author Pascal Volk <>
Sat, 14 Nov 2009 10:09:26 +0000
changeset 3 7062c52d3999
permissions -rw-r--r--
mailtb.cfg: Added to repository, for the sake of a simple module configuration. Added load_config() in order to load a mailtb.cfg file. Renamed mail_config to config

# configuration file for the mailtb module (
#	/!\ WARNING /!\
# either:
#     Place this file outside of your web server's document root!
# or:
#     Make sure that your web server does not serve this file!

; subject of the email
subject = Exception Notification
# Sender information
; The FROM e-mail address
from_addr =
; Sender's full name
from_name = Webmaster

# Recipient information
; E-Mail address of the recipient
rcpt_addr =
; Recipient's full name
rcpt_name = John Doe

# SMTP server information
; Hostname of the mail server for sending e-mails
smtp_host = localhost
; Port to use for the SMTP connection:
;   *  25 smtp
;   * 587 submission
;   * 465 ssmtp (obsolete)
smtp_port = 25
; Should we use the starttls command on port 25 or 587?
; If the starttls command fails no message will be sent!
; The error will be written to 'error_log'
;    * True or False
smtp_tls =  False

# SMTP AUTH settings
# leave empty if you don't need it
; Your SMTP user name for authentication
auth_user =
; Your password for SMTP authentication
auth_pass =

# Log file for SMTP errors
# make sure that your web server can write to this file
; Absolute path to the error log file
error_log = /tmp/mailtb_error.log