changeset 760 b678a1c43027
parent 748 659c4476c57c
child 761 e4e656f19771
equal deleted inserted replaced
748:659c4476c57c 760:b678a1c43027
     1 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
     2 # Copyright (c) 2007 - 2014, Pascal Volk
     3 # See COPYING for distribution information.
     4 """
     5     VirtualMailManager.account
     6     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     8     Virtual Mail Manager's Account class to manage e-mail accounts.
     9 """
    11 from VirtualMailManager.common import version_str, \
    12      format_domain_default
    13 from VirtualMailManager.constants import \
    17 from VirtualMailManager.common import validate_transport
    18 from VirtualMailManager.domain import Domain
    19 from VirtualMailManager.emailaddress import EmailAddress
    20 from VirtualMailManager.errors import VMMError, AccountError as AErr
    21 from VirtualMailManager.maillocation import MailLocation
    22 from VirtualMailManager.password import pwhash
    23 from VirtualMailManager.quotalimit import QuotaLimit
    24 from VirtualMailManager.transport import Transport
    25 from VirtualMailManager.serviceset import ServiceSet
    27 __all__ = ('Account', 'get_account_by_uid')
    29 _ = lambda msg: msg
    30 cfg_dget = lambda option: None
    33 class Account(object):
    34     """Class to manage e-mail accounts."""
    35     __slots__ = ('_addr', '_dbh', '_domain', '_mail', '_new', '_passwd',
    36                  '_qlimit', '_services', '_transport', '_note', '_uid')
    38     def __init__(self, dbh, address):
    39         """Creates a new Account instance.
    41         When an account with the given *address* could be found in the
    42         database all relevant data will be loaded.
    44         Arguments:
    46         `dbh` : pyPgSQL.PgSQL.Connection
    47           A database connection for the database access.
    48         `address` : VirtualMailManager.EmailAddress.EmailAddress
    49           The e-mail address of the (new) Account.
    50         """
    51         if not isinstance(address, EmailAddress):
    52             raise TypeError("Argument 'address' is not an EmailAddress")
    53         self._addr = address
    54         self._dbh = dbh
    55         self._domain = Domain(self._dbh, self._addr.domainname)
    56         if not self._domain.gid:
    57             # TP: Hm, what “quotation marks” should be used?
    58             # If you are unsure have a look at:
    59             #,_non-English_usage
    60             raise AErr(_(u"The domain '%s' does not exist.") %
    61                        self._addr.domainname, NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)
    62         self._uid = 0
    63         self._mail = None
    64         self._qlimit = None
    65         self._services = None
    66         self._transport = None
    67         self._note = None
    68         self._passwd = None
    69         self._new = True
    70         self._load()
    72     def __nonzero__(self):
    73         """Returns `True` if the Account is known, `False` if it's new."""
    74         return not self._new
    76     def _load(self):
    77         """Load 'uid', 'mid', 'qid', 'ssid', 'tid' and 'note' from the
    78         database and set _new to `False` - if the user could be found. """
    79         dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
    80         dbc.execute('SELECT uid, mid, qid, ssid, tid, note FROM users '
    81                     'WHERE gid = %s AND local_part = %s',
    82                     (self._domain.gid, self._addr.localpart))
    83         result = dbc.fetchone()
    84         dbc.close()
    85         if result:
    86             self._uid, _mid, _qid, _ssid, _tid, _note = result
    88             def load_helper(ctor, own, field, dbresult):
    89                 #  Py25: cur = None if own is None else getattr(own, field)
    90                 if own is None:
    91                     cur = None
    92                 else:
    93                     cur = getattr(own, field)
    94                 if cur != dbresult:
    95                     kwargs = {field: dbresult}
    96                     if dbresult is None:
    97                         return dbresult
    98                     else:
    99                         return ctor(self._dbh, **kwargs)
   101             self._qlimit = load_helper(QuotaLimit, self._qlimit, 'qid', _qid)
   102             self._services = load_helper(ServiceSet, self._services, 'ssid',
   103                                          _ssid)
   104             self._transport = load_helper(Transport, self._transport, 'tid',
   105                                           _tid)
   106             self._mail = MailLocation(self._dbh, mid=_mid)
   107             self._note = _note
   108             self._new = False
   110     def _set_uid(self):
   111         """Set the unique ID for the new Account."""
   112         assert self._uid == 0
   113         dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
   114         dbc.execute("SELECT nextval('users_uid')")
   115         self._uid = dbc.fetchone()[0]
   116         dbc.close()
   118     def _prepare(self, maillocation):
   119         """Check and set different attributes - before we store the
   120         information in the database.
   121         """
   122         if maillocation.dovecot_version > cfg_dget('misc.dovecot_version'):
   123             raise AErr(_(u"The mailbox format '%(mbfmt)s' requires Dovecot "
   124                          u">= v%(version)s.") % {
   125                        'mbfmt': maillocation.mbformat,
   126                        'version': version_str(maillocation.dovecot_version)},
   127                        INVALID_MAIL_LOCATION)
   128         transport = self._transport or self._domain.transport
   129         validate_transport(transport, maillocation)
   130         self._mail = maillocation
   131         self._set_uid()
   133     def _update_tables(self, column, value):
   134         """Update various columns in the users table.
   136         Arguments:
   138         `column` : basestring
   139           Name of the table column. Currently: qid, ssid and tid
   140         `value` : long
   141           The referenced key
   142         """
   143         if column not in ('qid', 'ssid', 'tid'):
   144             raise ValueError('Unknown column: %r' % column)
   145         dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
   146         dbc.execute('UPDATE users SET %s = %%s WHERE uid = %%s' % column,
   147                     (value, self._uid))
   148         if dbc.rowcount > 0:
   149             self._dbh.commit()
   150         dbc.close()
   152     def _count_aliases(self):
   153         """Count all alias addresses where the destination address is the
   154         address of the Account."""
   155         dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
   156         dbc.execute('SELECT COUNT(destination) FROM alias WHERE destination '
   157                     '= %s', (str(self._addr),))
   158         a_count = dbc.fetchone()[0]
   159         dbc.close()
   160         return a_count
   162     def _chk_state(self):
   163         """Raise an AccountError if the Account is new - not yet saved in the
   164         database."""
   165         if self._new:
   166             raise AErr(_(u"The account '%s' does not exist.") % self._addr,
   167                        NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)
   169     @property
   170     def address(self):
   171         """The Account's EmailAddress instance."""
   172         return self._addr
   174     @property
   175     def domain(self):
   176         """The Domain to which the Account belongs to."""
   177         if self._domain:
   178             return self._domain
   179         return None
   181     @property
   182     def gid(self):
   183         """The Account's group ID."""
   184         if self._domain:
   185             return self._domain.gid
   186         return None
   188     @property
   189     def home(self):
   190         """The Account's home directory."""
   191         if not self._new:
   192             return '%s/%s' % (, self._uid)
   193         return None
   195     @property
   196     def mail_location(self):
   197         """The Account's MailLocation."""
   198         return self._mail
   200     @property
   201     def note(self):
   202         """The Account's note."""
   203         return self._note
   205     @property
   206     def uid(self):
   207         """The Account's unique ID."""
   208         return self._uid
   210     def set_password(self, password):
   211         """Set a password for the new Account.
   213         If you want to update the password of an existing Account use
   214         Account.modify().
   216         Argument:
   218         `password` : basestring
   219           The password for the new Account.
   220         """
   221         if not self._new:
   222             raise AErr(_(u"The account '%s' already exists.") % self._addr,
   223                        ACCOUNT_EXISTS)
   224         if not isinstance(password, basestring) or not password:
   225             raise AErr(_(u"Could not accept password: '%s'") % password,
   226                        ACCOUNT_MISSING_PASSWORD)
   227         self._passwd = password
   229     def set_note(self, note):
   230         """Set the account's (optional) note.
   232         Argument:
   234         `note` : basestring or None
   235           The note, or None to remove
   236         """
   237         assert note is None or isinstance(note, basestring)
   238         self._note = note
   240     def save(self):
   241         """Save the new Account in the database."""
   242         if not self._new:
   243             raise AErr(_(u"The account '%s' already exists.") % self._addr,
   244                        ACCOUNT_EXISTS)
   245         if not self._passwd:
   246             raise AErr(_(u"No password set for account: '%s'") % self._addr,
   247                        ACCOUNT_MISSING_PASSWORD)
   248         self._prepare(MailLocation(self._dbh, mbfmt=cfg_dget('mailbox.format'),
   249                                    directory=cfg_dget('mailbox.root')))
   250         dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
   251         qid = ssid = tid = None
   252         if self._qlimit:
   253             qid = self._qlimit.qid
   254         if self._services:
   255             ssid = self._services.ssid
   256         if self._transport:
   257             tid = self._transport.tid
   258         dbc.execute('INSERT INTO users (local_part, passwd, uid, gid, mid, '
   259                     'qid, ssid, tid, note) '
   260                     'VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)',
   261                     (self._addr.localpart,
   262                      pwhash(self._passwd, user=self._addr), self._uid,
   263                      self._domain.gid, self._mail.mid, qid, ssid, tid,
   264 #                     self._qlimit.qid if self._qlimit else None,
   265 #                     self._services.ssid if self._services else None,
   266 #                     self._transport.tid if self._transport else None,
   267                      self._note))
   268         self._dbh.commit()
   269         dbc.close()
   270         self._new = False
   272     def modify(self, field, value):
   273         """Update the Account's *field* to the new *value*.
   275         Possible values for *field* are: 'name', 'password', 'note'.
   277         Arguments:
   279         `field` : basestring
   280           The attribute name: 'name', 'password' or 'note'
   281         `value` : basestring
   282           The new value of the attribute.
   283         """
   284         if field not in ('name', 'password', 'note'):
   285             raise AErr(_(u"Unknown field: '%s'") % field, INVALID_ARGUMENT)
   286         self._chk_state()
   287         dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
   288         if field == 'password':
   289             dbc.execute('UPDATE users SET passwd = %s WHERE uid = %s',
   290                         (pwhash(value, user=self._addr), self._uid))
   291         else:
   292             dbc.execute('UPDATE users SET %s = %%s WHERE uid = %%s' % field,
   293                         (value, self._uid))
   294         if dbc.rowcount > 0:
   295             self._dbh.commit()
   296         dbc.close()
   298     def update_quotalimit(self, quotalimit):
   299         """Update the user's quota limit.
   301         Arguments:
   303         `quotalimit` : VirtualMailManager.quotalimit.QuotaLimit
   304           the new quota limit of the domain.
   305         """
   306         if cfg_dget('misc.dovecot_version') < 0x10102f00:
   307             raise VMMError(_(u'PostgreSQL-based dictionary quota requires '
   308                              u'Dovecot >= v1.1.2.'), VMM_ERROR)
   309         self._chk_state()
   310         if quotalimit == self._qlimit:
   311             return
   312         self._qlimit = quotalimit
   313         if quotalimit is not None:
   314             assert isinstance(quotalimit, QuotaLimit)
   315             quotalimit = quotalimit.qid
   316         self._update_tables('qid', quotalimit)
   318     def update_serviceset(self, serviceset):
   319         """Assign a different set of services to the Account.
   321         Argument:
   323         `serviceset` : VirtualMailManager.serviceset.ServiceSet
   324           the new service set.
   325         """
   326         self._chk_state()
   327         if serviceset == self._services:
   328             return
   329         self._services = serviceset
   330         if serviceset is not None:
   331             assert isinstance(serviceset, ServiceSet)
   332             serviceset = serviceset.ssid
   333         self._update_tables('ssid', serviceset)
   335     def update_transport(self, transport):
   336         """Sets a new transport for the Account.
   338         Arguments:
   340         `transport` : VirtualMailManager.transport.Transport
   341           the new transport
   342         """
   343         self._chk_state()
   344         if transport == self._transport:
   345             return
   346         self._transport = transport
   347         if transport is not None:
   348             assert isinstance(transport, Transport)
   349             validate_transport(transport, self._mail)
   350             transport = transport.tid
   351         self._update_tables('tid', transport)
   353     def _get_info_transport(self):
   354         if self._transport:
   355             return self._transport.transport
   356         return format_domain_default(self._domain.transport.transport)
   358     def _get_info_serviceset(self):
   359         if self._services:
   360             services =
   361             fmt = lambda s: s
   362         else:
   363             services =
   364             fmt = format_domain_default
   366         ret = {}
   367         for service, state in services.iteritems():
   368             # TP: A service (e.g. pop3 or imap) may be enabled/usable or
   369             # disabled/unusable for a user.
   370             ret[service] = fmt((_('disabled'), _('enabled'))[state])
   371         return ret
   373     def get_info(self):
   374         """Returns a dict with some information about the Account.
   376         The keys of the dict are: 'address', 'gid', 'home', 'imap'
   377         'mail_location', 'name', 'pop3', 'sieve', 'smtp', transport', 'uid',
   378         'uq_bytes', 'uq_messages', 'ql_bytes', 'ql_messages', and
   379         'ql_domaindefault'.
   380         """
   381         self._chk_state()
   382         dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
   383         dbc.execute('SELECT name, CASE WHEN bytes IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE bytes '
   384                     'END, CASE WHEN messages IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE messages END '
   385                     'FROM users LEFT JOIN userquota USING (uid) WHERE '
   386                     'users.uid = %s', (self._uid,))
   387         info = dbc.fetchone()
   388         dbc.close()
   389         if info:
   390             info = dict(zip(('name', 'uq_bytes', 'uq_messages'), info))
   391             info.update(self._get_info_serviceset())
   392             info['address'] = self._addr
   393             info['gid'] = self._domain.gid
   394             info['home'] = '%s/%s' % (, self._uid)
   395             info['mail_location'] = self._mail.mail_location
   396             if self._qlimit:
   397                 info['ql_bytes'] = self._qlimit.bytes
   398                 info['ql_messages'] = self._qlimit.messages
   399                 info['ql_domaindefault'] = False
   400             else:
   401                 info['ql_bytes'] = self._domain.quotalimit.bytes
   402                 info['ql_messages'] = self._domain.quotalimit.messages
   403                 info['ql_domaindefault'] = True
   404             info['transport'] = self._get_info_transport()
   405             info['note'] = self._note
   406             info['uid'] = self._uid
   407             return info
   408         # nearly impossible‽
   409         raise AErr(_(u"Could not fetch information for account: '%s'") %
   410                    self._addr, NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)
   412     def get_aliases(self):
   413         """Return a list with all alias e-mail addresses, whose destination
   414         is the address of the Account."""
   415         self._chk_state()
   416         dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
   417         dbc.execute("SELECT address ||'@'|| domainname FROM alias, "
   418                     "domain_name WHERE destination = %s AND domain_name.gid = "
   419                     "alias.gid AND domain_name.is_primary ORDER BY address",
   420                     (str(self._addr),))
   421         addresses = dbc.fetchall()
   422         dbc.close()
   423         aliases = []
   424         if addresses:
   425             aliases = [alias[0] for alias in addresses]
   426         return aliases
   428     def delete(self, force=False):
   429         """Delete the Account from the database.
   431         Argument:
   433         `force` : bool
   434           if *force* is `True`, all aliases, which points to the Account,
   435           will be also deleted.  If there are aliases and *force* is
   436           `False`, an AccountError will be raised.
   437         """
   438         if not isinstance(force, bool):
   439             raise TypeError('force must be a bool')
   440         self._chk_state()
   441         dbc = self._dbh.cursor()
   442         if force:
   443             dbc.execute('DELETE FROM users WHERE uid = %s', (self._uid,))
   444             # delete also all aliases where the destination address is the same
   445             # as for this account.
   446             dbc.execute("DELETE FROM alias WHERE destination = %s",
   447                         (str(self._addr),))
   448             self._dbh.commit()
   449         else:  # check first for aliases
   450             a_count = self._count_aliases()
   451             if a_count > 0:
   452                 dbc.close()
   453                 raise AErr(_(u"There are %(count)d aliases with the "
   454                              u"destination address '%(address)s'.") %
   455                            {'count': a_count, 'address': self._addr},
   456                            ALIAS_PRESENT)
   457             dbc.execute('DELETE FROM users WHERE uid = %s', (self._uid,))
   458             self._dbh.commit()
   459         dbc.close()
   460         self._new = True
   461         self._uid = 0
   462         self._addr = self._dbh = self._domain = self._passwd = None
   463         self._mail = self._qlimit = self._services = self._transport = None
   466 def get_account_by_uid(uid, dbh):
   467     """Search an Account by its UID.
   469     This function returns a dict (keys: 'address', 'gid' and 'uid'), if an
   470     Account with the given *uid* exists.
   472     Argument:
   474     `uid` : long
   475       The Account unique ID.
   476     `dbh` : pyPgSQL.PgSQL.Connection
   477       a database connection for the database access.
   478     """
   479     try:
   480         uid = long(uid)
   481     except ValueError:
   482         raise AErr(_(u'UID must be an int/long.'), INVALID_ARGUMENT)
   483     if uid < 1:
   484         raise AErr(_(u'UID must be greater than 0.'), INVALID_ARGUMENT)
   485     dbc = dbh.cursor()
   486     dbc.execute("SELECT local_part||'@'|| domain_name.domainname AS address, "
   487                 "uid, users.gid, note FROM users LEFT JOIN domain_name ON "
   488                 "(domain_name.gid = users.gid AND is_primary) WHERE uid = %s",
   489                 (uid,))
   490     info = dbc.fetchone()
   491     dbc.close()
   492     if not info:
   493         raise AErr(_(u"There is no account with the UID: '%d'") % uid,
   494                    NO_SUCH_ACCOUNT)
   495     info = dict(zip(('address', 'uid', 'gid', 'note'), info))
   496     return info
   498 del _, cfg_dget