
+                               FOUND_DOTS_IN_PATH)
+            if os.path.isdir(domdir):
+                os.chdir(domdir)
+                if os.path.isdir(userdir):
+                    mdstat = os.stat(userdir)
+                    if (mdstat.st_uid, mdstat.st_gid) != (uid, gid):
+                        raise VMMError(_(u'Detected owner/group mismatch in '
+                                         u'home directory.'),
+                                       MAILDIR_PERM_MISMATCH)
+                    rmtree(userdir, ignore_errors=True)
+                else:
+                    raise VMMError(_(u"No such directory: %s") %
+                                   os.path.join(domdir, userdir),
+                                   NO_SUCH_DIRECTORY)
+    def _delete_domain_dir(self, domdir, gid):
+        """Delete a domain's directory."""
+        if gid > 0:
+            if not self._isdir(domdir):
+                return
+            basedir = self._cfg.dget('misc.base_directory')
+            domdirdirs = domdir.replace(basedir + '/', '').split('/')
+            domdirparent = os.path.join(basedir, domdirdirs[0])
+            if basedir.count('..') or domdir.count('..'):
+                raise VMMError(_(u'Found ".." in domain directory path.'),
+                               FOUND_DOTS_IN_PATH)
+            if os.path.isdir(domdirparent):
+                os.chdir(domdirparent)
+                if os.lstat(domdirdirs[1]).st_gid != gid:
+                    raise VMMError(_(u'Detected group mismatch in domain '
+                                     u'directory.'), DOMAINDIR_GROUP_MISMATCH)
+                rmtree(domdirdirs[1], ignore_errors=True)
+    def has_warnings(self):
+        """Checks if warnings are present, returns bool."""
+        return bool(len(self._warnings))
+    def get_warnings(self):
+        """Returns a list with all available warnings and resets all
+        warnings.
+        """
+        ret_val = self._warnings[:]
+        del self._warnings[:]
+        return ret_val
+    def cfg_dget(self, option):
+        """Get the configured value of the *option* (section.option).
+        When the option was not configured its default value will be
+        returned."""
+        return self._cfg.dget(option)
+    def cfg_pget(self, option):
+        """Get the configured value of the *option* (section.option)."""
+        return self._cfg.pget(option)
+    def cfg_install(self):
+        """Installs the cfg_dget method as ``cfg_dget`` into the built-in
+        namespace."""
+        import __builtin__
+        assert 'cfg_dget' not in __builtin__.__dict__
+        __builtin__.__dict__['cfg_dget'] = self._cfg.dget
+    def domain_add(self, domainname, transport=None):
+        """Wrapper around Domain.set_transport() and"""
+        dom = self._get_domain(domainname)
+        if transport is None:
+            dom.set_transport(Transport(self._dbh,
+                              transport=self._cfg.dget('misc.transport')))
+        else:
+            dom.set_transport(Transport(self._dbh, transport=transport))
+        dom.set_directory(self._cfg.dget('misc.base_directory'))
+        self._make_domain_dir(dom)
+    def domain_transport(self, domainname, transport, force=None):
+        """Wrapper around Domain.update_transport()"""
+        if force is not None and force != 'force':
+            raise DomainError(_(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % force,
+                              INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+        dom = self._get_domain(domainname)
+        trsp = Transport(self._dbh, transport=transport)
+        if force is None:
+            dom.update_transport(trsp)
+        else:
+            dom.update_transport(trsp, force=True)
+    def domain_delete(self, domainname, force=None):
+        """Wrapper around Domain.delete()"""
+        if force and force not in ('deluser', 'delalias', 'delall'):
+            raise DomainError(_(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % force,
+                              INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+        dom = self._get_domain(domainname)
+        gid = dom.gid
+        domdir =
+        if self._cfg.dget('domain.force_deletion') or force == 'delall':
+            dom.delete(True, True)
+        elif force == 'deluser':
+            dom.delete(deluser=True)
+        elif force == 'delalias':
+            dom.delete(delalias=True)
+        else:
+            dom.delete()
+        if self._cfg.dget('domain.delete_directory'):
+            self._delete_domain_dir(domdir, gid)
+    def domain_info(self, domainname, details=None):
+        """Wrapper around Domain.get_info(), Domain.get_accounts(),
+        Domain.get_aliase_names(), Domain.get_aliases() and
+        Domain.get_relocated."""
+        if details not in [None, 'accounts', 'aliasdomains', 'aliases', 'full',
+                           'relocated']:
+            raise VMMError(_(u'Invalid argument: ā€œ%sā€') % details,
+                           INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+        dom = self._get_domain(domainname)
+        dominfo = dom.get_info()
+        if dominfo['domainname'].startswith('xn--'):
+            dominfo['domainname'] += ' (%s)' % \
+                                     dominfo['domainname'].decode('idna')
+        if details is None:
+            return dominfo
+        elif details == 'accounts':
+            return (dominfo, dom.get_accounts())
+        elif details == 'aliasdomains':
+            return (dominfo, dom.get_aliase_names())
+        elif details == 'aliases':
+            return (dominfo, dom.get_aliases())
+        elif details == 'relocated':
+            return(dominfo, dom.get_relocated())
+        else:
+            return (dominfo, dom.get_aliase_names(), dom.get_accounts(),
+                    dom.get_aliases(), dom.get_relocated())
+    def aliasdomain_add(self, aliasname, domainname):
+        """Adds an alias domain to the domain.
+        Arguments:
+        `aliasname` : basestring
+          The name of the alias domain
+        `domainname` : basestring
+          The name of the target domain
+        """
+        dom = self._get_domain(domainname)
+        alias_dom = AliasDomain(self._dbh, aliasname)
+        alias_dom.set_destination(dom)
+    def aliasdomain_info(self, aliasname):
+        """Returns a dict (keys: "alias" and "domain") with the names of
+        the alias domain and its primary domain."""
+        self._db_connect()
+        alias_dom = AliasDomain(self._dbh, aliasname)
+        return
+    def aliasdomain_switch(self, aliasname, domainname):
+        """Modifies the target domain of an existing alias domain.
+        Arguments:
+        `aliasname` : basestring
+          The name of the alias domain
+        `domainname` : basestring
+          The name of the new target domain
+        """
+        dom = self._get_domain(domainname)
+        alias_dom = AliasDomain(self._dbh, aliasname)
+        alias_dom.set_destination(dom)
+        alias_dom.switch()
+    def aliasdomain_delete(self, aliasname):
+        """Deletes the given alias domain.
+        Argument:
+        `aliasname` : basestring
+          The name of the alias domain
+        """
+        self._db_connect()
+        alias_dom = AliasDomain(self._dbh, aliasname)
+        alias_dom.delete()
+    def domain_list(self, pattern=None):
+        """Wrapper around function search() from module Domain."""
+        from VirtualMailManager.domain import search
+        like = False
+        if pattern and (pattern.startswith('%') or pattern.endswith('%')):
+            like = True
+            if not re.match(RE_DOMAIN_SEARCH, pattern.strip('%')):
+                raise VMMError(_(u"The pattern '%s' contains invalid "
+                                 u"characters.") % pattern, DOMAIN_INVALID)
+        self._db_connect()
+        return search(self._dbh, pattern=pattern, like=like)
+    def user_add(self, emailaddress, password):
+        """Wrapper around Account.set_password() and"""
+        acc = self._get_account(emailaddress)
+        acc.set_password(password)
+        oldpwd = os.getcwd()
+        self._make_home(acc)
+        mailbox = new_mailbox(acc)
+        mailbox.create()
+        folders = self._cfg.dget('mailbox.folders').split(':')
+        if any(folders):
+            bad = mailbox.add_boxes(folders,
+                                    self._cfg.dget('mailbox.subscribe'))
+            if bad:
+                self._warnings.append(_(u"Skipped mailbox folders:") +
+                                      '\n\t- ' + '\n\t- '.join(bad))
+        os.chdir(oldpwd)
+    def alias_add(self, aliasaddress, *targetaddresses):
+        """Creates a new `Alias` entry for the given *aliasaddress* with
+        the given *targetaddresses*."""
+        alias = self._get_alias(aliasaddress)
+        destinations = [EmailAddress(address) for address in targetaddresses]
+        warnings = []
+        destinations = alias.add_destinations(destinations, warnings)
+        if warnings:
+            self._warnings.append(_('Ignored destination addresses:'))
+            self._warnings.extend(('  * %s' % w for w in warnings))
+        for destination in destinations:
+            if get_gid(self._dbh, destination.domainname) and \
+               not self._chk_other_address_types(destination, TYPE_RELOCATED):
+                self._warnings.append(_(u"The destination account/alias '%s' "
+                                        u"doesn't exist.") % destination)
+    def user_delete(self, emailaddress, force=None):
+        """Wrapper around Account.delete(...)"""
+        if force not in (None, 'delalias'):
+            raise VMMError(_(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % force,
+                           INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+        acc = self._get_account(emailaddress)
+        if not acc:
+            raise VMMError(_(u"The account '%s' doesn't exist.") %
+                           acc.address, NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)
+        uid = acc.uid
+        gid = acc.gid
+        dom_dir = acc.domain_directory
+        acc_dir = acc.home
+        acc.delete(bool(force))
+        if self._cfg.dget('account.delete_directory'):
+            try:
+                self._delete_home(dom_dir, uid, gid)
+            except VMMError, err:
+                if err.code in (FOUND_DOTS_IN_PATH, MAILDIR_PERM_MISMATCH,
+                                NO_SUCH_DIRECTORY):
+                    warning = _(u"""\
+The account has been successfully deleted from the database.
+    But an error occurred while deleting the following directory:
+    ā€œ%(directory)sā€
+    Reason: %(reason)s""") % \
+                                {'directory': acc_dir, 'reason': err.msg}
+                    self._warnings.append(warning)
+                else:
+                    raise
+    def alias_info(self, aliasaddress):
+        """Returns an iterator object for all destinations (`EmailAddress`
+        instances) for the `Alias` with the given *aliasaddress*."""
+        alias = self._get_alias(aliasaddress)
+        if alias:
+            return alias.get_destinations()
+        if not self._is_other_address(alias.address, TYPE_ALIAS):
+            raise VMMError(_(u"The alias '%s' doesn't exist.") %
+                           alias.address, NO_SUCH_ALIAS)
+    def alias_delete(self, aliasaddress, targetaddress=None):
+        """Deletes the `Alias` *aliasaddress* with all its destinations from
+        the database. If *targetaddress* is not ``None``, only this
+        destination will be removed from the alias."""
+        alias = self._get_alias(aliasaddress)
+        if targetaddress is None:
+            alias.delete()
+        else:
+            alias.del_destination(EmailAddress(targetaddress))
+    def user_info(self, emailaddress, details=None):
+        """Wrapper around Account.get_info(...)"""
+        if details not in (None, 'du', 'aliases', 'full'):
+            raise VMMError(_(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % details,
+                           INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+        acc = self._get_account(emailaddress)
+        if not acc:
+            if not self._is_other_address(acc.address, TYPE_ACCOUNT):
+                raise VMMError(_(u"The account '%s' doesn't exist.") %
+                               acc.address, NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)
+        info = acc.get_info()
+        if self._cfg.dget('account.disk_usage') or details in ('du', 'full'):
+            path = os.path.join(acc.home,
+            info['disk usage'] = self._get_disk_usage(path)
+            if details in (None, 'du'):
+                return info
+        if details in ('aliases', 'full'):
+            return (info, acc.get_aliases())
+        return info
+    def user_by_uid(self, uid):
+        """Search for an Account by its *uid*.
+        Returns a dict (address, uid and gid) if a user could be found."""
+        from VirtualMailManager.account import get_account_by_uid
+        self._db_connect()
+        return get_account_by_uid(uid, self._dbh)
+    def user_password(self, emailaddress, password):
+        """Wrapper for Account.modify('password' ...)."""
+        if not isinstance(password, basestring) or not password:
+            raise VMMError(_(u"Could not accept password: '%s'") % password,
+                           INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+        acc = self._get_account(emailaddress)
+        if not acc:
+            raise VMMError(_(u"The account '%s' doesn't exist.") %
+                           acc.address, NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)
+        acc.modify('password', password)
+    def user_name(self, emailaddress, name):
+        """Wrapper for Account.modify('name', ...)."""
+        if not isinstance(name, basestring) or not name:
+            raise VMMError(_(u"Could not accept name: '%s'") % name,
+                           INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+        acc = self._get_account(emailaddress)
+        if not acc:
+            raise VMMError(_(u"The account '%s' doesn't exist.") %
+                           acc.address, NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)
+        acc.modify('name', name)
+    def user_transport(self, emailaddress, transport):
+        """Wrapper for Account.modify('transport', ...)."""
+        if not isinstance(transport, basestring) or not transport:
+            raise VMMError(_(u"Could not accept transport: '%s'") % transport,
+                           INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+        acc = self._get_account(emailaddress)
+        if not acc:
+            raise VMMError(_(u"The account '%s' doesn't exist.") %
+                           acc.address, NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)
+        acc.modify('transport', transport)
+    def user_disable(self, emailaddress, service=None):
+        """Wrapper for Account.disable(service)"""
+        if service not in (None, 'all', 'imap', 'pop3', 'smtp', 'sieve'):
+            raise VMMError(_(u"Could not accept service: '%s'") % service,
+                           INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+        acc = self._get_account(emailaddress)
+        if not acc:
+            raise VMMError(_(u"The account '%s' doesn't exist.") %
+                           acc.address, NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)
+        acc.disable(service)
+    def user_enable(self, emailaddress, service=None):
+        """Wrapper for Account.enable(service)"""
+        if service not in (None, 'all', 'imap', 'pop3', 'smtp', 'sieve'):
+            raise VMMError(_(u"Could not accept service: '%s'") % service,
+                           INVALID_ARGUMENT)
+        acc = self._get_account(emailaddress)
+        if not acc:
+            raise VMMError(_(u"The account '%s' doesn't exist.") %
+                           acc.address, NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)
+        acc.enable(service)
+    def relocated_add(self, emailaddress, targetaddress):
+        """Creates a new `Relocated` entry in the database. If there is
+        already a relocated user with the given *emailaddress*, only the
+        *targetaddress* for the relocated user will be updated."""
+        relocated = self._get_relocated(emailaddress)
+        relocated.set_destination(EmailAddress(targetaddress))
+    def relocated_info(self, emailaddress):
+        """Returns the target address of the relocated user with the given
+        *emailaddress*."""
+        relocated = self._get_relocated(emailaddress)
+        if relocated:
+            return relocated.get_info()
+        if not self._is_other_address(relocated.address, TYPE_RELOCATED):
+            raise VMMError(_(u"The relocated user '%s' doesn't exist.") %
+                           relocated.address, NO_SUCH_RELOCATED)
+    def relocated_delete(self, emailaddress):
+        """Deletes the relocated user with the given *emailaddress* from
+        the database."""
+        relocated = self._get_relocated(emailaddress)
+        relocated.delete()
+del _