changeset 37 89f952b0f366
parent 36 8a9ce20d2569
child 38 c44ea4526546
equal deleted inserted replaced
36:8a9ce20d2569 37:89f952b0f366
     1 .\" $Id$
     2 .TH "VMM" "1" "27. May 2008" "Pascal Volk"
     3 .SH NAME
     4 vmm \- command line tool to manage email domains/accounts/aliases
     6 .B vmm
     7 \fIsubcommand\fP \fIobject\fP [ \fIargs\fP ]
     9 \fBvmm\fP (Virtual Mail Manager) is a command line tool for
    10 administrators/postmasters to manage domains, accounts and aliases. It's
    11 designed for Dovecot and Postfix with a PostgreSQL backend.
    13 Each subcommand has both a long and a short form. Both forms are case sensitive.
    15 .TP
    16 \fBconfigure\fP (\fBcf\fP) [ \fIsection\fP ]
    17 Starts the interactive configuration for all configuration sections.
    18 .br
    19 If the optional argument \fIsection\fP is given, only the configuration options
    20 from the given section will be displayed and will be configurable. The following
    21 sections are available:
    22 .RS
    23 .PD 0
    24 .TP
    25 -
    26 .B
    27 database
    28 .TP
    29 -
    30 .B
    31 maildir
    32 .TP
    33 -
    34 .B
    35 services
    36 .TP
    37 -
    38 .B
    39 domdir
    40 .TP
    41 -
    42 .B
    43 bin
    44 .TP
    45 -
    46 .B
    47 misc
    48 .PD
    49 .RE
    50 .LP
    51 .PP
    52 .nf
    53         Example:
    55         \fBvmm configure services\fP
    56         * Config section: services
    57         Enter new value for pop3 [True]: 
    58         Enter new value for smtp [True]: 
    59         Enter new value for imap [True]: 
    60         Enter new value for managesieve [True]: false
    61 .fi
    62 .PP
    63 .TP
    64 \fBgetuser\fP (\fBgu\fP) \fIuserid\fP
    65 If only the userid is available, for example from process list, the subcommand
    66 \fBgetuser\fP will show the user's address.
    67 .PP
    68 .nf
    69         Example:
    71         \fBvmm getuser 70004\fP
    72         Account information
    73         -------------------
    74                 Gid............: 70000
    75                 Uid............: 70004
    76                 Address........: c.user@example.com
    77 .fi
    78 .\"
    79 .TP
    80 \fBlistdomains\fP (\fBld\fP) [ \fIpattern\fP ]
    81 This subcommand lists all available domains. The output can be limited with an
    82 optional \fIpattern\fP.
    83 .br
    84 To perform a wild card search, the % character can be used at the start and/or
    85 the end of the \fIpattern\fP.
    86 .PP
    87 .nf
    88         Example:
    90         \fBvmm listdomains example%\fP
    91         Matching domains
    92         ----------------
    93                 example.com
    94                 example.net
    95                 example.org
    96 .fi
    97 .\"
    98 .TP
    99 \fBhelp\fP (\fBh\fP)
   100 Prints all available commands to stderr. After this \fBvmm\fP exits.
   101 .TP
   102 \fBversion\fP (\fBv\fP)
   103 Prints the version information from \fBvmm\fB.
   104 .\"
   106 .TP
   107 \fBdomainadd\fP (\fBda\fP) \fIdomain\fP [ \fItransport\fP ]
   108 Adds the new \fIdomain\fP into the database.
   109 .br
   110 If the optional argument \fItransport\fP is given, it will overwrite the
   111 default transport from \fBvmm.cfg\fP (misc/transport). The specified transport
   112 will be the default transport for all new accounts in this domain.
   113 .PP
   114 .nf
   115         Examples:
   117         \fBvmm domainadd support.example.com smtp:mx1.example.com
   118         vmm domainadd sales.example.com\fP
   119 .fi
   120 .TP
   121 \fBdomaininfo\fP (\fBdi\fP) \fIdomain\fP [ \fIdetailed\fP ]
   122 This subcommand shows some information about the given domain.
   123 .br
   124 If the keyword '\fBdetailed\fP' is specified as optional argument, all
   125 available accounts and aliases will be listed.
   126 .PP
   127 .nf
   128         Example:
   130         \fBvmm domaininfo sales.example.com\fP
   131         Domain information
   132         ------------------
   133                 Domainname.....: sales.example.com
   134                 Domaindir......: /home/mail/5/70002
   135                 Gid............: 70002
   136                 Accounts.......: 0
   137                 Transport......: dovecot:
   138                 Aliases........: 0
   140 .fi
   141 .TP
   142 \fBdomaintransport\fP (\fBdt\fP) \fIdomain\fP \fItransport\fP [ \fIforce\fP ]
   143 A new transport for the indicated domain can be set with this subcommand.
   144 .br
   145 If the additional keyword '\fBforce\fP' is given all account specific transport
   146 settings will be overwritten.
   147 .br
   148 Otherwise this setting will affect only new created accounts.
   149 .PP
   150 .nf
   151         Example:
   153         \fBvmm domaintransport support.example.com dovecot:\fP
   154 .fi
   155 .TP
   156 \fBdomaindelete\fP (\fBdd\fP) \fIdomain\fP [ \fIdelalias\fP | \fIdeluser\fP |\
   157  \fIdelall\fP ]
   158 This subcommand deletes the specified \fIdomain\fP.
   159 .br
   160 If there are accounts and/or aliases assigned to the given domain, \fBvmm\fP
   161 will abort the requested operation and show a error message. If you know, what
   162 you are doing, you can specify one of the following keywords: '\fPdelalias\fP', '\fBdeluser\fP' or '\fBdelall\fP'.
   163 .br
   165 If you really always know what you are doing, edit your \fBvmm.cfg\fP and set
   166 the option \fIforcedel\fP, in section \fImisc\fP, to true.
   167 .\"
   169 .TP
   170 \fBuseradd\fP (\fBua\fP) \fIaddress\fP [ \fIpassword\fP ]
   171 Use this subcommand to create a new email account for the given \fIaddress\fP.
   172 .br
   173 If the \fIpassword\fP is not provided, \fBvmm\fP will prompt for it
   174 interactively.
   175 .PP
   176 .nf
   177         Examples:
   179         \fBvmm ua d.user@example.com 'A 5ecR3t P4s5\\/\\/0rd'\fP
   180         \fBvmm ua e.user@example.com\fP
   181         Enter new password:
   182         Retype new password:
   183 .fi
   184 .TP
   185 \fBuserinfo\fP (\fBui\fP) \fIaddress\fP [ \fIdu\fP ]
   186 This subcommand displays some information about the account specified by
   187 \fIaddress\fP.
   188 .br
   189 If the optional argument \fIdu\fP is given, the disk usage of users maildir will
   190 be summarized and displayed too.
   191 .TP
   192 \fBusername\fP (\fBun\fP) \fIaddress\fP \fI'Users Name'\fP
   193 The user's real name can be set/updated with this subcommand.
   194 .PP
   195 .nf
   196         Example:
   198         \fBvmm un d.user@example.com 'John Doe'\fP
   199 .fi
   200 .TP
   201 \fBuserpassword\fP (\fBup\fP) \fIaddress\fP [ \fIpassword\fP ]
   202 The \fIpassword\fP from an account can be updated with this subcommand.
   203 .br
   204 If the \fIpassword\fP is not provided, \fBvmm\fP will prompt for it
   205 interactively.
   206 .PP
   207 .nf
   208         Example:
   210         \fBvmm up d.user@example.com 'A |\\/|0r3 5ecur3 P4s5\\/\\/0rd?'\fP
   211 .fi
   212 .TP
   213 \fBusertransport\fP (\fBut\fP) \fIaddress\fP \fItransport\fP
   214 A different transport for an account can be specified with this subcommand.
   215 .PP
   216 .nf
   217         Example:
   219         \fBvmm ut d.user@example.com smtp:pc105.it.example.com\fP
   220 .fi
   221 .TP
   222 \fBuserdisable\fP (\fBu0\fP) \fIaddress\fP [ \fIsmtp\fP | \fIpop3\fP |\
   223  \fIimap\fP | \fImanagesieve\fP | \fIall\fP ]
   224 If a user shouldn't have access to one or all services you can restrict the 
   225 access with this subcommand.
   226 .br
   227 If neither a service nor the keyword '\fIall\fP' is given all services ('smtp', 'pop3', 'imap', and 'managesieve') will be disabled for the account with the specified
   228 \fIaddress\fP. Otherwise only the specified service will be restricted.
   229 .PP
   230 .nf
   231         Examples:
   233         \fBvmm u0 b.user@example.com imap\fP
   234         \fBvmm userdisable c.user@example.com\fP
   235 .fi
   236 .TP
   237 \fBuserenable\fP (\fBu1\fP) \fIaddress\fP [ \fIsmtp\fP | \fIpop3\fP |\
   238  \fIimap\fP | \fImanagesieve\fP | \fIall\fP ]
   239 To allow access to one or all restricted services use this subcommand.
   240 .br
   241 If neither a service nor the keyword '\fIall\fP' is given all services ('smtp', 'pop3', 'imap', and 'managesieve') will be enabled for the account with the specified
   242 \fIaddress\fP. Otherwise only the specified service will be enabled.
   243 .TP
   244 \fBuserdelete\fP (\fBud\fP) \fIaddress\fP
   245 Use this subcommand to delete the account with the given \fIaddress\fP.
   246 .\"
   248 .TP
   249 \fBaliasadd\fP (\fBaa\fP) \fIalias\fP \fItarget\fP
   250 This subcommand is used to create a new alias.
   251 .PP
   252 .nf
   253         Examples:
   255         \fBvmm aliasadd john.doe@example.com d.user@example.com\fP
   256         \fBvmm aa support@example.com d.user@example.com\fP
   257         \fBvmm aa support@example.com e.user@example.com\fP
   258 .fi
   259 .TP
   260 \fBaliasinfo\fP (\fBai\fP) \fIalias\fP
   261 Information about an alias can be displayed with this subcommand.
   262 .PP
   263 .nf
   264         Example:
   266         \fBvmm aliasinfo support@example.com\fP
   267         Alias information
   268         -----------------
   269                 Mail for support@example.com goes to:
   270                      -> d.user@example.com
   271                      -> e.user@example.com
   272 .fi
   273 .TP
   274 \fBaliasdelete\fP (\fBad\fP) \fIalias\fP [ \fItarget\fP ]
   275 Use this subcommand to delete the \fIalias\fP.
   276 .br
   277 If the optional destination address \fItarget\fP is given, only this
   278 destination will be removed from the \fIalias\fP.
   279 .PP
   280 .nf
   281         Example:
   282         \fBvmm ad support@example.com d.user@example.com\fP
   283 .fi
   284 .SH FILES
   285 /usr/local/etc/vmm.cfg
   286 .SH SEE ALSO
   287 vmm.cfg(5), configuration file for vmm
   288 .SH AUTHOR
   289 \fBvmm\fP and its man pages were written by Pascal Volk
   290 <\fIp.volk@veb-it.de\fP> and are licensed under the terms of the BSD License.