changeset 571 a4aead244f75
parent 568 14abdd04ddf5
child 593 3dc1764c23d2
equal deleted inserted replaced
465:c0e1fb1b0145 571:a4aead244f75
     1 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
     2 # Copyright (c) 2007 - 2012, Pascal Volk
     3 # See COPYING for distribution information.
     4 """
     5     VirtualMailManager.cli.subcommands
     6     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
     8     VirtualMailManager's cli subcommands.
     9 """
    11 import locale
    12 import os
    14 from textwrap import TextWrapper
    15 from time import strftime, strptime
    17 from VirtualMailManager import ENCODING
    18 from VirtualMailManager.cli import get_winsize, prog, w_err, w_std
    19 from VirtualMailManager.common import human_size, size_in_bytes, \
    20      version_str, format_domain_default
    21 from VirtualMailManager.constants import __copyright__, __date__, \
    25 from VirtualMailManager.errors import VMMError
    26 from VirtualMailManager.password import list_schemes
    27 from VirtualMailManager.serviceset import SERVICES
    29 __all__ = (
    30     'Command', 'RunContext', 'cmd_map', 'usage', 'alias_add', 'alias_delete',
    31     'alias_info', 'aliasdomain_add', 'aliasdomain_delete', 'aliasdomain_info',
    32     'aliasdomain_switch', 'catchall_add', 'catchall_info', 'catchall_delete',
    33     'config_get', 'config_set', 'configure',
    34     'domain_add', 'domain_delete',  'domain_info', 'domain_quota',
    35     'domain_services', 'domain_transport', 'domain_note', 'get_user', 'help_',
    36     'list_domains', 'list_pwschemes', 'list_users', 'list_aliases',
    37     'list_relocated', 'list_addresses', 'relocated_add', 'relocated_delete',
    38     'relocated_info', 'user_add', 'user_delete', 'user_info', 'user_name',
    39     'user_password', 'user_quota', 'user_services', 'user_transport',
    40     'user_note', 'version',
    41 )
    43 _ = lambda msg: msg
    44 txt_wrpr = TextWrapper(width=get_winsize()[1] - 1)
    45 cmd_map = {}
    48 class Command(object):
    49     """Container class for command information."""
    50     __slots__ = ('name', 'alias', 'func', 'args', 'descr')
    52     def __init__(self, name, alias, func, args, descr):
    53         """Create a new Command instance.
    55         Arguments:
    57         `name` : str
    58           the command name, e.g. ``addalias``
    59         `alias` : str
    60           the command's short alias, e.g. ``aa``
    61         `func` : callable
    62           the function to handle the command
    63         `args` : str
    64           argument placeholders, e.g. ``aliasaddress``
    65         `descr` : str
    66           short description of the command
    67         """
    68 = name
    69         self.alias = alias
    70         self.func = func
    71         self.args = args
    72         self.descr = descr
    74     @property
    75     def usage(self):
    76         """the command's usage info."""
    77         return u'%s %s %s' % (prog,, self.args)
    80 class RunContext(object):
    81     """Contains all information necessary to run a subcommand."""
    82     __slots__ = ('argc', 'args', 'cget', 'hdlr', 'scmd')
    83     plan_a_b = _(u'Plan A failed ... trying Plan B: %(subcommand)s %(object)s')
    85     def __init__(self, argv, handler, command):
    86         """Create a new RunContext"""
    87         self.argc = len(argv)
    88         self.args = [unicode(arg, ENCODING) for arg in argv]
    89         self.cget = handler.cfg_dget
    90         self.hdlr = handler
    91         self.scmd = command
    94 def alias_add(ctx):
    95     """create a new alias e-mail address"""
    96     if ctx.argc < 3:
    97         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing alias address and destination.'),
    98               ctx.scmd)
    99     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   100         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing destination address.'), ctx.scmd)
   101     ctx.hdlr.alias_add(ctx.args[2].lower(), *ctx.args[3:])
   104 def alias_delete(ctx):
   105     """delete the specified alias e-mail address or one of its destinations"""
   106     if ctx.argc < 3:
   107         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing alias address.'), ctx.scmd)
   108     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   109         ctx.hdlr.alias_delete(ctx.args[2].lower())
   110     else:
   111         ctx.hdlr.alias_delete(ctx.args[2].lower(), ctx.args[3])
   114 def alias_info(ctx):
   115     """show the destination(s) of the specified alias"""
   116     if ctx.argc < 3:
   117         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing alias address.'), ctx.scmd)
   118     address = ctx.args[2].lower()
   119     try:
   120         _print_aliase_info(address, ctx.hdlr.alias_info(address))
   121     except VMMError, err:
   122         if err.code is ACCOUNT_EXISTS:
   123             w_err(0, ctx.plan_a_b % {'subcommand': u'userinfo',
   124                   'object': address})
   125             ctx.scmd = ctx.args[1] = 'userinfo'
   126             user_info(ctx)
   127         elif err.code is RELOCATED_EXISTS:
   128             w_err(0, ctx.plan_a_b % {'subcommand': u'relocatedinfo',
   129                   'object': address})
   130             ctx.scmd = ctx.args[1] = 'relocatedinfo'
   131             relocated_info(ctx)
   132         else:
   133             raise
   136 def aliasdomain_add(ctx):
   137     """create a new alias for an existing domain"""
   138     if ctx.argc < 3:
   139         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing alias domain name and destination '
   140                                  u'domain name.'), ctx.scmd)
   141     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   142         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing destination domain name.'),
   143               ctx.scmd)
   144     ctx.hdlr.aliasdomain_add(ctx.args[2].lower(), ctx.args[3].lower())
   147 def aliasdomain_delete(ctx):
   148     """delete the specified alias domain"""
   149     if ctx.argc < 3:
   150         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing alias domain name.'), ctx.scmd)
   151     ctx.hdlr.aliasdomain_delete(ctx.args[2].lower())
   154 def aliasdomain_info(ctx):
   155     """show the destination of the given alias domain"""
   156     if ctx.argc < 3:
   157         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing alias domain name.'), ctx.scmd)
   158     try:
   159         _print_aliasdomain_info(ctx.hdlr.aliasdomain_info(ctx.args[2].lower()))
   160     except VMMError, err:
   161         if err.code is ALIASDOMAIN_ISDOMAIN:
   162             w_err(0, ctx.plan_a_b % {'subcommand': u'domaininfo',
   163                   'object': ctx.args[2].lower()})
   164             ctx.scmd = ctx.args[1] = 'domaininfo'
   165             domain_info(ctx)
   166         else:
   167             raise
   170 def aliasdomain_switch(ctx):
   171     """assign the given alias domain to an other domain"""
   172     if ctx.argc < 3:
   173         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing alias domain name and destination '
   174                                  u'domain name.'), ctx.scmd)
   175     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   176         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing destination domain name.'),
   177               ctx.scmd)
   178     ctx.hdlr.aliasdomain_switch(ctx.args[2].lower(), ctx.args[3].lower())
   181 def catchall_add(ctx):
   182     """create a new catchall alias e-mail address"""
   183     if ctx.argc < 3:
   184         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing domain and destination.'),
   185               ctx.scmd)
   186     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   187         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing destination address.'), ctx.scmd)
   188     ctx.hdlr.catchall_add(ctx.args[2].lower(), *ctx.args[3:])
   191 def catchall_delete(ctx):
   192     """delete the specified destination or all of the catchall destination"""
   193     if ctx.argc < 3:
   194         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing domain.'), ctx.scmd)
   195     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   196         ctx.hdlr.catchall_delete(ctx.args[2].lower())
   197     else:
   198         ctx.hdlr.catchall_delete(ctx.args[2].lower(), ctx.args[3])
   201 def catchall_info(ctx):
   202     """show the catchall destination(s) of the specified domain"""
   203     if ctx.argc < 3:
   204         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing domain.'), ctx.scmd)
   205     address = ctx.args[2].lower()
   206     _print_catchall_info(address, ctx.hdlr.catchall_info(address))
   209 def config_get(ctx):
   210     """show the actual value of the configuration option"""
   211     if ctx.argc < 3:
   212         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u"Missing option name."), ctx.scmd)
   214     noop = lambda option: option
   215     opt_formater = {
   216         'misc.dovecot_version': version_str,
   217         'domain.quota_bytes': human_size,
   218     }
   220     option = ctx.args[2].lower()
   221     w_std('%s = %s' % (option, opt_formater.get(option,
   222                        noop)(ctx.cget(option))))
   225 def config_set(ctx):
   226     """set a new value for the configuration option"""
   227     if ctx.argc < 3:
   228         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing option and new value.'), ctx.scmd)
   229     if ctx.argc < 4:
   230         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing new configuration value.'),
   231               ctx.scmd)
   232     ctx.hdlr.cfg_set(ctx.args[2].lower(), ctx.args[3])
   235 def configure(ctx):
   236     """start interactive configuration modus"""
   237     if ctx.argc < 3:
   238         ctx.hdlr.configure()
   239     else:
   240         ctx.hdlr.configure(ctx.args[2].lower())
   243 def domain_add(ctx):
   244     """create a new domain"""
   245     if ctx.argc < 3:
   246         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing domain name.'), ctx.scmd)
   247     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   248         ctx.hdlr.domain_add(ctx.args[2].lower())
   249     else:
   250         ctx.hdlr.domain_add(ctx.args[2].lower(), ctx.args[3])
   251     if ctx.cget('domain.auto_postmaster'):
   252         w_std(_(u'Creating account for postmaster@%s') % ctx.args[2].lower())
   253         ctx.scmd = 'useradd'
   254         ctx.args = [prog, ctx.scmd, u'postmaster@' + ctx.args[2].lower()]
   255         ctx.argc = 3
   256         user_add(ctx)
   259 def domain_delete(ctx):
   260     """delete the given domain and all its alias domains"""
   261     if ctx.argc < 3:
   262         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing domain name.'), ctx.scmd)
   263     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   264         ctx.hdlr.domain_delete(ctx.args[2].lower())
   265     elif ctx.args[3].lower() == 'force':
   266         ctx.hdlr.domain_delete(ctx.args[2].lower(), True)
   267     else:
   268         usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % ctx.args[3],
   269               ctx.scmd)
   272 def domain_info(ctx):
   273     """display information about the given domain"""
   274     if ctx.argc < 3:
   275         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing domain name.'), ctx.scmd)
   276     if ctx.argc < 4:
   277         details = None
   278     else:
   279         details = ctx.args[3].lower()
   280         if details not in ('accounts', 'aliasdomains', 'aliases', 'full',
   281                            'relocated', 'catchall'):
   282             usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % details,
   283                   ctx.scmd)
   284     try:
   285         info = ctx.hdlr.domain_info(ctx.args[2].lower(), details)
   286     except VMMError, err:
   287         if err.code is DOMAIN_ALIAS_EXISTS:
   288             w_err(0, ctx.plan_a_b % {'subcommand': u'aliasdomaininfo',
   289                   'object': ctx.args[2].lower()})
   290             ctx.scmd = ctx.args[1] = 'aliasdomaininfo'
   291             aliasdomain_info(ctx)
   292         else:
   293             raise
   294     else:
   295         q_limit = u'Storage: %(bytes)s; Messages: %(messages)s'
   296         if not details:
   297             info['bytes'] = human_size(info['bytes'])
   298             info['messages'] = locale.format('%d', info['messages'], True)
   299             info['quota limit/user'] = q_limit % info
   300             _print_info(ctx, info, _(u'Domain'))
   301         else:
   302             info[0]['bytes'] = human_size(info[0]['bytes'])
   303             info[0]['messages'] = locale.format('%d', info[0]['messages'],
   304                                                 True)
   305             info[0]['quota limit/user'] = q_limit % info[0]
   306             _print_info(ctx, info[0], _(u'Domain'))
   307             if details == u'accounts':
   308                 _print_list(info[1], _(u'accounts'))
   309             elif details == u'aliasdomains':
   310                 _print_list(info[1], _(u'alias domains'))
   311             elif details == u'aliases':
   312                 _print_list(info[1], _(u'aliases'))
   313             elif details == u'relocated':
   314                 _print_list(info[1], _(u'relocated users'))
   315             elif details == u'catchall':
   316                 _print_list(info[1], _(u'catch-all destinations'))
   317             else:
   318                 _print_list(info[1], _(u'alias domains'))
   319                 _print_list(info[2], _(u'accounts'))
   320                 _print_list(info[3], _(u'aliases'))
   321                 _print_list(info[4], _(u'relocated users'))
   322                 _print_list(info[5], _(u'catch-all destinations'))
   325 def domain_quota(ctx):
   326     """update the quota limit of the specified domain"""
   327     if ctx.argc < 3:
   328         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing domain name and storage value.'),
   329               ctx.scmd)
   330     if ctx.argc < 4:
   331         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing storage value.'), ctx.scmd)
   332     messages = 0
   333     force = None
   334     try:
   335         bytes_ = size_in_bytes(ctx.args[3])
   336     except (ValueError, TypeError):
   337         usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u"Invalid storage value: '%s'") %
   338               ctx.args[3], ctx.scmd)
   339     if ctx.argc < 5:
   340         pass
   341     elif ctx.argc < 6:
   342         try:
   343             messages = int(ctx.args[4])
   344         except ValueError:
   345             if ctx.args[4].lower() != 'force':
   346                 usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT,
   347                       _(u"Neither a valid number of messages nor the keyword "
   348                         u"'force': '%s'") % ctx.args[4], ctx.scmd)
   349             force = 'force'
   350     else:
   351         try:
   352             messages = int(ctx.args[4])
   353         except ValueError:
   354             usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT,
   355                   _(u"Not a valid number of messages: '%s'") % ctx.args[4],
   356                   ctx.scmd)
   357         if ctx.args[5].lower() != 'force':
   358             usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % ctx.args[5],
   359                   ctx.scmd)
   360         force = 'force'
   361     ctx.hdlr.domain_quotalimit(ctx.args[2].lower(), bytes_, messages, force)
   364 def domain_services(ctx):
   365     """allow all named service and block the uncredited."""
   366     if ctx.argc < 3:
   367         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing domain name.'), ctx.scmd)
   368     services = []
   369     force = False
   370     if ctx.argc is 3:
   371         pass
   372     elif ctx.argc is 4:
   373         arg = ctx.args[3].lower()
   374         if arg in SERVICES:
   375             services.append(arg)
   376         elif arg == 'force':
   377             force = True
   378         else:
   379             usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % arg,
   380                   ctx.scmd)
   381     else:
   382         services.extend([service.lower() for service in ctx.args[3:-1]])
   383         arg = ctx.args[-1].lower()
   384         if arg == 'force':
   385             force = True
   386         else:
   387             services.append(arg)
   388         unknown = [service for service in services if service not in SERVICES]
   389         if unknown:
   390             usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u'Invalid service arguments: %s') %
   391                   ' '.join(unknown), ctx.scmd)
   392     ctx.hdlr.domain_services(ctx.args[2].lower(), (None, 'force')[force],
   393                              *services)
   396 def domain_transport(ctx):
   397     """update the transport of the specified domain"""
   398     if ctx.argc < 3:
   399         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing domain name and new transport.'),
   400               ctx.scmd)
   401     if ctx.argc < 4:
   402         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing new transport.'), ctx.scmd)
   403     if ctx.argc < 5:
   404         ctx.hdlr.domain_transport(ctx.args[2].lower(), ctx.args[3])
   405     else:
   406         force = ctx.args[4].lower()
   407         if force != 'force':
   408             usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % force,
   409                   ctx.scmd)
   410         ctx.hdlr.domain_transport(ctx.args[2].lower(), ctx.args[3], force)
   413 def domain_note(ctx):
   414     """update the note of the given domain"""
   415     if ctx.argc < 3:
   416         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing domain name.'),
   417               ctx.scmd)
   418     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   419         note = None
   420     else:
   421         note = ' '.join(ctx.args[3:])
   422     ctx.hdlr.domain_note(ctx.args[2].lower(), note)
   425 def get_user(ctx):
   426     """get the address of the user with the given UID"""
   427     if ctx.argc < 3:
   428         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing UID.'), ctx.scmd)
   429     _print_info(ctx, ctx.hdlr.user_by_uid(ctx.args[2]), _(u'Account'))
   432 def help_(ctx):
   433     """print help messages."""
   434     if ctx.argc > 2:
   435         hlptpc = ctx.args[2].lower()
   436         if hlptpc in cmd_map:
   437             topic = hlptpc
   438         else:
   439             for scmd in cmd_map.itervalues():
   440                 if scmd.alias == hlptpc:
   441                     topic =
   442                     break
   443             else:
   444                 usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u"Unknown help topic: '%s'") %
   445                       ctx.args[2], ctx.scmd)
   446         # FIXME
   447         w_err(1, "'help %s' not yet implemented." % topic, 'see also: vmm(1)')
   449     old_ii = txt_wrpr.initial_indent
   450     old_si = txt_wrpr.subsequent_indent
   451     txt_wrpr.initial_indent = ' '
   452     # len(max(_overview.iterkeys(), key=len)) #Py25
   453     txt_wrpr.subsequent_indent = 20 * ' '
   454     order = cmd_map.keys()
   455     order.sort()
   457     w_std(_(u'List of available subcommands:') + '\n')
   458     for key in order:
   459         w_std('\n'.join(txt_wrpr.wrap('%-18s %s' % (key, cmd_map[key].descr))))
   461     txt_wrpr.initial_indent = old_ii
   462     txt_wrpr.subsequent_indent = old_si
   463     txt_wrpr.initial_indent = ''
   466 def list_domains(ctx):
   467     """list all domains / search domains by pattern"""
   468     matching = ctx.argc > 2
   469     if matching:
   470         gids, domains = ctx.hdlr.domain_list(ctx.args[2].lower())
   471     else:
   472         gids, domains = ctx.hdlr.domain_list()
   473     _print_domain_list(gids, domains, matching)
   476 def list_pwschemes(ctx_unused):
   477     """Prints all usable password schemes and password encoding suffixes."""
   478     # TODO: Remove trailing colons from keys.
   479     # For now it is to late, the translators has stared their work
   480     keys = (_(u'Usable password schemes:'), _(u'Usable encoding suffixes:'))
   481     old_ii, old_si = txt_wrpr.initial_indent, txt_wrpr.subsequent_indent
   482     txt_wrpr.initial_indent = txt_wrpr.subsequent_indent = '\t'
   483     txt_wrpr.width = txt_wrpr.width - 8
   485     for key, value in zip(keys, list_schemes()):
   486         if key.endswith(':'):  # who knows … (see TODO above)
   487             #key = key.rpartition(':')[0]
   488             key = key[:-1]  # This one is for Py24
   489         w_std(key, len(key) * '-')
   490         w_std('\n'.join(txt_wrpr.wrap(' '.join(value))), '')
   492     txt_wrpr.initial_indent, txt_wrpr.subsequent_indent = old_ii, old_si
   493     txt_wrpr.width = txt_wrpr.width + 8
   496 def list_addresses(ctx, limit=None):
   497     """List all addresses / search addresses by pattern. The output can be
   498     limited with TYPE_ACCOUNT, TYPE_ALIAS and TYPE_RELOCATED, which can be
   499     bitwise ORed as a combination. Not specifying a limit is the same as
   500     combining all three."""
   501     if limit is None:
   503     matching = ctx.argc > 2
   504     if matching:
   505         gids, addresses = ctx.hdlr.address_list(limit, ctx.args[2].lower())
   506     else:
   507         gids, addresses = ctx.hdlr.address_list(limit)
   508     _print_address_list(limit, gids, addresses, matching)
   511 def list_users(ctx):
   512     """list all user accounts / search user accounts by pattern"""
   513     return list_addresses(ctx, TYPE_ACCOUNT)
   515 def list_aliases(ctx):
   516     """list all aliases / search aliases by pattern"""
   517     return list_addresses(ctx, TYPE_ALIAS)
   519 def list_relocated(ctx):
   520     """list all relocated records / search relocated records by pattern"""
   521     return list_addresses(ctx, TYPE_RELOCATED)
   524 def relocated_add(ctx):
   525     """create a new record for a relocated user"""
   526     if ctx.argc < 3:
   527         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS,
   528               _(u'Missing relocated address and destination.'), ctx.scmd)
   529     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   530         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing destination address.'), ctx.scmd)
   531     ctx.hdlr.relocated_add(ctx.args[2].lower(), ctx.args[3])
   534 def relocated_delete(ctx):
   535     """delete the record of the relocated user"""
   536     if ctx.argc < 3:
   537         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing relocated address.'), ctx.scmd)
   538     ctx.hdlr.relocated_delete(ctx.args[2].lower())
   541 def relocated_info(ctx):
   542     """print information about a relocated user"""
   543     if ctx.argc < 3:
   544         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing relocated address.'), ctx.scmd)
   545     relocated = ctx.args[2].lower()
   546     try:
   547         _print_relocated_info(addr=relocated,
   548                               dest=ctx.hdlr.relocated_info(relocated))
   549     except VMMError, err:
   550         if err.code is ACCOUNT_EXISTS:
   551             w_err(0, ctx.plan_a_b % {'subcommand': u'userinfo',
   552                   'object': relocated})
   553             ctx.scmd = ctx.args[1] = 'userinfoi'
   554             user_info(ctx)
   555         elif err.code is ALIAS_EXISTS:
   556             w_err(0, ctx.plan_a_b % {'subcommand': u'aliasinfo',
   557                   'object': relocated})
   558             ctx.scmd = ctx.args[1] = 'aliasinfo'
   559             alias_info(ctx)
   560         else:
   561             raise
   564 def user_add(ctx):
   565     """create a new e-mail user with the given address"""
   566     if ctx.argc < 3:
   567         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing e-mail address.'), ctx.scmd)
   568     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   569         password = None
   570     else:
   571         password = ctx.args[3]
   572     gen_pass = ctx.hdlr.user_add(ctx.args[2].lower(), password)
   573     if ctx.argc < 4 and gen_pass:
   574         w_std(_(u"Generated password: %s") % gen_pass)
   577 def user_delete(ctx):
   578     """delete the specified user"""
   579     if ctx.argc < 3:
   580         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing e-mail address.'), ctx.scmd)
   581     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   582         ctx.hdlr.user_delete(ctx.args[2].lower())
   583     elif ctx.args[3].lower() == 'force':
   584         ctx.hdlr.user_delete(ctx.args[2].lower(), True)
   585     else:
   586         usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % ctx.args[3],
   587               ctx.scmd)
   590 def user_info(ctx):
   591     """display information about the given address"""
   592     if ctx.argc < 3:
   593         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing e-mail address.'), ctx.scmd)
   594     if ctx.argc < 4:
   595         details = None
   596     else:
   597         details = ctx.args[3].lower()
   598         if details not in ('aliases', 'du', 'full'):
   599             usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u"Invalid argument: '%s'") % details,
   600                   ctx.scmd)
   601     try:
   602         info = ctx.hdlr.user_info(ctx.args[2].lower(), details)
   603     except VMMError, err:
   604         if err.code is ALIAS_EXISTS:
   605             w_err(0, ctx.plan_a_b % {'subcommand': u'aliasinfo',
   606                   'object': ctx.args[2].lower()})
   607             ctx.scmd = ctx.args[1] = 'aliasinfo'
   608             alias_info(ctx)
   609         elif err.code is RELOCATED_EXISTS:
   610             w_err(0, ctx.plan_a_b % {'subcommand': u'relocatedinfo',
   611                   'object': ctx.args[2].lower()})
   612             ctx.scmd = ctx.args[1] = 'relocatedinfo'
   613             relocated_info(ctx)
   614         else:
   615             raise
   616     else:
   617         if details in (None, 'du'):
   618             info['quota storage'] = _format_quota_usage(info['ql_bytes'],
   619                     info['uq_bytes'], True, info['ql_domaindefault'])
   620             info['quota messages'] = _format_quota_usage(info['ql_messages'],
   621                     info['uq_messages'], domaindefault=info['ql_domaindefault'])
   622             _print_info(ctx, info, _(u'Account'))
   623         else:
   624             info[0]['quota storage'] = _format_quota_usage(info[0]['ql_bytes'],
   625                     info[0]['uq_bytes'], True, info[0]['ql_domaindefault'])
   626             info[0]['quota messages'] = \
   627                 _format_quota_usage(info[0]['ql_messages'],
   628                                     info[0]['uq_messages'],
   629                                     domaindefault=info[0]['ql_domaindefault'])
   630             _print_info(ctx, info[0], _(u'Account'))
   631             _print_list(info[1], _(u'alias addresses'))
   634 def user_name(ctx):
   635     """set or update the real name for an address"""
   636     if ctx.argc < 3:
   637         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u"Missing e-mail address and user's name."),
   638               ctx.scmd)
   639     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   640         name = None
   641     else:
   642         name = ctx.args[3]
   643     ctx.hdlr.user_name(ctx.args[2].lower(), name)
   646 def user_password(ctx):
   647     """update the password for the given address"""
   648     if ctx.argc < 3:
   649         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing e-mail address.'), ctx.scmd)
   650     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   651         password = None
   652     else:
   653         password = ctx.args[3]
   654     ctx.hdlr.user_password(ctx.args[2].lower(), password)
   657 def user_note(ctx):
   658     """update the note of the given address"""
   659     if ctx.argc < 3:
   660         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing e-mail address.'),
   661               ctx.scmd)
   662     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   663         note = None
   664     else:
   665         note = ' '.join(ctx.args[3:])
   666     ctx.hdlr.user_note(ctx.args[2].lower(), note)
   669 def user_quota(ctx):
   670     """update the quota limit for the given address"""
   671     if ctx.argc < 3:
   672         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing e-mail address and storage value.'),
   673               ctx.scmd)
   674     elif ctx.argc < 4:
   675         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing storage value.'), ctx.scmd)
   676     if ctx.args[3] != 'domain':
   677         try:
   678             bytes_ = size_in_bytes(ctx.args[3])
   679         except (ValueError, TypeError):
   680             usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u"Invalid storage value: '%s'") %
   681                   ctx.args[3], ctx.scmd)
   682     else:
   683         bytes_ = ctx.args[3]
   684     if ctx.argc < 5:
   685         messages = 0
   686     else:
   687         try:
   688             messages = int(ctx.args[4])
   689         except ValueError:
   690             usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT,
   691                   _(u"Not a valid number of messages: '%s'") % ctx.args[4],
   692                   ctx.scmd)
   693     ctx.hdlr.user_quotalimit(ctx.args[2].lower(), bytes_, messages)
   696 def user_services(ctx):
   697     """allow all named service and block the uncredited."""
   698     if ctx.argc < 3:
   699         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing e-mail address.'), ctx.scmd)
   700     services = []
   701     if ctx.argc >= 4:
   702         services.extend([service.lower() for service in ctx.args[3:]])
   703         unknown = [service for service in services if service not in SERVICES]
   704         if unknown and ctx.args[3] != 'domain':
   705             usage(INVALID_ARGUMENT, _(u'Invalid service arguments: %s') %
   706                   ' '.join(unknown), ctx.scmd)
   707     ctx.hdlr.user_services(ctx.args[2].lower(), *services)
   710 def user_transport(ctx):
   711     """update the transport of the given address"""
   712     if ctx.argc < 3:
   713         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing e-mail address and transport.'),
   714               ctx.scmd)
   715     if ctx.argc < 4:
   716         usage(EX_MISSING_ARGS, _(u'Missing transport.'), ctx.scmd)
   717     ctx.hdlr.user_transport(ctx.args[2].lower(), ctx.args[3])
   720 def usage(errno, errmsg, subcommand=None):
   721     """print usage message for the given command or all commands.
   722     When errno > 0, sys,exit(errno) will interrupt the program.
   723     """
   724     if subcommand and subcommand in cmd_map:
   725         w_err(errno, _(u"Error: %s") % errmsg,
   726               _(u"usage: ") + cmd_map[subcommand].usage)
   728     # TP: Please adjust translated words like the original text.
   729     # (It's a table header.) Extract from usage text:
   730     # usage: vmm subcommand arguments
   731     #   short long
   732     #   subcommand                arguments
   733     #
   734     #   da    domainadd           fqdn [transport]
   735     #   dd    domaindelete        fqdn [force]
   736     u_head = _(u"""usage: %s subcommand arguments
   737   short long
   738   subcommand                arguments\n""") % prog
   739     order = cmd_map.keys()
   740     order.sort()
   741     w_err(0, u_head)
   742     for key in order:
   743         scmd = cmd_map[key]
   744         w_err(0, '  %-5s %-19s %s' % (scmd.alias,, scmd.args))
   745     w_err(errno, '', _(u"Error: %s") % errmsg)
   748 def version(ctx_unused):
   749     """Write version and copyright information to stdout."""
   750     w_std('%s, %s %s (%s %s)\nPython %s %s %s\n\n%s\n%s %s' % (prog,
   751     # TP: The words 'from', 'version' and 'on' are used in
   752     # the version information, e.g.:
   753     # vmm, version 0.5.2 (from 09/09/09)
   754     # Python 2.5.4 on FreeBSD
   755         _(u'version'), __version__, _(u'from'),
   756         strftime(locale.nl_langinfo(locale.D_FMT),
   757             strptime(__date__, '%Y-%m-%d')).decode(ENCODING, 'replace'),
   758         os.sys.version.split()[0], _(u'on'), os.uname()[0],
   759         __copyright__, prog,
   760         _(u'is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.')))
   763 def update_cmd_map():
   764     """Update the cmd_map, after gettext's _ was installed."""
   765     cmd = Command
   766     cmd_map.update({
   767     # Account commands
   768     'getuser': cmd('getuser', 'gu', get_user, 'uid',
   769                    _(u'get the address of the user with the given UID')),
   770     'useradd': cmd('useradd', 'ua', user_add, 'address [password]',
   771                    _(u'create a new e-mail user with the given address')),
   772     'userdelete': cmd('userdelete', 'ud', user_delete, 'address [force]',
   773                       _(u'delete the specified user')),
   774     'userinfo': cmd('userinfo', 'ui', user_info, 'address [details]',
   775                     _(u'display information about the given address')),
   776     'username': cmd('username', 'un', user_name, 'address name',
   777                     _(u'set or update the real name for an address')),
   778     'userpassword': cmd('userpassword', 'up', user_password,
   779                         'address [password]',
   780                         _(u'update the password for the given address')),
   781     'userquota': cmd('userquota', 'uq', user_quota,
   782                      'address storage [messages] | address domain',
   783                      _(u'update the quota limit for the given address')),
   784     'userservices': cmd('userservices', 'us', user_services,
   785                         'address [service ...] | address domain',
   786                         _(u'enables the specified services and disables all '
   787                           u'not specified services')),
   788     'usertransport': cmd('usertransport', 'ut', user_transport,
   789                          'address transport | address domain',
   790                          _(u'update the transport of the given address')),
   791     'usernote': cmd('usernote', 'uo', user_note,
   792                     'address note',
   793                     _(u'update the note of the given address')),
   794     # Alias commands
   795     'aliasadd': cmd('aliasadd', 'aa', alias_add, 'address destination ...',
   796                     _(u'create a new alias e-mail address with one or more '
   797                       u'destinations')),
   798     'aliasdelete': cmd('aliasdelete', 'ad', alias_delete,
   799                        'address [destination]',
   800                        _(u'delete the specified alias e-mail address or one '
   801                          u'of its destinations')),
   802     'aliasinfo': cmd('aliasinfo', 'ai', alias_info, 'address',
   803                      _(u'show the destination(s) of the specified alias')),
   804     # AliasDomain commands
   805     'aliasdomainadd': cmd('aliasdomainadd', 'ada', aliasdomain_add,
   806                           'fqdn destination',
   807                           _(u'create a new alias for an existing domain')),
   808     'aliasdomaindelete': cmd('aliasdomaindelete', 'add', aliasdomain_delete,
   809                              'fqdn', _(u'delete the specified alias domain')),
   810     'aliasdomaininfo': cmd('aliasdomaininfo', 'adi', aliasdomain_info, 'fqdn',
   811                          _(u'show the destination of the given alias domain')),
   812     'aliasdomainswitch': cmd('aliasdomainswitch', 'ads', aliasdomain_switch,
   813                              'fqdn destination', _(u'assign the given alias '
   814                              'domain to an other domain')),
   815     # CatchallAlias commands
   816     'catchalladd': cmd('catchalladd', 'caa', catchall_add,
   817                        'fqdn destination ...',
   818                        _(u'add one or more catch-all destinations for a '
   819                          u'domain')),
   820     'catchalldelete': cmd('catchalldelete', 'cad', catchall_delete,
   821                        'fqdn [destination]',
   822                        _(u'delete the specified catch-all destination or all '
   823                          u'of a domain\'s destinations')),
   824     'catchallinfo': cmd('catchallinfo', 'cai', catchall_info, 'fqdn',
   825                      _(u'show the catch-all destination(s) of the specified domain')),
   826     # Domain commands
   827     'domainadd': cmd('domainadd', 'da', domain_add, 'fqdn [transport]',
   828                      _(u'create a new domain')),
   829     'domaindelete': cmd('domaindelete', 'dd', domain_delete, 'fqdn [force]',
   830                       _(u'delete the given domain and all its alias domains')),
   831     'domaininfo': cmd('domaininfo', 'di', domain_info, 'fqdn [details]',
   832                       _(u'display information about the given domain')),
   833     'domainquota': cmd('domainquota', 'dq', domain_quota,
   834                        'fqdn storage [messages] [force]',
   835                        _(u'update the quota limit of the specified domain')),
   836     'domainservices': cmd('domainservices', 'ds', domain_services,
   837                           'fqdn [service ...] [force]',
   838                           _(u'enables the specified services and disables all '
   839                             u'not specified services of the given domain')),
   840     'domaintransport': cmd('domaintransport', 'dt', domain_transport,
   841                            'fqdn transport [force]',
   842                            _(u'update the transport of the specified domain')),
   843     'domainnote': cmd('domainnote', 'do', domain_note,
   844                       'fqdn note',
   845                       _(u'update the note of the given domain')),
   846     # List commands
   847     'listdomains': cmd('listdomains', 'ld', list_domains, '[pattern]',
   848                       _(u'list all domains or search for domains by pattern')),
   849     'listaddresses': cmd('listaddresses', 'll', list_addresses, '[pattern]',
   850                       _(u'list all addresses or search for addresses by pattern')),
   851     'listusers': cmd('listusers', 'lu', list_users, '[pattern]',
   852                       _(u'list all user accounts or search for accounts by pattern')),
   853     'listaliases': cmd('listaliases', 'la', list_aliases, '[pattern]',
   854                       _(u'list all aliases or search for aliases by pattern')),
   855     'listrelocated': cmd('listrelocated', 'lr', list_relocated, '[pattern]',
   856                       _(u'list all relocated entries or search for entries by pattern')),
   857     # Relocated commands
   858     'relocatedadd': cmd('relocatedadd', 'ra', relocated_add,
   859                         'address newaddress',
   860                         _(u'create a new record for a relocated user')),
   861     'relocateddelete': cmd('relocateddelete', 'rd', relocated_delete,
   862                            'address',
   863                            _(u'delete the record of the relocated user')),
   864     'relocatedinfo': cmd('relocatedinfo', 'ri', relocated_info, 'address',
   865                          _(u'print information about a relocated user')),
   866     # cli commands
   867     'configget': cmd('configget', 'cg', config_get, 'option',
   868                      _('show the actual value of the configuration option')),
   869     'configset': cmd('configset', 'cs', config_set, 'option value',
   870                       _('set a new value for the configuration option')),
   871     'configure': cmd('configure', 'cf', configure, '[section]',
   872                      _(u'start interactive configuration modus')),
   873     'listpwschemes': cmd('listpwschemes', 'lp', list_pwschemes, '',
   874                          _(u'lists all usable password schemes and password '
   875                            u'encoding suffixes')),
   876     'help': cmd('help', 'h', help_, '[subcommand]',
   877                 _(u'show a help overview or help for the given subcommand')),
   878     'version': cmd('version', 'v', version, '',
   879                    _(u'show version and copyright information')),
   880     })
   883 def _get_order(ctx):
   884     """returns a tuple with (key, 1||0) tuples. Used by functions, which
   885     get a dict from the handler."""
   886     order = ()
   887     if ctx.scmd == 'domaininfo':
   888         order = ((u'domain name', 0), (u'gid', 1), (u'domain directory', 0),
   889                  (u'quota limit/user', 0), (u'active services', 0),
   890                  (u'transport', 0), (u'alias domains', 0), (u'accounts', 0),
   891                  (u'aliases', 0), (u'relocated', 0), (u'catch-all dests', 0))
   892     elif ctx.scmd == 'userinfo':
   893         if ctx.argc == 4 and ctx.args[3] != u'aliases' or \
   894            ctx.cget('account.disk_usage'):
   895             order = ((u'address', 0), (u'name', 0), (u'uid', 1), (u'gid', 1),
   896                      (u'home', 0), (u'mail_location', 0),
   897                      (u'quota storage', 0), (u'quota messages', 0),
   898                      (u'disk usage', 0), (u'transport', 0), (u'smtp', 1),
   899                      (u'pop3', 1), (u'imap', 1), (u'sieve', 1))
   900         else:
   901             order = ((u'address', 0), (u'name', 0), (u'uid', 1), (u'gid', 1),
   902                      (u'home', 0), (u'mail_location', 0),
   903                      (u'quota storage', 0), (u'quota messages', 0),
   904                      (u'transport', 0), (u'smtp', 1), (u'pop3', 1),
   905                      (u'imap', 1), (u'sieve', 1))
   906     elif ctx.scmd == 'getuser':
   907         order = ((u'uid', 1), (u'gid', 1), (u'address', 0))
   908     return order
   911 def _format_quota_usage(limit, used, human=False, domaindefault=False):
   912     """Put quota's limit / usage / percentage in a formatted string."""
   913     if human:
   914         q_usage = {
   915             'used': human_size(used),
   916             'limit': human_size(limit),
   917         }
   918     else:
   919         q_usage = {
   920             'used': locale.format('%d', used, True),
   921             'limit': locale.format('%d', limit, True),
   922         }
   923     if limit:
   924         q_usage['percent'] = locale.format('%6.2f', 100. / limit * used, True)
   925     else:
   926         q_usage['percent'] = locale.format('%6.2f', 0, True)
   927     #  Py25: fmt = format_domain_default if domaindefault else lambda s: s
   928     if domaindefault:
   929         fmt = format_domain_default
   930     else:
   931         fmt = lambda s: s
   932     return fmt(_(u'[%(percent)s%%] %(used)s/%(limit)s') % q_usage)
   935 def _print_info(ctx, info, title):
   936     """Print info dicts."""
   937     # TP: used in e.g. 'Domain information' or 'Account information'
   938     msg = u'%s %s' % (title, _(u'information'))
   939     w_std(msg, u'-' * len(msg))
   940     for key, upper in _get_order(ctx):
   941         if upper:
   942             w_std(u'\t%s: %s' % (key.upper().ljust(17, u'.'), info[key]))
   943         else:
   944             w_std(u'\t%s: %s' % (key.title().ljust(17, u'.'), info[key]))
   945     print
   946     note = info.get('note', None)
   947     if note is not None:
   948         _print_note(note)
   950 def _print_note(note):
   951     msg = _(u'Note')
   952     w_std(msg, u'-' * len(msg))
   953     old_ii = txt_wrpr.initial_indent
   954     old_si = txt_wrpr.subsequent_indent
   955     txt_wrpr.initial_indent = txt_wrpr.subsequent_indent = '\t'
   956     txt_wrpr.width -= 8
   957     for para in note.split('\n'):
   958         w_std(txt_wrpr.fill(para))
   959     txt_wrpr.width += 8
   960     txt_wrpr.subsequent_indent = old_si
   961     txt_wrpr.initial_indent = old_ii
   963 def _print_list(alist, title):
   964     """Print a list."""
   965     # TP: used in e.g. 'Existing alias addresses' or 'Existing accounts'
   966     msg = u'%s %s' % (_(u'Existing'), title)
   967     w_std(msg, u'-' * len(msg))
   968     if alist:
   969         if title != _(u'alias domains'):
   970             w_std(*(u'\t%s' % item for item in alist))
   971         else:
   972             for domain in alist:
   973                 if not domain.startswith('xn--'):
   974                     w_std(u'\t%s' % domain)
   975                 else:
   976                     w_std(u'\t%s (%s)' % (domain, domain.decode('idna')))
   977         print
   978     else:
   979         w_std(_(u'\tNone'), '')
   982 def _print_aliase_info(alias, destinations):
   983     """Print the alias address and all its destinations"""
   984     title = _(u'Alias information')
   985     w_std(title, u'-' * len(title))
   986     w_std(_(u'\tMail for %s will be redirected to:') % alias)
   987     w_std(*(u'\t     * %s' % dest for dest in destinations))
   988     print
   991 def _print_catchall_info(domain, destinations):
   992     """Print the catchall destinations of a domain"""
   993     title = _(u'Catch-all information')
   994     w_std(title, u'-' * len(title))
   995     w_std(_(u'\tMail to unknown localparts in domain %s will be sent to:')
   996           % domain)
   997     w_std(*(u'\t     * %s' % dest for dest in destinations))
   998     print
  1001 def _print_relocated_info(**kwargs):
  1002     """Print the old and new addresses of a relocated user."""
  1003     title = _(u'Relocated information')
  1004     w_std(title, u'-' * len(title))
  1005     w_std(_(u"\tUser '%(addr)s' has moved to '%(dest)s'") % kwargs, '')
  1008 def _format_domain(domain, main=True):
  1009     """format (prefix/convert) the domain name."""
  1010     if domain.startswith('xn--'):
  1011         domain = u'%s (%s)' % (domain, domain.decode('idna'))
  1012     if main:
  1013         return u'\t[+] %s' % domain
  1014     return u'\t[-]     %s' % domain
  1017 def _print_domain_list(dids, domains, matching):
  1018     """Print a list of (matching) domains/alias domains."""
  1019     if matching:
  1020         title = _(u'Matching domains')
  1021     else:
  1022         title = _(u'Existing domains')
  1023     w_std(title, '-' * len(title))
  1024     if domains:
  1025         for did in dids:
  1026             if domains[did][0] is not None:
  1027                 w_std(_format_domain(domains[did][0]))
  1028             if len(domains[did]) > 1:
  1029                 w_std(*(_format_domain(a, False) for a in domains[did][1:]))
  1030     else:
  1031         w_std(_('\tNone'))
  1032     print
  1035 def _print_address_list(which, dids, addresses, matching):
  1036     """Print a list of (matching) addresses."""
  1037     _trans = { TYPE_ACCOUNT                  : _('user accounts')
  1038              , TYPE_ALIAS                    : _('aliases')
  1039              , TYPE_RELOCATED                : _('relocated entries')
  1040              , TYPE_ACCOUNT | TYPE_ALIAS
  1041                  : _('user accounts and aliases')
  1042              , TYPE_ACCOUNT | TYPE_RELOCATED
  1043                  : _('user accounts and relocated entries')
  1044              , TYPE_ALIAS | TYPE_RELOCATED
  1045                  : _('aliases and relocated entries')
  1046              , TYPE_ACCOUNT | TYPE_ALIAS | TYPE_RELOCATED : _('addresses')
  1047              }
  1048     try:
  1049         if matching:
  1050             title = _(u'Matching %s') % _trans[which]
  1051         else:
  1052             title = _(u'Existing %s') % _trans[which]
  1053         w_std(title, '-' * len(title))
  1054     except KeyError:
  1055         raise VMMError(_("Invalid address type for list: '%s'") % which,
  1056                        INVALID_ARGUMENT)
  1057     if addresses:
  1058         if which & (which - 1) == 0:
  1059             # only one type is requested, so no type indicator
  1060             _trans = { TYPE_ACCOUNT   : _('')
  1061                      , TYPE_ALIAS     : _('')
  1062                      , TYPE_RELOCATED : _('')
  1063                      }
  1064         else:
  1065             _trans = { TYPE_ACCOUNT   : _('u')
  1066                      , TYPE_ALIAS     : _('a')
  1067                      , TYPE_RELOCATED : _('r')
  1068                      }
  1069         for did in dids:
  1070             for addr, atype, aliasdomain in addresses[did]:
  1071                 if aliasdomain:
  1072                     leader = '[%s-]' % _trans[atype]
  1073                 else:
  1074                     leader = '[%s+]' % _trans[atype]
  1075                 w_std('\t%s %s' % (leader, addr))
  1076     else:
  1077         w_std(_('\tNone'))
  1078     print
  1081 def _print_aliasdomain_info(info):
  1082     """Print alias domain information."""
  1083     title = _(u'Alias domain information')
  1084     for key in ('alias', 'domain'):
  1085         if info[key].startswith('xn--'):
  1086             info[key] = u'%s (%s)' % (info[key], info[key].decode('idna'))
  1087     w_std(title, '-' * len(title),
  1088           _('\tThe alias domain %(alias)s belongs to:\n\t    * %(domain)s') %
  1089           info, '')
  1091 del _